My kids return to school in two short weeks (WAHOOOOOOO!!) and I have been trying to line up all the things I need to do before they make their scholastic debut.
1. Dentist appointments. All the kids need the two months’ worth of hot dog and popsicle residue scraped off their chompers.
2. Haircuts. The girls’ bangs are basically down to their lips and their hair has taken on a look I affectionately call Hobo Chic. Too much beach, sun and sand and too few baths on all those late summer nights.
3. School supplies. I made the trek to Wal-mart and dropped $100 on supplies for one kid in grade one. That does not include any clothes or shoes. SERIOUSLY.
4. A huge grocery shop. With lunch-packing days just around the corner I need to hit the store and buy up all the granola bars, yogurt tubes and fruit leathers I can ram into my cart.
5. Call a housecleaner. You might think I’m a diva, but if you do you can stop. I have been working round the clock and my business partner just left for her holidays so it’s all on me to keep our real estate business running. Alas, the house is in ruins and I need someone to come and pick up the pieces and help me create the illusion of a family that has their act together before school starts again.
6. Optometrist Appointments. My eldest daughter’s eyes were checked to see how they’ve been responding to her new glasses and we also had my middle daughter’s vision checked. Have to make sure they can see the chalkboards!
7. Teach our eldest to tie her shoes. The only gym shoes I could find for her this year have laces and we have yet to teach her to tie them herself. Operation: Laces is set to commence this weekend. Or maybe I can get the housecleaner to teach her. Viva la Diva!
What are you doing to get ready for school’s impending return?
Gosh, there are many things I really dislike about living in Alberta, but I must say school fees are very convenient. I fork out about $100 per kid in September and that covers all field trips and their supplies – pencil boxes, pencils, scissors, glue sticks, crayons, etc. etc. etc. Each kid has EXACTLY the same stuff so there is no competition/jealousy about Janie’s pencil case or Suzie’s fancy smelly markers. I only need to supply backpack, shoes and a daily lunch. In our board they do this for kids all the way up to grade six and it sure takes a load off my mind in late August.
Dude, you’re not a diva for getting a house cleaner – that’s just sanity. If you can afford it, you TOTALLY should do it! Good for you. 🙂
$100 on one kid! Yikes! I spent about $120 on both girls and that included backpacks, shoes and lunch kits.
I’m looking forward to school starting up again too!