The Boy has been loving the warm, summer weather we’ve been having the past few weeks.
Since his favourite indoor activity is now climbing all furniture and jumping off (12 months, people!! I never dreamed I would be dealing with this at this stage!), I have been praying for some great weather so he can run some of that energy off outdoors.
Enter the warm, summery temperatures we have enjoyed this week and an understanding boss who lets this mommy take a day off here and there to spend with her son. As a May baby, this is The Boy’s first real summer to enjoy- and we plan to take full advantage. As an outdoor family, we are so excited to spend all our non-eating/non-napping time in the great outdoors.
Thus far, The Boy has grown to love:
*sidenote: the hat he’s wearing was quickly thrown off within moments of this picture being taken. If it’s not his Blue Jays baseball cap, he’s not wearing it. End. of. Discussion.*
As I read staggering statistics about childhood obesity, I am so glad that The Boy has begun to cultivate a real love for playing and exploring the outdoors. My couches, chairs, bookcases, and cat also appreciate the rest from being climbed on:)
Wendy, the only reason I provide him with so many opportunities for stimulation is because I have to:) He’s too active to not. Wish I could take credit for it/say it was because I plan all of these activities…instead it’s just necessity:) lol!
I think most of us moms get that, right?
I have a may baby, now ten years old. Definitely outdoors. But never jump off the furniture type. I’m so impressed with how much you stimulate your child. Go with it!!!! I did too, and this kid would rather spend hours outside than in front of the tv or video games. Get ready for some challenges though. Mine gets really “creative”. And the backyard has become some kind of engineering project, with pulleys and scientific apparatus all over the swingset and in the garden. Can’t wait to see what your boy does over the summer!
What a wonderful way for “the boy” to spend his spring/summer…in the great outdoors!