Last week I talked about the importance of seeking the help of a professional when you have a set goal in mind and specifically if you have tried to reach that goal yourself and you haven’t been able to reach it for any reason.
Tonight I had the pleasure of participating in a wonderful night that reinforced the above statement. It was the launch party of our first ever 10 Years Younger in Burlington contestant. This woman who was picked to be made 10 years younger (in 4 weeks!) was chosen for a number of reasons; probably the most important of which is that we saw a genuine desire and committment to change and there was already evidence that she was willing to work hard for it. This lady had in the past 4 months quit smoking and started running so she could lose weight and regain her health. Her goal was to participate in the 60k walk for breastcancer. She was doing great and her resolve was strong, the only problem was that she had been running for 17 weeks already and hadn’t lost a pound. In came the ‘professionals’.
I worked together with a personal trainer and in just 6 weeks, she lost 15 pounds and over 15 inches. She looked and felt amazing. We were able to do for her in 6 weeks what she couldn’t even begin to do in 17!! It was incredibly rewarding.
Here is a recap of some of the key things we did to help her get that weight moving.
First of all I started her off with a healthy detox. I cut out many of the potential allergens, toxins and heavy foods, this included red meat, dairy and wheat, alcohol, coffee and sugar. I also included a safe detox formulation in her plan, daily for a month.
Second, I had her eating 3 meals plus 2 small snacks per day, each of these included some form of lean protein.
Thirdly, I had her drinking plenty of water and ensured that the majority of her plate was covered by fruits and breakfast and vegetables for each of her other meals.
Fourthly, I had her meet me bi-weekly to help encourage her and keep her with the program.
As for her exercise, I did not train her but I know that strength training was a key component to improving her metabolism and getting the weight off. She met with her trainer 3x per week, did yoga 1x and kept up with her running 2x per week.
If you are interested in learning more you can Google 10 Years Younger in Burlington or go to
It is not necessary that you see a trainer or nutritionist if you are trying to lose weight or improve your health if you know what to do yourself… BUT, if you aren’t getting the results, perhaps it would be worth your while to just get an assessment done, have someone evaluate what you are doing and see if they can find some tweaks for you here and there.