This time, five years ago, I was cradling my hours-old baby girl, so thankful for her safe arrival after a grueling labour. She was a tiny little nugget: a mere six pounds, 12 ounces, with a head full of dark hair and legs like a frog’s. I remember pacing the hospital room with her our first night together, my uncertain arms learning to hold a newborn for the first time. She was perfect.
The years have passed in an eye’s blink. I woke up this morning and she was five, her crazy bed-head greeting me as she stood beside my pillow and said, “It’s my birthday!” In five years she has made me laugh with joy, cry with bewilderment and frustration, wonder with my whole heart at her beauty and light, and made our lives so rich and full.
Avelyn Paige, you are my girl. Happy Birthday!
Aww Happy Birthday! My little Ryley is soon turning 5 and I still can’t believe how the time flies! Hope she had a great bd!
Oh, HAPPT BIRTHDAY sweet girl!! And happy birth day, mama… man, doesn’t it all just go by in a blink, huh?! Wow. Enjoy everything! 🙂