They’re just doing what they’re meant to do… right?
Carnivores, by Aaron Reynolds & Dan Santat
Chronicle Books, ISBN: 978 0 8118 6690 3
The carnivores were getting tired of their bad reputations. It hurt, knowing the other animals always thought the worst of them. But what were they to do? Going veggie was a flop, and dressing up to blend in wasn’t much better. Turns to that only embracing their true nature could make them feel better – even if the other animals remain just as negative as ever.
This archly funny little story about accepting yourself – and about the food chain – is definitely aimed at slightly older kids, as the humour is a little dry and sophisticated. The illustrations kick the book up to another level, and are occasionally laugh-out-loud funny – when the dim-looking lion tries to pass for an antelope, for example, I actually did just that.
We’re certainly not talking about a book to hand to your friend with delicate sensibilities, as its point is about being unapologetically carnivorous, but for those who are not squeamish about the ways of the wild, this is a really great read-aloud. I’m totally reading this to my bigger kid tomorrow night.
This looks like an awesome read! I’ll have to try to find it for my classroom (do they carry it in Scholastic?)
It’s brand new, and I’m not sure I’ve seen Chronicle titles in Scholastic before, so not likely, at least as yet.
I’d say it would be great for about grades 2-3, who will get the humour.
Oh, that sounds like a good one… 😉