And maybe your kids are, too? 😉
Noni Is Nervous, by Heather Hartt-Sussman
Tundra Books, ISBN: 978 1 770 49323 0
Every year, there appear a few more books about starting school, because let’s face it, this is a big event and looms large in the minds of children and parents alike. Teachers read them to classes, parents read them to kids, and we librarians get asked for them in droves every August. Of the handful of new ones, this one is charming, even if it walks pretty familiar territory (because to be fair, there are only so many ways to approach this trepidation, aren’t there?).
Here Noni, who we met in Noni Says No, is revealed to be a worrywart of the first water, even before she has school to be concerned about and school? Is a big worry. Even her family is worried about this one! Predictably, though, by the end of the day, Noni has found a friend, and things are looking much, much better – maybe even enjoyable! In the end, Noni is both reassured and reassuring, as she tells her parents and brother that everything is going to be just fine.
Sound like something you’d like to read with your kiddos? I have two copies to give away, so here’s your chance to grab one:
Winner’s will be selected at random!
Contest closes September 6, 2013
Click here for Contest Rules and Regulations
My daughter is extremely nervous before going to school everyday. She is just very shy and that makes it so much worst. So I like to take time with her and select her clothing with her which she likes alot, it just gives her that extra boost of confidence if I help her. I also must keep calm, and be very encouraging in every little achievement that she might make.
I find making sure that I don’t appear nervous seems to make the biggest difference – often on these big occassions I’m just as nervous as they are…
When my child is nervous I talk to them about the situation and answer all the questions they may have so they are not so scared.
My daughter never seemed to mind returning to school. Even her first day of Kindergarten was a happy day. I do remember daycare though…she didn’t like me leaving her for the first several days. That was tough.
We tell our daughter that when she feels butterflies/feels nervous that means she’s excited and she’s going to have fun. It usually helps.
Lots of talking and preparing about what to expect seems to calm the nerves.
A little pre-planning and lot of tender loving
Exercise always seems to work.
We ensure we all have enough sleep!
We discuss a lot about what to expect, practice walking to the schoolbus stop and decide together about what should be included in the lunchbox. If a child feels like they have a bit ov control over the situation, they seem to do better. and stress less.
Before she starts school, we have a picnic with her new lunch pail and any reusable containers she might have. I want to make sure she can open most of them by herself. The school bus operator also gave her the opportunity to ride the school bus during the summer and provided safety tips, so that helped both of us.
I tell them we all go through it and all the other kids will be felling the same.
Don’t think about it and get a good night’s sleep
We practice deep breathing in our family when we are feeling stressed
taking a deep breath & relaxing wit a cup of tea always does it for me.
I usually calm myself by going to a quiet place, preferably outdoors and breathing deeply and slowly.
Take a deep breath, do some yoga, have a glass of wine
I think this looks like a wonderful book for any child with fears or anxiety heading back to school or on their very first day. I remember when Sara was moving to a new school closer to our home, she was so excited at the prospect of meeting new friends that lived close to her. She may have been a little nervous but I walked her to school and stayed on the grounds for a little bit. At noon, she came running down that hill towards me…I have never seen her happier. She met Cassandra on that day…they are still friends today!
I calm my nerves with a shot of whiskey 😉 But for my kids I just reassure them that everything is going to be ok, and encourage them to talk about what exactly it is that they are worried about.
Looks like another excellent one!!
Being prepared and going over potential scenarios is most helpful
I listen to their concerns and then try to build them up. A little shopping therapy also helps have something else to focus on. Good to remind them of past successes as well!
By reassuring them everyday for a couple of weeks prior and by telling them that I had the same anxiety.
I take a deep breath and try to remember trying something new “probably” won’t kill me 😉
Have the kids assist in getting everything ready and piled at the door. They help make their lunches and we even look at the weather to be prepared. I wake up long before to make sure the morning goes smoothly. We take our yearly photos then all walk to the school. Then I go home and enjoy the quiet! 🙂
Make sure everything is ready the night before so the morning is not so stressful!
I calm my nerves by taking a step back, taking a deep breath and think about something that I love.
I make sure we are all ready and the kids know everything is ready and we have a plan. Make for a calm morning and reassures the kids Mom has it under control and has your back!