So, I know that we are now three days past Hallowe’en, which means that I should probably be starting Christmas/Chanukah/Winter Holiday-themed blogging already, but I just can’t help taking a moment to pause and reflect upon the wonder that was the first exciting Hallowe’en that I have had since I was twelve.
This is really one of the great gifts of parenthood, is it not? The opportunity to recapture some of the magic of silly things and holidays? Putting WonderBaby in a costume and letting her assist in candy-distribution to hordes of trick-or-treaters was more fun, I think, than I ever had actually trick-or-treating myself. And certainly more fun that those forced efforts at dress-up for grown-up Hallowe’en parties where everyone tries too hard to express their inner devil/slut/cultural ironist through creative costuming before getting drunk and reaching heights of embarassment that are simply not attainable out of a poorly styled Morticia Addams/Saddam Hussein/SpongeBob Squarepants costume.
Not that I would know, of course. Ahem.
Anyhoo. Is there anything more adorable than a toddler dressed up as a chicken? Or a baby as a chick? Or as the Jolly Green Giant’s sprout?
Is there anything sweeter than cowboys and wee girls in tutus and hoodies (tiny guardians of artfully-carved butternut squash?)
Anything funnier than a washed-up Potter family, showcasing the hairy love-child of Harry and Hermione?
I thought not.
(Leave links to your own Hallowe’en pics and post-mortems! I’d love to see them! I’m all jacked-up on leftover candy and reluctant to give up my Hallowe’en high!)
That duck costume is TOO. MUCH! Adorable. 🙂
I’m a sucka for Halloween. I have more mini chocolate bars left over than one could possibly ever eat in this lifetime. All the children in their costumes are cuteness overload!
Here are my “sweeties”. Scary stuff! Btw, my son counted 323 pieces of candy…yuk…I feel sick just thinking about it.
babies and toddlers are so adorable dressed up.we don’t celebrate halloween.but love to look out window and watch the cute little ones on their first foray out at halloween.i have a costume of a pierot clown that my neighbour many years ago made for my son.its one of a kind and absolutely adorable.speaking of adorable so is wonderbaby.
Here’s my precious pumpkin!
Ask and ye shall receive: My little leopard is at
I personally use my profession as an excuse for my inner ham to dress up. I love the pumpkin carving and the roasted seeds, handing out candy to kids and seeing what they’ve come up with. This year we went to three houses, our first foray into real trick-or-treating. she even got to eat a couple of pieces of candy – quite the treat indeed!