As I often say, I’m a sucker for friendship stories, and these two are very different examples. One is sweet, and one is more of a moral tale of what you could miss out on if you’re not open to new people. Both great-looking new books for two different situations – check out the interior spreads as well, they really are an attractive pair.
Flora and the Flamingo
by Molly Idle
Chronicle Books
ISBN: 978 1 4521 1006 6
This wordless picture book depicts a girl and a flamingo getting to know each other and building the start of a friendship as the girl copies the flamingo’s movements, and he slyly plays along. At first she is shy, pretending she is not tagging along, but by the end, the actions are perfectly in synch, and the two are dancing together.

by Isabel Minhos Martins & Madalena Matoso
ISBN: 978 1 92697 368 5
A child’s neighbour moves out, and in moves – a dog! Not just any dog, but one who plays saxophone and blows bubbles, no less. Her parents aren’t thrilled, and think the dog is weird, although the little girl likes him. Shortly after the dog follow other strange neighbours, and eventually, the child moves away.
I’m honestly of slightly mixed opinion, because the parents are kind of jerks, but on the other hand, I love that the kid is not bothered by this, and makes up her own mind about them, discovering some fun and interesting new friends. It’s a great opportunity for discussing prejudice and open-mindedness, so if this is a talk you are looking to have, this is a good place to start.