I wrote to you the other day on my personal blog-My Family is Not Broken-about the blissful week I am having running my art camp (www.artstudioforchildren.com) with 8 incredible teenage girls in a post called This ain’t no desk job. This has already been an beautiful experience and it is only the end of day two.
I said that one of the things that I love about this camp is that I was ‘the boss’ . In truth, these girls set the tone and they are running the show. I really love the way by day two – the themes present themselves and I work around the obvious needs/wishes of the group. Our first project was self portrait of ‘myself on the lake’ ;sculpture. Just check out the group-

next we designed a postcard sent from Art Camp to ourselves in 2030; pen and ink with watercolour-Fantastic results.
One postcard to self said ” dear self- my goal right now at 13 is to love life – do I still agree with that?”

Tomorrow, we will do collage based on a snapshot of ourselves at 30. Can’t wait to see that.
It is both refreshing and energizing to be around these dynamic people as they consider 30. I can hardly remember 30-but this week I feel their age. Lucky me.
wonderful collages- one teaching children overseas, one skydiving, one scuba diving, one a clothing designer, one a pastry chef in a pastry shop in Chevy Chase!
Hi Nance….wish I were 13 again! Sounds like so much fun…..30 sounds so far away when you’re that age. Can’t wait to hear how they see themselves. xx
Thank you so much for this great week for Gillian. It sounds like you are all having the time of your life; art, exercise, food, friends. I can’t wait to see the “walkway of art” on Sunday.
Ciao, Andrea
we are so thrilled to have her here-Sammy is stuck to her like glue!
Hey Nancy,
Thanks for the update. Looks like alot of fun, yet thought provoking.
I know Margot will come home with lots of great stories.