So its back-to-school time here (yep, Aug 20…how crazy is that??) & I am a little saddened by this. No, it is not the changing of the seasons (which we have 2 of in LA…warm & slightly less warm), nor the kids disappearing from fun summer play busied up by nightly homework (what is up with homework in kindergarten?!?). The reason I am saddened is that back-to-school & approaching fall means one thing for moviegoers… more BIG summer movies. No more Spidey, pirates, Harry Potter, homely schlubs hooking up with hot chicks, or Matt Damon (sadness envelopes me). The studios have spent their money on big budget movies (not necessarily all good movies…but escapes nonetheless) & they retreat into the “back-to-school” frenzy not worrying about throwing us ordinary movie-going folk a bone. No need to release a big movie in the fall, people are too busy with work & school, & those kids who seemed to have the disposable income to see all of those movies in the summer, now have no time to see them (did I mention that when I was a kid I saw Back to the Future 7 times & Dirty Dancing 4 times, in the theatre). So what are we to do with our babysitting nights-out with no blockbuster to see?!? Well, we have to keep our eyes & ears out for the WOM movies. Word-of-mouth is the only way we can navigate through the drivel on our movie plate that is the fall, & find the true gems. September is also a great time to rediscover some classics, for yourselves or to share with your kids. For fun, go to AFI’s list of the 100 greatest films & see how many you have seen. Pick one a week to rent, put the kids to bed, pop some popcorn, & enjoy a date-night in. AFI has lists for everything from “heroes & villains”, to “thrills”, to “laughs”. There is certainly one on each list that you may have missed. Be sure to keep your mind open to movies from a different era; it may surprise you how applicable they are to today.
So, over the next month I need your help to find what movies have a buzz about them. Overhear someone talking at the park, or the coffeeshop, or (if you are lucky) while having a pedicure, & pass it on to all of your friends, here in the comments section. Likewise, if there is a big stinker, please make sure you warn us all to steer clear. How else are we to find a decent movie in the anemic environment that is the fall movie season?!?
But for now I still have a few big summer movies to review. As always, the ratings are: 4 stars = don’t miss it, 3 stars = worth seeing, 2 stars = not terrible, 1 star = don’t waste your time.
In Theatres Now
I received free passes to an advance screening of this movie (how cool is that?!?), so a girlfriend & I got gussied up to go to a fancy theatre up in Hollywood. Okay, so fancy movie theatres don’t exist anymore, even in Hollywood (why does every theatre have a thin layer of “stick” on its floors?), but I will not let a GNO pass without putting on something fancier than shorts & a T-shirt. We both went into the movie not really having a clue about it, other than it being vaguely a fantasy & starring quite a few big names. We both came out loving it! It is the story of true love (in the strangest of places), growing up, growing old, and following your dreams. It is funny, romantic & suspenseful, & it even brought a few tears to my eye (but then again so do those coffee commercials at Christmas, so maybe I’m not the best judge). Michelle Pfeiffer is deliciously wicked as the lead witch; Claire Danes, who has seemed quite annoying and whiny in some past performances, literally shines; and Robert DeNiro gives one of the best performances I’ve seen by him in ages, absolutely hysterical! Stardust is based on the book (of the the same name) by Neil Gaiman, and although it is quite different in parts, the movie stands very-well on its own. The theatre laughed-out-loud & clapped with enthusiasm at the end, which told me I wasn’t alone in my enjoyment. I hope that this movie becomes a WOM movie, because it is just delightful. I would even pay to see it again!! (Potter fans, keep your eye out for the hilarious cameo by one Mr. Weasley)
The Bourne Ultimatum
So I finally got my Matt Damon fix, & I loved this one too! This movie is action-packed from the get-go, there are points in the movie where I actually had to tell myself to breath. It is a total edge-of-your-seat roller coaster ride, with a believable enough plot. Jason Bourne is back, & he’s still pissed that the CIA killed his girlfriend in the 2nd movie. His revenge, to try & bring down those who made him who he is. These series of movies are never going to win Matt Damon any awards for acting, as the character is a man of few words. But who cares when he can fight someone with a library book & a towel & win. My only note of hesitation regarding this movie is that if you are prone to motion sickness, wait to rent it & see it on the small screen. Some of the scenes can be downright nauseating with the excessive use of shaky hand-held cameras. I guess that is director Paul Greengrass’ trademark, & it does really immerse you into the movie. Hopefully not so much so that you lose your popcorn.
Movies to Keep an Eye On
3:10 to Yuma – September 7. Now I am not usually one to excited about Westerns, but this movie, starring Russell Crowe & Christian Bale, already has some serious buzz floating around it.
Brave One – September 14. This movie trumpets Jodie Foster’s return to movies (apparently she is very selective of the parts she plays nowadays), & it has a stellar cast to go with it (Naveen Andrews, Terence Howard, Mary Steenbergen). Story of a woman who tries to return some sense to her life after a random act of violence shatters it.
The Kingdom – September 28. This movie, directed by Peter Berg (Friday Night Lights), is loosely based on the 2003 Riyadh bombings in Saudi Arabia. I saw a preview for this and it looks quite intense, but the buzz surrounding it is quite good. Even if it does star Jason Bateman as an FBI agent. What is that about?!?
Top Five
I figured that since I am asking all of you for some word of mouth recommendations that I better pony-up my ideas for the best WOM movies. As always, let me know if I have forgotten your favourite.
Top Five Word-of-Mouth Movies
5. Lonestar – Character actor Chris Cooper is amazing in this modern day western/crime drama/mystery.
4. Office Space – Everyone, & I mean everyone, can relate to this comedy about raging against the “cubicle-machine”.
3. Galaxy Quest – Sigorney Weaver totaling poking fun at her kick-ass sci-fi heroine image & a hilarious cast make this one not to miss. “Quick let’s get out of here before one of these things kills Guy!!!”
2. The Usual Suspects – I think I had to watch this WOM movie 3 or 4 times before I understood everything.
1. My Big Fat Greek Wedding – Gotta celebrate a Canadian woman & recognize what she created was a charming movie that had “legs” because it was a great movie that was accessible by all. Plus, everyone has at least one of her crazy family members in their own family (or 6 or 7 like mine)!
Thanks again all, & make sure you keep those WOM recommendations coming!
See you at the movies.
Margot, I’m with you…I LOVED the Bourne Ultimatum! At times I thought I might need to take a gravol or close my eyes for a moment like they tell you to do at the IMAX theatres, LOL. I look forward to Stardust and the Golden Compass…and let’s just not mention that there’s a live action version of Bratz coming out in theatres.
Correction: The Kingdom is NOT based on the 2003 Riyadh bombings, but rather it is “loosely” based on the 1996 bombings (& proceeding investigation) of the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia. Sorry for the mix up.