Going through my normal rounds of blog reading, I came across a slew of bloggers via Erin Margolin – who I’m a man fan of – and they were all taking part in this writing exercise about 400 Words on Things That They Love. And I was inspired. Will you be? I’d love to see your 400 words in the comments below. It’s a great way to start the year by thinking about what you love.
I love the first sip of coffee in the morning. The way fire
logs crackle and pop. Fresh tuna sushi and when I put too much wasabi on it and
my nose hair burns. I love the anticipation of hearing what the first words out
of Will’s mouthin the morning will be. The anticipation of a first kiss. The
euphoria when it lives up to it. I love playing paddle on a perfect sunny day
and not playing like shit.
I love the smell of my kid’s hair when it’s just been washed
and I’m reading him goodnight stories. I love wearing momentos of my mom,
grandmom and my step-mom’s grandma around my neck. I love being amazed by a
photograph. I love dreaming about places I’ll one day visit and having a son
who I can take with me.
I love my boobs and my eyes. Yes. I’ll admit it. I love when
you spend a ton of money on a steak and cook it perfectly. I love finding money
in old coat pockets. Finding a random toy in my pocket on a day where the kid
is driving me nuts. I love my beautiful, supportive friends. I love chips and dip.
Coke from McDonalds. KFC once a year. Halibut burritos. Being able to see the
lake when I wake up.
I love that I love(d) my mother. I love that I know I will
look like her as I age. I love that I learned fiscal responsibility from my
dad. I love the National Post on a Saturday and the Saturday Globe on a Sunday.
I love the satisfaction of completing a crossword. Of finishing a book. Of
building the perfect fire.
I love that I don’t have to dress up at work. That my friend talked me
into wearing clothes that fit. That I chose the donor that I did. I love drinking
wine with my book club. And that we never all read the book. I love hearing what
song is next on my iTunes.
I love when my kid poops before he goes to sleep. His hugs.
His nature. I love to skinnydip. To dance every now and then. To sing Eminem at
I love the moon. The sunrise. Quiet. Belly laughs. Dogs. Icy
cold beer. My sister living so close to me. Sleeping past 7.
I love my life. Good, bad or ugly.
I love the fact that I’m smiling out loud because I love Diet Coke from McD’s , chips and dip, and also eat KFC once a year – every Christmas eve for lunch, with my sisters, call it a kooky tradition…anyway, I love your entire post but this paragraph was especially funny.
love this post! you can totally feel the love coming out of your pores.
I love really great Vietnamese food, just spicey enough – with just my husband, before a great movie. On a night where we have found someone amazing to watch our daughters (they both have special needs – this is a huge challenge)
I LOVE my mom who tries SO hard to be a great support for me, and to watch my girls, and just has such a hard time “getting” my Autistic daughter – but she tries so very hard, I love her for that effort so very much.
I love my girls, they have taught me so very much, about me, the world, to take a moment – to chill.
I love my husband who is still with me dispite my temper, my mood swings, and crazy life, I love that man with every ounce of my being, and I am not sure he knows it.
I love my Dad, he is having such a hard time and I wish he knew we were here for him, I adore him and wish I had the words to tell him that!
I love my dog, she loves me, and I know this with all my heart – I love that 🙂
Thank you, I needed this reminder of the good things in my world today, of how much sunshine there is in my path.
oh Sara – I WISH that was my view. That was from an amazing place we stayed in Florida when he was a babe. I sat on the balcony for hours…amazing!
I’m going to do this! I don’t know when, but it’s now in print so I’m committed. Is that your view??? what a fabulous scene to wake up to in the morning. I miss loving my boobs. I’m slightly weirded out by how many of my favourite bloggers are named Sara/Sarah… I’ll have to sort that one out at my next therapy session 😉
I love your list of ‘loves’! Mine is remarkably similar. I’m doing a 365 photo a day project and I may just make a list and use it as inspiration for some of my photos! Thanks so much for sharing 🙂
LOVE your list!!!! I get your humour…:)
Sara – I left mine here and gave you props as well.
A perfectly lovely thing to read before going to bed. Thank you. xx