Most recently, the part of my day that gives me the most anxiety is dinner. L’il E and I get home from work/school around 5:30 and from that moment on the restaurant is open for business. I start making dinner, while E eats a snack and (gulp!) watches Kinder Egg unboxings on the iPad – he can get deep into the bowels of YouTube. It’s nearly impossible for me to get dinner on the table before 6:30 and by that point I’m starving, L’il E doesn’t want what I’ve prepared and the Hubs is (these days) still at work. I sit down by myself and eat. Dinner is never as good when you don’t have anyone to share it with, especially when it’s a healthy and delicious meal that you’ve prepared from scratch.
it’s all good for dinner
Most days I fantasize about walking into the house to a fully prepared dinner, table set, house tidy, but who am I kidding. Wouldn’t it be nice?
I know poor old Gwynnie has received a lot of flack for her most recent cookbook, It’s All Good, but I stand by her and I love and own both of her cookbooks. Ya sure she’s rich, beautiful and married to a rockstar, but I totally get swept up in her books. We have similar eating habits (I’m wheat intolerant) and all of her recipes totally jive with me. Personally I think the people that diss her are just jealous. I agree some of her ingredients are a little upscale, but seriously when was the last time you actually followed a recipe ingredient for ingredient? I don’t think I’ve ever made anything with the full list of ingredients. I always improvise and I definitely do with her books too.
That said this week I’ve made two of her recipes, Chicken and White Bean Chili and Chicken (I used turkey) Thai Burgers and they were a huge hit. In my eyes she’s a lifesaver this week and I think you should give her the benefit of the doubt and check out her books (this is not a sponsored post) because I’m a fan.
Happy cooking? How do you find your zen at dinner time?
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