Lately, my boys (ages 8, 6, and 5) have been obsessed with playing old-fashioned BINGO (with the cards, plastic colored chips thatIfindallovermyhouse and metal ball cage roller thingie), so every night after dinner and baths, we retire into the sunroom for BINGO!
(Is this a glimpse into my future when I’m 85? Bath and BINGO? And yes, I feel like it should rightfully be spelled with all-caps: BINGO!)
So to mix it up a bit and to take advantage of our sacred Family Time, we add a little charades as well:
Each time someone puts a chip on their card, they then must act out a feeling word: Sad, Angry, Happy, Surprised, Embarrassed, etc. and the others must guess.
Sure, this makes this game take MUCH longer – but it’s a great way to laugh, bond and to catch a glimmer of the inner-workings of my childrens’ minds!
Fantastic article, thanks. Can you expand on the first paragraph in more detail please?
We LOVE charades at our house! As my kids get older they come up with some really good ones. The amazing thing is that my son has a lot of trouble “acting out” the charade but my daughter on the other hand does such a good job that she often gets lost in it and forgets it is charades and not her playing!
It is very fun and great time together.
Spending time together as a family in the evening is so important. Often due to our crazy schedules we don’t have the time so we stretch out the nighttime cuddles and chat. We like to get into bed with our girls and ask them about their day. Sometimes we even ask them to solve riddles or math problems. They love the one on one time, and so do we!