So this is me. Me and my new, very broad headband. I have started buying and wearing these broad headbands because: remember my bald spot?
The one I was 99% sure was growing back?
Well, it’s not. It’s gotten bigger (like, at least twice as big) and – here’s the worst part – has given birth to a second bald spot right near the crown of my head. (Yeah. Just where it’s niiiice and visible).
And here’s the thing: I don’t really think I’m a vain person, but this baldness thing is really, really beginning to get to me. It’s beginning to affect my self image and undermine my self confidence.
I spent part of my afternoon on the verge of tears and was feeling heartily sorry for myself. I mean, for crissakes. I. AM. GOING. BALD.
And then there’s my work
. As an elementary school teacher, I have to be prepared for kids to notice – and ask about – anything unusual in my appearance. I’ve even had students interrupt my lessons with random inappropriate comments like: “you’re wearing makeup” or “my mom is younger than you”. But, it’s no big deal. You just have to laugh on the inside and keep going. But I live in fear that one day, soon, a kid is going to see me with my hair blowing in the wind out on supervision, or I’ll bend over a student’s desk and my hair will cascade down and some child will shout out: “Ms. Duncan*! You’re bald!”
Because you know they will. And I live in fear of that moment. Because who wants to be known as the bald lady? I’ll tell you one thing, whoever it is? It’s not me.
So, because I’m not willing to give up my job, and I don’t think its fair to talk to three-foot-tall people from up at my vantage point all the time, I needed a strategy to hide baldy from the world while allowing me the freedom to move my head unself-consciously. Enter: the broad hairband. Luckily, I think it looks kinda nice. Better, anyway, than the old combover or the weird ponytail-barrette combo I tried last week, which elicited more than one comment on the abundance of gray hairs I’m playing host to these days (I’m afraid to damage what hair I have left by dyeing it).
So. Le Sigh. For now I mourn my hairloss, cover it with increasingly large fashion accessories, and wait to finally mount to the top of the dermatologist’s waiting list (by which timeI might have only one hair left to examine). Perhaps I should have stayed at my old school, where I could have taken the veil full time and not looked out of place!
*Not my real last name.
Kath – you look very pretty. Good luck finding out what you can do about it. 🙂
Hey, most of my eyebrow hair no longer grows. So I have them cosmectically tatooed and don’t mind this.
Have you considered that female pattern baldness could run in any extended part of your family? It could be that you have genes for female pattern baldness from an ancestor or living relative today who’s passed those genes to you.
Women do lose their head hair like men but less often than men. Anyway if it is female pattern baldness, you face permanent hair loss. You could do minoxidil treatments (brand name Rogaine) but whenever you stop treatments, you’ll lose hair again and baldness returns. However, consult with you GP and get referred to a specialist on the topic.
Also there’s a woman hair loss social network for you to check out. Maybe it could be interesting or enlightening?
Women hair loss project
Kath! Have you ever pondered the thought of seeing a homeopath doc? My niece went through a period where she was loosing hair in large amounts with bald spots and docs couldn’t make any sense of it…As a last resort tried the homeopath and it turned out she was deficient in certain minerals and had to go on a regime for about 6 months of herbals but her hair came in blond and thick….just food for thought….yes part of it could be stress but doesn’t hurt to look at other possibilities!
wow. I like you so much and I have never met you. You are the coolest.
My art students say very funny things to me “why don’t you live with your dad?” (they mean my husband)
and “your hair is rainbow”
“how old are you anyway”
“what do you do for work?” UMMMM “This!” and they say “that is weird”
I just love your honesty and attitude.
You are amazing, Kath. xoxoxox
There hairband looks good. I know what you mean about the random inappropriate questions. Yesterday I made a spelling mistake (in grade 4 that’s fine, we talk about how everyone makes mistakes and it’s not a big deal but gr. 8 is another story) and a student asked me if I had an English degree. Rather than sideline my lesson and explain minors, I said yes. She said “That was a mistake”. Oy.
I hope your wait for the dermy isn’t too long.
I got a bad haircut and wore a hat for 4 months, so I can only imagine what you’re going through. I had a friend who lost the bottom half of her hair, but after several months it did grow back.
Too bad you quit your job at the Muslim school – a hijab would really do the trick!
Just kidding…you know I love you! Seriously though, the headband looks good, and I am so so so sorry you are going through this. Have you seen a dermatologist?
You’re pulling it off! That would be disheartening, for sure – we women put a lot of stock in our hair, even if it’s low-maintenance and disheveled, like mine usually is. I hope your derm has some good answers, and in the meantime – the band is cute!
You look SO cute! Headbands really suit you. I know this is more a necessity thing than a fashion choice but it does look good. How long a wait until you get in to see the dermo? Hope it is soon.
Kath! Crap. I feel for you… I hope you’ll find a solution with your dermatologist (trauma can really wreak havoc in a body, huh?) but in the meantime, you look adorable! What a smart way to go!! And yes, I can appreciate how anxious you feel about your one of your students suddenly remarking on your hair… looks like an excellent solution. Really, it suits!! Good for you. 🙂
I hope your okay. Weird that it got better and now worse. I like the headband though. Take care