1. Apathy
2. Stigma
3. The kids
5. Laziness
6.Fear of perceived failure
7.Lack of Self Esteem
8. Religious beliefs
9. Guilt
10.Fear of loneliness
The above billboard advertisement by a Choicago area law firm specializing in divorce was met with obvious outrage.
But as a divorced person – I have to remind everyone
I have never even bought a pair of jeans based on a billboard. Why would I leave my marriage and break up my family based on one?
I stayed too long for the two people I love most (#3) and I think for no other reason ( except a side dish of duty maybe, confusion maybe and a dash of stiff upper lip) and yet they have said, in spite of the pain and loss, life is now better.
One wonders how to know the difference between ups and downs and real deal breakers.
Give all of us more credit for knowing the difference, please.
what do you think? Do you find the billboard offensive or are we all self directed grown ups ?
The truth is never offensive. Unfortunately, most people can’t handle the truth.
I don’t find it offensive at all, it takes two to make the marriage work.
I have no problem with the billboard life is crazy and people will stay unhappy in marriages for many reasons. This might just give someone the strenth to finally say you know what i can do this I am tired of being miserable. If you are happy in your life and marriage this message wont mean sqaut and you should move on.
I don’t find it offensive at all – I’m sure it doesn’t make a person any more likely to get a divorce, unless they were already considering the possibilities… and food for thought is good!
I’ll bet your #3s are lovely, lovely, lovely… just like their mama. 😉
I think if a billboard ad pushed one toward a divorce then maybe they shouldn’t be married.
No I am not offended, in fact, one may say brilliant advertising. Your point is well taken, one would not get a divorce based on a billboard, but one who wants a divorce may see the billboard and get off thier ass and get one!!!!
What a great post. I agree with you – we need to give ourselves more credit. They wanted attention and they got it. Your #3s are incredible by the way!