I spent most of my childhood and teenage years in a mass of wires and elastics thanks to the latest in orthodontia. I started with a retainer, then braces, a head gear at night (please tell me these things no longer exist), another retainer and then finally, a wire behind my bottom teeth that was removed in my 20’s. I spent a lot of time and my parents spent a lot of money getting my teeth looking perfect. Why? I am sure there are a number of functional reasons but let’s be honest, a great smile is key to a great first impression. A confident smile can be the key to getting that guy or landing that job. There is no question in my mind.
But now has this gone even further? According to many it has. Not only do we need perfectly straight teeth but they have to be perfectly white too. My dentist has been trying to tell me this for years. Companies are developing toothpastes and over the counter products to turn your dingy teeth sparkling white. Crest Whitestrips even did some research to prove that whiter teeth leads to greater success. Check it out:
It all boils down to if you know how to manage your prospects then you will be successful. Just think about it like this, you’re panning for gold so you put all your leads into the pan then you systematically shake off all the junk until you find the gold.
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I just had a new bridge put in. My dentist suggested that it should be a shade whiter than my current teeth. That way, whenever I decide to get some whitening done, the new bridge will match. Good sales pitch eh?
I’m still not sure that I want to meet the person who needs to look so far into my mouth that they notice my back molars are not as white as my front teeth!
I agree about the super white teeth. They look like veneers, very fake like a weird barbie tan does on some people.
Lots of us would like just a little whitening . I read that a strawberry, made into a paste by mashing, can be applied to teeth once a week to whiten.
I am going to give it a try.
Swallowing the goo on the whitening strips is really unappealing to me. Unless you have a hygenist suctioning the saliva, it’s is getting into more than just your teeth.
I’m with Ali – with real people I only notice their teeth at either end of the spectrum. I notice really hideous teeth, and I notice the really uber-white teeth (which actually kinda bother me). In between, I don’t think I notice that much. But i guess it’s part of the overall attractiveness picture. Personally, I’d like to whiten my own teeth, but just a little bit. I don’t want those dazzling snow white teeth that some people have (ie the receptionist at my dentist’s office!). There’s a reason they’re called “pearly whites” and not “bleachy whites”, after all!
to be honest, i only notice the whiteness of teeth in pictures. when i’m looking at a person, i’m usually not looking at their teeth. sometimes i notice if the person’s teeth are REALLY white, but otherwise, i don’t really.