“I’m afraid of being afraid. I don’t like in-between things.” says Margot (Michelle Williams) at the beginning of Take This Waltz, a movie written and directed by Sarah Polley.
Unfortunately for the married Margot, she finds herself right in between things as she meets Daniel (Luke Kirby) on a plane and their connection is instant.
At 28, Margot writes travel brochures and has been happily married to Lou (Seth Rogen) for five years. Lou is a big teddy bear who spends his days cooking chicken. Only chicken, because he’s working on a cookbook about how to cook – you guessed it – chicken!
They have a loving relationship complete with goofiness and practical jokes, but their intimacy is dwindling. So when Luke also turns out to be Margot’s neighbour, she starts questioning whether she’s as happy in her marriage as she thought she was.
Much of the movie focuses on Margot fighting her growing attraction to Daniel, which has you wondering: “Will she or won’t she?” I won’t reveal it here! This movie is slow at times and themes are too obvious. Yet the quirky humour, Rogen’s charm (and yes, he will make you laugh) and Sara Silverman’s turn as Margot’s friend make it entertaining. In the end though, it’s really Michelle Williams’ film and she is wonderful as the conflicted Margot.
Memorable line:
“I thought you were going to be there when I died.”
Stuff to look out for:
Torontonians will get a kick out of spotting Kensington Market, The Beach and Little Italy as well as the familiar red streetcars.
Who to see it with:
Probably not your husband, especially if you’ve been married for a while. And probably not your boyfriend, even if he’s new. So that leaves…your girlfriends as your best bet!
What it’s likely to be remembered for:
There’s been lots of press about “the shower scene”. Yes, there’s a scene where Michelle Williams and Sarah Silverman strip down for a communal shower at the pool. But it’s nothing any of us haven’t experienced at the “Y” or our gyms. The scene underscores Polley’s theme – that while we may all be attracted to new and shiny things, those things get old too.
[youtube id=”0yPzc_REvhU”]
I love Sarah Polley! I love your last line about Polly’s theme “that while we may all be attracted to new and shiny things, those things get old too.” SO TRUE!!!