US Congressman Anthony Weiner has said that yes, he lied because yes he sent crotch shots and other lurid photos to at least 6 women.
But he says he has never had sex outside of his marriage. Of course not.
(it is always amazing to look back at the denial after they are forced to admit the truth)
Listen, it is not his fault. There were no bullying prevention committees in the playground 30 years ago, he was given a tough name and the world is a really tough place.
In fact, we should all aplogise to him. He is a victim.
And thank him because really- isn’t it politicians and their cartoon like lives that provide all the fodder for SNL and talk TV ?
His college buddy Jon Stewart (I go on record for having a crush on him way back in the late 80’s when no one was smart enough to stay up really late and watch him) put it beautifully – knowing he could not avoid the humour offered here on a silver platter even with friendship aside-
“In real life, in my memory, this guy had a lot more ‘Anthony’ and a lot less ‘Weiner’, Stewart said. “The only thing they have in common is that they both lean to the extreme left.”
Dude, if he used US Government equipment to do this stupid shit – *I* want him to resign too. Otherwise I’d be fine with censure, but it’s *obvious* that the Democratic Party want this guy *gone*. Which means there’s a HELLA lot more that we don’t know that THEY have probably known all this time.
Yeah, it’s unfortunate, the whole thing – though god, the comedy writers are taking a vacation, since the jokes just wrote themselves.
yup….what is it they say? it takes 7 lies to cover up 1. it’s all crazy….
I just wish people wouldn’t lie… it only gets worse when you lie. Waaaaay worse.
I’ll bet even Hillary is giving Bill the cold shoulder (again) these days. Ack.