Labour Day weekend has meant the same thing for me for the last 15 years. It has been a final cottage weekend, a family weekend and then a pack up and a move back to the city. Labour Day Monday we would organize binders and new knapsacks and then spend time with school friends celebrating the excitement of return to school.
And let’s not forget the Labour Day 7 years ago when I separated.
Labour Day holds many mixed emotions for me.
Life is changing. Traditions have changed.
This year, at the end of August, I will bring both girls home with 5 weeks and 3 months of wet, dirty laundry. Then a quick turnaround to take my oldest to University to move her into her house at the end of August followed by getting my youngest organized to go back to school.
This Labour Day weekend I will be doing something completely different. I will be going to ATLANTIS for 4 days. I plan on doing everything this amazing place offers.
This is exciting for so many reasons. It is a press trip and I will be covering this spectacular resort for Urbanmoms, I will be celebrating life change by spending this weekend in a totally different way, and it will juxtapose sweetly and extremely with my other August adventure. Did I tell you how much I love sweet juxtaposition?
It will be a huge treat for me.
Stay tuned. I plan on ‘taking all of you with me’ as I write about all the delicious details.
[youtube id=”B11M8KM_IVI”]
Amazing… I hope you have access to a head webcam so that you can capture all for us including you taking in the big slide… Rick Mercer can help you set up for such!