This past weekend I took my mom and two teenage daughters to New York City. It was a long anticipated gift to both them and myself. It was something I have wanted to do for a long time.
There are so many reasons to take people who are forming their minds/ or still approaching life with fresh eyes (all of us, hopefully) to a place as rich as this
but here are a few from the top of my head
1. Everyone there has a big personality. Cab drivers, waiters, the homeless, the bankers, the artists, the musicians, the concierge. Nothing inspires like a population of bold.
(I loved the way my kids mouths hung open the whole weekend)
2. No one apologizes here- for their clothes, their style, their moxie, their driving, their consumption, their poverty, their wealth, their lifestyle, their choices- anything. It is refreshing.
3. The unexpected is around every single corner. You are in the subway and an opera singer entertains you, you walk under a bridge in Central Park and a saxaphonist is there just for you, in the shadows with the sun dancing behind,

the waiter is fascinating, the cab driver is grumpy, the perspectives on the city are vast and varied -from the water, 80 floors up, from the highline, on foot, subterranean or from just over there.
Life looks different to you after NYC
4. ” If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere“. You feel the drive, creativity and passion oozing from every nook.
5. The best of everything is here. It is intoxicating to be around the best.
6. It is a creative feast. It feeds you in ways you forgot about.

7. You come away remembering your own sense of possibility and your own power.
A trip to NYC is a gift that keeps on giving. So good for the soul.
also use trip advisor wherever possible.
Cindy, how exciting- you will love it.
I bought 4 NYC city passes through costco and they were of great value as we used every coupon for every attraction. Otherwise we bit off NY by neighbourhood and by foot. We did a 1/2 price broadway play (see TKTS – you line up same day in Times Square), walked the highline (a must!) did a harbour cruise around the circumference of Manhattan, took a picnic to central park (you can rent bikes there too). Google hotel deals, try airnbc for renting homes (if you are open to that). I feel safe in NYC always have- I just love it and knwo you and your family will too.
Take the metro wherever possible and walk everywhere- you will have an authentic experience.
Let me know how it goes!
love you, mom!
Hello Nancy,
Loved that you shared this with me about NYC. Our kids have been wanting to go and we are finally doing it this summer thanks to you! Our daughter is 14 and son is 8. We havent planned anything yet. Can you give me some recommendations based on your experience where to stay for accomodations that are safe, or appear to be. Also any places you recommend for food, sights etc. I love word of mouth. Thanks so much!
I loved it – but just for the record, I plan to be around beyond the next five months. xxmom
I think you already live in your own little SOHO, chickie.
I can’t wait to take my kids. Scratch that – I just want to take MYSELF there. Soon!!
Thank you so much Jane
I loved seeing you too! Yes art camps and yes book – coming soon especially with such encouragement from so many of you ! xoxo
amen. love you , from Ginny xo
Nancy: Great seeing you – and Doug! – today – just wish it was at a different function. Your writing always amazes me – this should be written up in a travel blog for Tourism New York! You write everything so well – and do hope you are going to put all of these together in a book – know your Mom would love it as will your girls. Are you having your art camp again this summer on Lake Simcoe? A lot of work for you but am sure the students just love it. Have a wonderful summer wherever you are – do hope to get in some time soon to see Fraser – it has been too long and even though he wont know me, he was such a good friend over all the years – and I miss him. Take care.
yes Alice!!! Save it for a little while yet and then savour it
I need to take my daughter some day, when she is much older. So many things, so many memories.