one of my besties, Ilana, had a baby on Monday. A scheduled c-section to bring her third baby girl into this world.
(There is something to be said about a) knowing the exact day and time you will be having your baby and b) not delivering your baby out of your who-ha. Ilana was able to prep for this. she was all showered and pretty when i went to see her. and seriously…who is pretty after pushing a baby out of your special place? no one, i tell you. also?? you know what you don’t have when you have a c-section? that lovely little massive ice-pack diaper that you have to wear on your swollen goods. no. ilana was sitting up in bed…looking all hot in a tank top and sweats. i don’t look that good now, 20 months after giving birth.)
On tuesday afternoon, i spent my lunch hour at the hospital, holding that soon-to-be-named baby girl in my arms. i love newborns. especially when they are all wrapped-up cocoon-like and look all perfect. this baby is no ET. she’s gorgeous. i love when they don’t move, or cry, or scream, or yell, or ask you for juice, or whine, or crawl, or walk, or jump on the bed. no. she just sat there. and then she pooped.
on thursday night, i spent my dinner hour at Ilana’s house, holding that still soon-to-be-named baby girl in my arms. ilana’s sister had a baby boy last week and Ilana, like me, a chronic over-doer, held her sister’s new son’s bris at her house. in theory, it makes sense. she was just recovering from having surgery…having it in her house meant that she could be there. and didn’t need to leave the house. but still. all those people! all that mess! alas, i got to hold the baby. and just sit with her. in her cocoon-y glory (i’m fairly certain that Jack and Ilana stole the receiving blanket from the hospital. but don’t tell. seriously. those suckers are the best. i stole at least one with each of my babies. i somehow felt entitled…since i was supposed to get a private room…and ending up sharing all three times. but maybe that’s a story for next week) and i’m pretty sure she pooped on me again.
(i did manage to give the baby up for 15 minutes so i could have some cake. i girl has priorities you know!)
and even though i love newborns – the way they smell, the way they feel in your arms, how their tiny bodies just mold to fit right in the right crevices – it made me realize that i love other peoples’ newborns. i didn’t get itchy. at all. i was happy to be part of this child’s world…just not the part with the screaming and the breastfeeding and sleeplessness.
also…i’ll never miss the ice-pack diaper. ever. i still have nightmares about it.
song of the day: because i love Chris Daughtry so…
video of the day: best part of idol gives back. hands down:
please come and visit me at cheaper than therapy. and please vote for me. i’m shameless…but i’m also hot…so i totally deserve this award. or, at least i deserve to come in second, right after Rockstar Mommy (who really is the hottest mommy blogger. just ask my husband)
hi ali – aren’t newborns the best? love the soft smell, touch…i’m still however, having the itch. i can’t reconcile the two voices in my head that are simultaneously telling me a third kid will push me over the deep end, and that i desperately need one more…
Ice diaper… ew. New baby smell, new baby bliss… mmmm.
Excuse me? I thought I was the hottest mommy blogger!? You did NOMINATE me!!!! VOTE FOR ME, TOO — EVERYONE — CHEATY MONKEY! WHOOOOOOO…..
talk about shameless…! 😉 hee!!
SOOOOOOo true about that ice pack diaper!!!! Man o man I’m not looking forward to that!
This post was FREAKING HILARIOUS!!!! So true — all of it! Tell Ilana I say CONGRATS!!!!! Tell her to GIVE ME SOME MATERNITY CLOTHES, too. Well…maybe not, she’s TINY!!!!
teehhee…ice diaper…reason #3,893,989,882 NOT to have another baby.
Rrrrrr…Daughtry 😉
Oh yes…the ice diaper…the squirty bottle…it’s all coming back to me!
~wanders off to lie down for awhile~
no! 100% i’m not the type to choose surgery over natural delivery. i’m just saying that this is one of the bonuses…there are many not-so-happy parts of having a c-section…i was just pointing out some positives!
I had a C-section and wouldn’t wish one upon anyone (though it was emerg., which is different from scheduling one, no doubt). But I think this is one of those grass-is-always-greener things.
hi Ali,thanx for the idol clip jack black is hilarious!and newborns are so sweet and cuddly aren’t they.
ah…you’re not familiar with these…since your wife had a c-section…
Gah… I canNOT hold a newborn without wanting another one for ourselves… call me soft, call me whatever. I don’t care.
Ice diaper? Yowza.