So the hubby came home a week before Christmas and was here for just over two months – the longest time he has ever been home in one given stretch. It was nice because we actually functioned like a typical two parent household. That said however, after he departed last week I was dealt the “after effect ripple.” Oh yes, it always happens – daddy comes home and the routine gets ripped apart, yet the children seem to be able to deal with that much better than they do when he leaves. For me, well I miss the freedom of being able to quickly run to the store without children, drive children to lessons, auditions or rehearsals without having to drag everybody else along or worry about finding a babysitter. Yep it is back to juggling all eight on my own, and attempting to balance crazy schedules like the one that was presented today. People ask me what it is like having all eight, well here is an example.
After picking up my daughter from rehearsal last night I was trying to get dinner ready and on the table when all hell broke loose! The baby’s started crying because I was late giving them their bottle and when the two of them start it is like baby wails in stereo. Then there was the never ending calling out of “mom” “mom” “mom” from Ryley who kept asking me so many questions that I couldn’t even keep track of what he was asking. Arielle kept running up to me to give me the latest tales of who was doing what. Joshua was pacing back and forth, trying to explain something about computers yet he had me lost at the first word. Marie was laying on the kitchen floor in splits belting out songs from the show she is in (yes seriously on the floor), and Sebastian and Zachary were playing mini sticks in the front hallway which is right in front of the kitchen. The kitchen where I was attempting to get dinner ready – in case you forgot that part due to all the chaos.
Finally I had it and yelled out “Enough already! My head is spinning like Linda Blair in the Exorcist just before she vomits everywhere!”
I don’t know if it was the word Exorcist or vomit that did it but suddenly there was a few seconds of silence as they all gave me the blank stare. The blank stare that really means “Holy crap mom is seriously going bonkers in her old age!”
Then Arielle shouts out “okay good it’s finally quiet! Listen to the song I made up!”
Like I said, a few moments of silence. I guess you got take what you get.
What about you? Do you take what you can get when you can?
Until next time,
Chantel, momof8crazymonkeys
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God helps those who help themselves. – George Herbert
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i have 2…just 2. and i can’t handle them 😉 you are my parenting idol!!!