The day after Halloween my kiddies were on a mission to let me know what they wanted for Christmas. The tree went up on the 25 of November so at least that was better than last year’s November 1!
I am actually really tired of listening to their “Wants” so I thought I would throw out a list of my own – thats right – MAMA’S WANTS!
1. Children who pick up their toys immediately after playing with them – not two weeks later or never at all.
2. Children who get along ALL the time by solving their issues without resorting to yelling, hitting, punchig, or torturing one another.
3. Laundry to be done magically on its own – thats right, cleaned, dried, folded and put away.
4. Baked holiday treats to bake on their own. I don’t ask for much really, just to be baked, decorated and to taste delicious.
5. Christmas dinner cooked by someone other than myself.
6. ADHD Medications that actually work all the time.
7. Children who sleep at bedtime – not after I have gone to bed.
8. Bills to vanish.
9. People to be less rude in the shopping malls – at least while I’m shopping.
10. Two weeks away without children, phones, computers.
11. Two weeks worth of great sex (come on you really didn’t expect me not to have that thrown in there did you?)
12. A years supply of wildberry.
13. Taechers who are not going to strike.
14. Boys who are not obssessed with boys body parts.
15. boys who do not think every fart joke is hilarious.
16. Girls who like to be more girlie, girl.
17. A years supply of duct tape (Hello Kitty and Batman style works).
And finally Peace on Earth – just because thats the politically correct thing to say.
So what is it that you Mama’s and Papa’s want for the holidays?
Until next time
Chantel, momof8crazymonkeys
I’ll be grateful for just one of those – everyone pick up and put away your own stuff AS SOON AS YOU ARE DONE WITH IT. And by the way, moving on to something else means you are done with it! 🙂
1. Laundry magically done
2. House magically cleaned
3. Kids who pick up their own mess (clothes, toys, backpacks, dishes)
4. Meals magically prepared
5. Kids who don’t bicker.
I’m not greedy, I’ll take just those five 🙂