The alarm on my cell phone beeps to life at 5:44 am. I groan quietly, then slink to the bathroom to pee. I slip my work-out clothes on, brush my fuzzy teeth, rub my eyes and head out the door. Driving down quiet roads, it is still dark out and I wonder why I’m going where I’m going at this crazy hour. I get to the studio, see the other tired ladies there unrolling their exercise mats and wiping the sleep from their eyes. We say our hellos, compare who was up the most in the night with their kids, whine about our sore throats or colds or sick babies. Then the music starts. Before I know it, I am lunging and squatting and wincing and sweating. It’s hard, but so good.

wow I think at this point I would say bring on the sleep lol. That is awesome that you can this!
i feel the same way in the mornings. im up at 5 am for dance. at 5 30 im standing at the bus stop in – 20 degree weather with the wind whipping my face and i wonder. am i motivated or am i nuts.
you rock! you are starting the day in the best way possible imo. “did you get ripped”…HA!! 🙂 awesome!
Wow, I give you so much credit, nothing harder then getting up that early to exercise, well that and saying no to the glass of wine that awaits at the end of the day!!!
I just started boot camp yesterday! My class starts at 5:15am so I have to get up at 4:30am. A. M. But I felt alive! for the first morning since kids! I love it!
I would have to pick sleep. But that might explain these stubborn 10lbs!
I’m glad you’re loving it, lady… yay!!
Ha, I love it. All so true…we are pretty freaking amazing!