Sometimes I feel like I’m constantly cleaning, tidying and organizing. Cleaning laundry, tidying the playroom, washing dishes, organizing my desk…it’s never-ending. The last thing I want to do is feel like my inbox has become that secret closet full of junk where no one can find anything.

But you probably already knew all that.
Outlook 2010 has some additional features that make things even easier. Check out how this freelance artist and mother depends on Outlook to keep her family’s busy schedule in order:
Want to learn more? Here are just a few of Outlook 2010’s new features designed to help you better manage your e-mail – and your hectic life.
This is where to go to turn it on or off (right-click on the Arrange By: bar):
This is how to ignore a conversation (right-click on a message in the conversation to get this menu):
3. Quick steps: If you’re anything like me, you have a ritual when it comes to handling e-mails. Quick steps allow you to simplify your tasks, by creating your own steps in the Home ribbon. This will make your processes quicker and easier to perform.
4. Social connector: Most of us spend the majority of our working day with e-mail. But we also love the connection to family, friends and colleagues that social networking sites provide. What if you could merge your inbox with your social networks? Outlook Social Connector provides at-a-glance information about people who are e-mailing you. You can see the most recent status updates, wall posts, photos, attachments and appointments for the people you care about the most. Whether you like Facebook, Windows Live, LinkedIn or MySpace, the Outlook Social Connector gives you an aggregated view into your social networking life. Connections to these social networks need to be downloaded and installed before they appear in your Outlook.
Still not convinced? Take a minute to hear from Heather, who is a mother in a family of seven. Four of her children are on the autism spectrum, leading to a busy life with sometimes up to 40 appointments in one week.