In this day of cellular phones, blackberries, and burn out, it is important to take time to make connections with others. We may not have time to spare to socialize but certainly we can turn all of this new technology into an advantage. Why not view the internet as a way to facilitate new connections and create a virtual community? We see teenagers using instant messaging and chat rooms to create new friendships, can’t we do the same?
In fact, I think it is important that we do. Not only so that we are prepared and aware when our children venture out into the virtual world but also because statistics show that a huge percentage of Canadian women are online..what a great way to connect with women in your community!
That is why we created our Urbanmoms Message Forums . Use these boards to ask questions of other moms, sell or buy items, find local resources, and get to know other women in your community. The possibilities are endless!
Also, check out The Lounge for reflections on the past or Cool Products and Stuff for some great products or advertising geared to Urban Moms.
We are inviting youth between the ages of 13 to 21 to participate in a Teen Idol Contest. Anyone interested in participating in the song, dance and special art performance event may contact Dina at 905 471 9916. Auditions are on Aug 3 at Grand Baccus Banquet Hall at 10am. Please call for more information.
We are an organization that conduct several outreach programs within communities across Ontario. We are currently organizing a Cake Show at the end of August and would like to find out if anyone might be interested in participating in this exhibition.
Please contact 905 471 2466 and speak to Dina.