I wonder if you have ever heard the notion that people come into your life to teach you something. If you accept the lesson and learn from it- new people with new lessons flow into your life. If you resist/ignore the lessons of that person, more of the same will come to you until you are … [Read more...]
the I and the we
"The I in illness is isolation, the crucial letters in wellness are we " a cardiologist reveals the secret language of healing … [Read more...]
Airing my dirty laundry
Last week my husband and I got into a fight over laundry. I am not a domestic goddess - I fully admit this, although I love the term and often refer to myself as one. The truth is I am not a goddess of domestication. I am disorganized in home maintenance. My five year old son often … [Read more...]
You deserve to be cherished.
What a powerful statement. But really, what else is there? I had coffee with a friend who is going through a time of...well...transition. Life dealt some unexpected challenges forcing my friend to question life's purpose and step back and take a good hard look. At first she thought her life was … [Read more...]