everyone’s talking about it. the premiere of Twilight. People already have tickets for this Friday’s Toronto opening. People are abuzz about whether or not Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were the ideal choices to play Edward and Bella (personally, i think Kristen is a little too waif-like and Robert is a little too, well, a little too NOT Chace Crawford. heh)
Here they are, arriving last night at at the Mann’s Village Theatre for the Los Angeles premiere of Twilight:
(Tina Gill / PR Photos)
(Albert L. Ortega / PR Photos)
Twilight has sunk its proverbial teeth into pop culture since the film’s release on Nov. 21. By now, your tweens and teens have probably seen the box-office winner multiple times – and maybe you have, too!
The wildly popular vampire romance is as big a hit with the adult set as it is with kids, and Common Sense Media has plenty of content to help you enjoy Twilight right alongside your kids, including an exclusive, one-on-one video interview with your daughter’s newest crush, Twilight star Robert Pattinson at http://www.commonsensemedia.org
Check out Twilight at Common Sense Media:
Video: Robert Pattinson talks to Common Sense About Twilight >>
Our reviews of the entire Twilight saga: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn >>
Talking to your kids about the book and movie >>
Our take on the chart-topping Twilight soundtrack >>
More great vampire reads for kids >>
Common Sense Media is a nonprofit, nonpartisan resource dedicated to helping families and educators teach kids how to thrive in a media-driven world.
Okay, the whole “I am soooo good-looking that I have to do my hair like a greasy, wild, bird’s nest so that you will take me serious as an actor” thing is highly irritating. I just don’t get it. Besides, Johnny Depp had that market cornered YEARS ago (& actually did it well), so Robert needs to find something novel.
Meow. Hiss.
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I am really interested in seeing this movie – although I had no idea it had such a cult following… btw I found your post on ZoomIt.ca