Welcome! I’m Amber and I’m so happy that the universe has brought us together, because I truly believe that by sharing positive thoughts and energy with others, we can make the world a better, more harmonious place for everyone. I hope that the strategies I share with you will bring you peace, release and positivity; three things that each of us can always use more of.
As you get to know me, you’ll see that I try to find my path in life by following the wisdom of the great minds of the past, and I’ll share with you many inspirational quotations that I have chosen to use as guideposts on my journey. The first of those thoughts is by Benjamin Franklin, who said:
“While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.”
I really believe that only by letting go of the illusion that we can control events and other people can we achieve true peace within ourselves, and we can take this one step further by applying it to our health. Look, we can’t control what bugs are out there, or what we breathe or touch out in the big old world. But we can control ourselves and how we care for ourselves. And by taking care of ourselves we can make sure we’re as strong as possible in the face of whatever challenges the universe will lay in our path.
So. Take care of yourself! The ancients believed that the proper flow of energy (sometimes called “chi”) in the body is what keeps us healthy, and that blockages in that energy flow cause illness or unease. Today’s scientists are finding that this principle is truer than many people once believed.
So here’s a list of five simple things you can start doing today to build up your own store of positive energy:
- Be good to yourself – get enough sleep (at least 7.5 hours of good sleep per night)
- Avoid or release stress. Yoga is a great way to let go of the negative energy we accumulate in our daily lives, as well as helping to restore the body’s natural energy flow.
- Drink lots of pure water. Water is where you come from and what you’re made of. Replenish your body’s water and it will facilitate the energy flow.
- Wash your hands. Once again, the old wisdom has proven itself.
- Eat immune-boosting foods like oranges, red peppers, garlic, green tea and cayenne pepper, and avoid overly-processed foods: all that salt and sugar can create serious blockages in your chi.
Until next time – Namaste!
I do #4…so that has to count for something, yes? 😉