Elizabeth recently wrote a great article in The Lounge section of Urbanmoms.ca about being a working mom. It rang true for me, for so many reasons.
I’m a new mom who has just returned back to work. Although The Boy is being cared for in my home, the logistics of living in the suburbs and commuting into Toronto every day, with a baby at home, has become somewhat of a nightmare. Surviving on coffee and adrenaline is the norm for me now- and I thought that stage stopped when the newborn phase ended!
Here’s my day:
5 am-ish: Wake-up
5:15 am: Shower (if no one else is up…I’m talking to you, The Boy!), get ready, pray I can find something clean to wear, sort or fold at least one pile of laundry
6 am: Make breakfast, lunch, coffee and more coffee, try to remember to pull something out of the freezer to thaw for dinner
6:45 am: Leave for Toronto…usually in a harried rush leaving at least one item behind that I have to turn around and come back for
8 am (or earlier if I’m lucky…or if it’s a Friday, because no one goes to work on Friday apparently!): Arrive at work
*my work day varies as a rotary teacher, so I won’t bore you with the marking and copying, etc…*
4:00 pm: Leave work, usually in a harried rush, forgetting at least one item that I have to turn around and go back for
5:00 pm: Run inside, kiss my boy (who I think is starting to miss me, by the way), throw something healthy and fast on the stove or in the oven
5:45 pm: Dinner. Always an adventure.
6:15 pm: Bath. Splash.
7:00 pm: Night time bottle (his only bottle of the day…which makes me feel so sad because it reminds me of how many bottles he used to take in a day and how “grown up” he is now that he drinks out of a sippy) and cuddle time. This is really our only time to hang out alone together and I love it.
7:30 pm: Bed (The Boy, not me)
8:00 pm: CLEAN (I am so behind), laundry, prep tomorrow’s dinner and lunches, attack my piles of marking, attempt to squeeze in a few words with my husband, blog or finish writing articles
11:00 pm (on a good night): Sleep.
Now, I’m not writing this as a woe-is-me-pity-party post. Instead, I wrote this down earlier today thinking, how normal is this? Is it normal to feel like all you do is work- work at home, work with your child, work at work. Other then my twice weekly Booty Camp Fitness class, I do almost nothing during the week except work.
I suspect that I’m not alone in this type of schedule. In fact, I am almost positive that most of you have much more harried days then I do. However, this working outside of the home with a baby at home is pretty new to me and the adjustment has been, honestly, overwhelming. There are just not enough hours for me to get done all that I used to or need to, even with working through lunches/breaks at school. I just don’t know how other mothers do it.
I feel like nothing gets all of me. When I’m at home, I think about everything I have to get ready for the next day at work. When I’m at work, I think about everything I have to do at home. Every moment, no matter where I am, I’m thinking about my boy.
So I wonder, does it ever get easier? Is there ever a way to find that work/life balance that I’ve heard about but have yet to experience? Is the day in the life of a working mom meant to be this way?
Sarah, I can’t even imagine I’m pregnant but already have a hard time keeping my classroom and the house organized! But I guess you adjust and manage! Can’t wait to have a little one to give a bath and put to bed!
I know exactly what your going through. By the time I get home from work it is dinner, bath and bed. I feel like I barely see Ethan and it makes me so sad! It sucks having to work when you have a little one at home but I am sure we will get used to it. I guess it will never stop just change as they get older and we get more into the swing of things.
It will get easier! However, you HAVE to go to bed earlier. You are going to crash BIG time. Also, forgive yourself! Let some of these things go. The cleaning/laundry/dishes will still be there the next day. Your sanity may not. Finally, work out a plan with your husband so you aren’t always “the one”. My hubby makes the kids lunches, cooks dinner and does the groceries, I coordinate pretty much everything else but this really, really helps.
And, most importantly, have fun at the UrbanMoms Blogger Retreat in a few weeks!!
Sara- I actually had a cleaning lady but I discovered that, while I have little to no standards of cleanliness for myself, I apparently have crazy high standards for cleaning ladies…ones that they couldn’t meet. I’d rather do it myself and save the money, because I always ended up re-cleaning after she was gone.
Yes, bed, I do need to go earlier. Don’t know what my problem is.
To all- love those comments! I look forward to when it gets easier, or seems more normal. I’m always checking my Facebook too, Janet.
I’ve also just returned back to work and feel the same way. It breaks my heart that I only see him 2-3 hours a day compared to the 10 hour days we had before. I am sure it will get easier, or at least feel like it is the norm. And I am always checking my facebook page to look at pictures of him.
Great post Sarah and one everyone can relate to! It will get easier – I swear it will. You’ll find as he gets older, you have a bit more time at night – you’ll also find you can skip that bath and he’ll still be cool with your nighttime routine. My question for you – if there’s anyway to find it in your budget, get a cleaning lady. I so can’t afford it, but I’ve whittled down some lunches etc so I can because it clears that right off your plate and makes things much easier! And Becky’s advice of learnign to say NO is great. And oh my god Sarah – go to bed earlier!!! Try!
Oh man can I completely relate…. and the guilt! I feel so guilty all of the time for not being able to do it all! Coincidentally enough, I am currently reading a book titled, “Your Work, Your Life…Your Way” by Julie Cohen that talks about balancing work and life. The main thing that I have learned that I can’t do it all (the house isn’t always going to be perfect). I have learned how to say “NO” to the things that I don’t want in my life and “YES” to the things that a want more of- so that I can take advantage of every moment with the kids that I can possibly fit in!
i don’t have time to do the household stuff on a regular basis and i don’t work outside the home! keep the booty camp, you need that so you don’t go nuts. good luck!
Work/life balance is a myth. It probably won’t get easier, just different. But hey, we’re women and we can do it all…and do it well. Just remember to give a little time to yourself.