I can count on one hand the number of weeks left until this baby will be born. AUGH! The past while I have been realizing that it feels more like I’m in the throes of an eternal pregnancy than it does like I’m nearing the arrival of an actual baby. I am so eager to look at the face of this new tiny girl, see what her personality will be like (if our other daughters are any indication, I’m pretty sure she’ll be a feisty one) and get used to life with our family of five.
I’ve pulled out my (mammoth) nursing bras, have organized my fat pants in drawers, and picked up a few loose, flowy tops that will conceal my jiggly tummy and football-sized boobs in those first few postpartum months. The nursery is ready to go, save for the fact that we’ve got to boot Karenna out of there and get her used to sharing a room with her older sister (any words of wisdom about how to make that a smooth transition are more than welcome).
I have been thinking more about the upcoming labour and wondering how that will go. Will I go ridiculously overdue and be induced? Or will the baby come pleasantly early? Will my body cooperate or will I need some interventions? Will I get ripped to shreds when we find out the baby weighs 13 pounds? Or will she be a tiny little nugget? So many unknowns.
I see my ob/gyn tomorrow for the last time before she goes on holidays for the entire month of August (yeah, a tad inconvenient, what with my August 25 due date!) and will then be going to her clinic for weekly appointments until my due date. The time is both inching by at a snail’s pace and whirring past me so fast I can’t believe it.
Five weeks to go!!
Five weeks to go for me too and my doctor is going away for the entire month of August as well. All these questions you are asking yourself – I’m asking myself too. (Except the nursery isn’t ready yet but at least the diapers are washed and I am supposed to be spending today making curtains for all the bedrooms but somehow I am still on the computer!)