On our way to Kingston yesterday, car full of tools, cleaning supplies and unassembled Ikea furniture, this was the car in front of us. I was taking my 18 year old to her new apartment that she will share for next year and if it goes well another three years with 4 others. I had not seen it … [Read more...]
words for Wednesday-the end of men
" Chivalry is dead. And women killed it." -Dave Chapelle Last week my book club read and discussed this book by the name of "The End of Men" I seemed to be the most worked up over it and not just because "The End of Men" is an awful prospect. I fear for girls … [Read more...]
notes to my daughter-you were born out of love
Dear Charlotte; Today you are 18 and it is the first time since you were born that you did not wake up just close to me to have presents on my big bed. It is as warm and sunny a day as the day we checked into the hospital. But when you were born 12 hours later you brought our first … [Read more...]