Week 2: 211 lbs – down 6.2 lbs
This was a week of success and failure, support and revelation. I made a few bad food choices, but lots of good ones. I was amazed and inspired by the remarkable comments of encouragement and camaraderie from the ladies on urbanmoms.ca. And I think I might have figured a little piece of myself out, along the way.
In the past, when I tried to lose weight, I always looked on it as a temporary measure – the “D” word – so that I could get thin and then go back to eating french fries. I guess I must have somehow thought that the act of losing weight would magically transform my genetic code into that of a “naturally skinny” person. You know the type…the ones who can (and do!) eat anything and always have a svelte, smooth, supple body. Hah!
This time I’m viewing it as a journey towards health – to a place where hopefully I won’t want to eat french fries anymore, because I’ll be satisfied with the abundance of better, fresher, healthier choices. But I have to keep reminding myself of this, because temptation is everywhere! And thus the story of one of my bad choices this week…
I teach a class on Wednesday evenings, and I always, always miss dinner those nights. Between getting the kids fed, getting my daughter’s soccer stuff ready to go and hopping around anxiously waiting for my husband to get home, dinner for me just does not fit in. So, in the past I grabbed a quick bite of junk to eat in the car. Here’s a sampling of some of the choices I made on past Wednesday evenings: Salt and Vinegar chips, Passion Flakie, Twix Bar, Happy Meal…you get the gist. Week 1 I didn’t have anything but a Diet Coke, but then I was really struggling to make it through to 8:30 with nothing to eat. This week I thought I’d pick up a “snack” – it was hot and sunny, so I headed to Starbucks and ordered a Caramel Frappuccino.
Now, don’t get me wrong – I knew this was not going to top the list of “healthy” snack choices in the Weight Watchers literature! But I had no idea just how incredibly bad a choice I made until I came home and looked up the nutritional information on Starbucks’ website. Check it out – in one 16 fl oz serving (grande), you’ll quaff back the following: 430 calories, 16 g fat (10 of them saturated!), 61g carbohydrates (52 of them sugars!) and zero fibre. It all adds up to 10 points in the Weight Watchers program. That’s nearly half the average DAILY points allowance! And I sucked it all back in less than 10 minutes! I’m beginning to see how I got where I am – not that I lived on a steady diet of Caramel Frappuccinos (how good would that be?), but I would easily have one a week as a “treat” without the least idea what I was consuming.
So, lesson learned. Next time I go to Starbucks I’m going armed with information. I’ll have a Tall (12 oz) Espresso Frappuccino Light: with only 100 calories, 5g of fat and 2g of fibre, it scores a measly 2 points. Now THAT’S a better choice for a treat.
My revelation this week? It’s all about choices. Here’s hoping I continue to make mostly smart ones!
Kath is mom to two daughters, aged 5.5 and 3 (almost!). Join her on urbanmoms.ca each week as she chronicles her weight loss journey. Please share your stories, advice, and encouragement by adding a comment below or sending an email to kath@urbanmoms.ca.
Don’t know if anyone else had found these, but try for lettuce wraps (i know…sound gross right??) They are great with tuna salad, and you can use them with hot food (used them for beef taco’s, instead of using taco shells)
Hi Kath,
I am right along with you. I am trying to lose about 60 pounds to get to the mid-range of the Weight Watchers recommended weights. I came really close to quitting this week and then searched the internet for virtual support and landed here.
Thanks for being so open and honest. The truth is it’s hard and a process of learning. You’ve inspired me to go to my meeting tonight!
Way to go! Don’t get upset if it isn’t 6 lbs each week (because it won’t be). Isn’t that a shocker about the “small” things that we eat and how much they all add up? I can remember thinking how healthy my lunch sandwich was (whole wheat bread, chicken breast, cheese, mayo, lettuce, tomatoes…) and it really added up to 9 points! So I’ve changed – and the little things (like not having cheese or mayo on a sandwich) add up so quickly! Keep going! We’re rooting for ya!
PS. This past week I had a bad week with lots of travel and chocolate mousse cravings, but with drinking lots of water and balancing treats with non-treats, well I didn’t lose weight but I didn’t gain either! Small victories…
Congratulations, Kath! Down more than 6 lbs is a huge accomplishment. I think your revelation is key to your long-term health and successful weight loss. It is all about changing your relationship with food – viewing it differently.
I lost almost 40 pounds a number of years ago and now I look back on the food choices and portion sizes with shock. I still LOVE yummy food and sometimes eat too much but it is the exception rather than the rule.
I guess my point is, it is a life-long journey. One you have to always be vigilant about or you risk putting the weight right back on. The program you are on will give you the tools by teaching you strategies you can use for the rest of your life.
Good luck and keep us posted!