Remember when Lindsay Lohan and Nicole Richie were friends? and they thought it was super cool to see who could be the most anorexic?
remember that?
need a refresher?
oh yeah, that was awesome.
and then they split ways and Nicole went and had herself a baby Harlow and kind of got a little meatier. and Lindsay went and got herself a SamRo and kind of got a little meatier too.
only now, it seems, anorexia is the flavor of choice for Miss Lohan…because, HELLO, skinny!!
wow. there's NOTHING to her.
Nothing to her but the boobs – and those are fake!
I love the expression of the dark-haired girl looking at her – it reflects my feelings precisely. Like, WTF?
Poor, poor girls.
OMG. That first pic is so scary. The bottom one looks like a life sized barbie with the boobs and hair and everything.
really. I like food too much.
those hollywood starlets need a whack over the head!
Except her boobs are huge!