husband of the year award will likely go to mine, for he not only
brought me chicken wings for dinner (mmm…chicken wings…), he also
willingly went to see a 10pm showing of Twilight with me last night.
Willingly. no force. no bribery. nothing. he was willing to go to the
mall theater and watch this tweeny movie with me and 87 of my closest
pre-teens and the one orthodox jewish dude who was there ALONE.
i came to terms with this yesterday. please don’t judge me for
seeing it. or for racing out to see it before it was actually released.
i don’t judge you.
I have to admit, going in i was super skeptical about Robert
Pattinson playing Edward. I was hoping for someone more, um, Nate
Archibald-like. i even wrote about it here. and here.
he totally won me over. he was great.
the movie itself was pretty much exactly what i expected. a lot of
angst. a lot of will-they-or-won’t they. a lot of smoldering glances. a
lot of Bella being klutzy. a lot of pretty cheesy dialogue. pretty
sub-par make-up jobs, especially on Peter Facinelli’s Dr. Cullen.
only i didn’t have to read any "she murmured" every three
paragraphs. and i didn’t have to read Bella’s long and drawn out
speeches about how stunning! and painstakingly beautiful! and gorgeous!
Edward is.
(but please don’t get me started on the baseball scene. when
you see it, you will have to explain to me what the hell was up with
the hats. THE HATS?!?? my good god)
(or Jacob’s hair. PUKE)
so, needless to say, tweenAli LOVED it.
tweenAli also enjoyed getting free movie passes on the way out due
to complications during the movie. they are doing construction in the
mall and halfway through the baseball scene an alarm started going off.
insert tween girl pandemonium here. and for about 5 minutes the surround sound disappeared.
and tweenAli also enjoyed watched a teen girl getting busted for
having recorded the movie. AWESOME. me hearties, i’ve never seen that
so, all in all. no complaints. i’m just really thankful i didn’t have to see a midnight show, like someone else i know.
because as it was, i needed a giant big-gulp sized diet coke to make it
through the 10:00pm showing. but i’m so glad i did….and like a giggle
little tweenybopper, i will be looking forward to the next three
movies. because i really want them to just do it already.
*this title is totally unrelated to my post. but i love me some
30Rock. and i love me some Steve Martin. so, obviously, last night’s
episode…made my entire month. well, except that whole election day
thing. that was a pretty good month-maker too. 😉
YES YES. this post was cross-posted over at Cheaper Than Therapy. it was super relevant to both sites.
I haven’t even READ Twilight yet. I’m not really into vampires. I mean, they wouldn’t be that sexy if they liked to drink earwax or pee, right? But i’m glad you had fun!
Took my teen son and his friend last night to see “Role Model” and couldn’t be bothered to go home only to come back in 2 hours to pick them up…so I went to see Twilight.
Outside of the squealing every time Edward hit the screen, I enjoyed the movie. Much better than I thought it would be and I’m so glad there were no gross out blood or fang scenes. Really a sweet movie for teens.
I saw “Twilight” on Friday and thought it sucked. Not my kind of movie but I wanted to see what all the hype was about.