So the first day of school post, the summer is over post, the lets get the house organized post, the how can I get my kid to eat lunches post, the how could I possibly have kid in grade five, two, one, eight, 12 post, the easy Tuesday night dinner post, the are my kids over programmed post, the how much screen time is too much post, the top ten things said in my household post, the do you give allowance and how much post, the where did my sex life go post, the am I too overbearing, sarcastic, lazy, apathetic, nervous, anxious, too serious post, the should I continue my scrotal waxing schedule post….
Or not.
My new lid.
Phew. Summer is over. Fall is here. I am a full blooded, occasionally hot headed, overly sensitive father of two boys ages 10 and six. I just got back from vacation and I am craving change. It seems September is the trigger January thought it should be. I run three times a week, now longer than I ever thought possible, but am still not confident in my ability to run a 5km in 26 days.
Actually I don’t feel confident at all. I feel a bit down. It is likely from a two day extreme insomnia binge where mugginess strangled and first day back anxiety felt like pin pricks. I am hoping it will end tonight as I find out how great their first days went and the house cools down. I have gained weight but that too will stop with the impending tightening for my lap band tomorrow.
Wow – this post felt honest.
Also, there is always a bit of a let down from vacation where there was too much of this:
And not enough of this.
Change sucks. The stress, the feelings of loss, the reflections on all of the things you should have done but didn’t or did do but shouldn’t have. I have been suffering from insomnia badly for the last week or so and I am sure that the transition from summer to fall and the stress of September are the cause.
One thing I know for sure, you deserve to bask in the accomplishment of your running. I have been out with you and you go hard. No matter your time or speed (which rival mine!) you have accomplished something amazing.
Oh, honey… I understand. And, I KNOW!!
A new season is upon us, and we will survive. With sunsets or tequila sunrises, morning jogs or lap band tightening… you hang in there. I want to read all about it. 😉
Transitions are always tough, Jason, but everything will settle down and be great. Then before you know it, next summer will be here (that’s what I keep telling myself anyway!)