The time is really winding down now. I have about 10 weeks, or 65 days, until baby number two makes her grand entrance. I’m starting to really question the decision to have my babies so close together. Let me be clear, this baby was completely and totally planned, I thought 18 months was a perfect age gap. Now I’m starting to wonder if all those people who look at me in shock and say “did you do this on purpose” were on to something.
How will I run errands during the day? I’m not so much worried about being the mom with two screaming kids storming the aisles of Target. I’m worried about being the mom with two kids standing outside her car in the parking lot wondering how to get them both IN the store. Do I put Chase in the cart basket and the baby in her carrier in the top of the cart? Do I reverse that and put Chase in the seat and the baby carrier in the basket? Do I remove the baby from her seat and carry her in a sling so Chase can ride in the cart seat and I have room for the stuff I need to actually GET at the store? Oh, the questions I have about the logistics of this.
I worry about our time at home too. Chase and I have a pretty solid schedule during the day, is that going to completely fall apart? Thankfully Chase is still a really good napper, so I’m pretty sure that will continue. The question is what to do when he naps, right now being 7.5 months pregnant I take the opportunity to take a little snooze myself. Do I try to sync up their naps so I can nap or have me time or do I stagger their naps so I can spend one on one time with each of them. I’m so nervous about Chase getting the one on one time that he is used to and will still deserve with a new baby around.
In case it wasn’t obvious, this is my plea to all of you who have experience having multiple children under two. Please tell me that these things, and everything else currently giving me anxiety will be fine. Share with me some sanity-saving tips. Please. I’m begging here.
The sling thing worked REALLY well for me. I used a wrap though, not a ring-sling. That was the best for us, but it did take practice. I tied it on BEFORE I left the house and then just tightened it in the parking lot. All the scary stuff sort of comes to you in bits and pieces though. You’ll end up so much better at it all than you expected.
Sleep whenever you can! If you sleep everything will seem less of an issue, especially in the beginning. Then it will all fall into place, a new routine. Being so close together in age (my two sister’s and I are each less than 2 years apart) will make some things harder but the closeness they will share is worth it.
I agree with Jenni, they will be the best of friends!
Mine were just over 2 years apart. BOTH times. First, make naps at the same time a priority. It will save your sanity.
Second, there is a good chance you will end up in the aisle of Target with two crying babies, the key is to take it in stride and screw other peoples opinions.
Third, besides keeping the kids fed and clean, let a lot go for now. Enjoy this phase, you will miss it.
Last, they will be best of friends!