YES. This comedic take on letters is definitely for kids far older than the ones you would usually expect to see reading an alphabet book… E-mergency
Tom Lichtenfeld & Ezra
Chronicle Books
ISBN: 978 0 8118 7898 2
All the letters lived together in a big house. Even this opening page sets the mood for the book, filled as it is with alphabetical jokes (P is peeing, Z is sleeping, T is having a tea party, and even better combos that lend themselves to silliness) and little sketched details and funny comments from the letters. The entire book is like this – great for perusing and finding new things, and full of little jokes that might be missed without really missing anything in the story, but might be found on the next time through. It’s a wonderful books to explore as much as for reading the story straight through, really.
But. It does have a story, and it starts when the letter E falls down the stairs and gets hurt. The other letters spring into action, getting in touch with the numbers so they can call 911, rounding up some extra exclamation points, all those important details to take care of. Many acronyms later, E is in hospital, and A elects O to take E’s place while she’s out recovering. Of course, they must spread the word so everyone stops using the letter E and she can recover. There are lots of great bits of fun to be had in this part, of they visit the government, talk shows, and so on. The world is getting confusing with no Es, too. But! E is still not recovering! I won’t spill on who is still using the out-of-commission vowel, but suffice it to say that it ends on an all’s-well and awfully cute note.
I have to say that when this book arrived and I noticed it was Tom Lichtenfeld, I was pretty excited, because I am a big fan of his comic style and his blend of kid-like and sophisticated. This book is definitely filled with humour that is over the heads of younger kids, I’d give it to a grade 3 and up, but it still has that stuff that is totally at kid level – P and U sitting together, and another letter holding his nose, for example. Good stuff. It’s chock-full of little things to find, and even as an adult, I enjoyed it thoroughly. It would be really fun to sit and peruse it with your kid!
Sounds like another winner, Alice – I love it!!