Well if you haven’t already, there’s no procrastinating any longer…it’s time to get back to school shopping. If your list includes the school supplies that every kid seems to need every year, here’s a hot trend tip for you…bright is right!
Whether you’re looking at colourful post-it notes made from 30% recycled paper,

or fluorescent highlighters,
or staple-free staplers,

bright is in for Fall ’09. All of these products are available at Pistachio, the eco-friendly younger sister of Indigo. All Pistachio paper products are made from 100% recycled paper, soy vegetable ink and are produced in plants that are 100% wind-powered. How’s that for bright green?
So head out to your local stationery store for these brights and more. One of my favourite purchases that’s brightening my desk is this new magic tape donut dispenser from Scotch tape. It’s fun, bright and under $5, and the tape stays in the product so that kids can throw it in a knapsack. Pick it up at Staples, Zellers or Grand & Toy.
You know what company I think has been brilliant in recent years? Sharpie. They use to come in just 2 sizes and in 3 then 4 colors. Black, red, then blue and finally green. Now you can buy them in almost any color and they have thick ones and thin ones and ones with thick on one half and thin on the other. Those little ones that you can make into a necklace are cute as a button!