There’s a clear trend emerging in the life and preferences of my little girl. A trend, that quite frankly, I don’t know if I like.
Example #1
Sometimes, at night, we call my parents before putting Pea to sleep. We used to initiate the phone call ourselves, but lately Pea is asking for us to make the call. She doesn’t say “phone” or “call”, she says “Pépère,” the french word for Grandpa.
A strong bond, you say? Sure.
Example #2
Last week, my in-laws went on a trip and Pea didn’t see them for a couple of days. This isn’t really a big deal, except for the fact that Pea spends her weekdays with her Abi and Abu (Spanish for Grandma and Grandpa). We know she missed them, because she kept asking for Abu.
Really cute, you say? Oh, yeah.
Example #3
My wife tells me that whenever she puts Pea to bed, there is a consistent and incessant cry for “Dad.” It’s almost as if Pea is using my name to lull herself to sleep. I’ve tried to lie, but I can’t – Pea doesn’t call for her Mom nearly as much when I put her to sleep.
That’s once, twice, three times a pattern from my little lady.
Pea clearly prefers the men in her life. Don’t get me wrong. It’s equally evident that Pea loves the women in her life, but at the very least, she references the men far more often than the women in her life.
There’s a big part of me that’s thrilled that she’s developing strong, healthy bonds with the men in her life. They love her and treat her with respect. This will teach her that no man has the right to treat her otherwise, and this makes me happy.
Nevertheless, there’s a part of me that wonders if I’m going to have to worry about little guys roughhousing my Pea as she gets older. And, there’s another part of me that worries about Pea roughhousing other little boys.
I can’t really explain my discomfort, but there it is.
And there’s nothing better than an irrational and unfounded fear of something to slowly but surely eat away at you, causing you to grow more and more paranoid at this completely mundane and normal behaviour.
You know what? I’m going to buy a cop costume, just in case. Yeah, that’s the logical next step here. For sure.
Sara – it’s a team Canada jersey. She left her Habs shirt at home this day. Go Habs Go.
Naomi – wow. Naming your kid after hockey equipment is the most Canadian thing I have ever heard!
My little girl always wants Daddy too. She asks for him at bed ALL the time. When we are out, she clings to him. My daughter also likes all things superhero like her brother and she holds her own amongst them, even though she is on the small size for her age. She loves watching hockey with Dad and his friends, more than my son.
I already bought her a jersey & a stick & her name IS Easton.
Just go with the flow.
Do you have an ulcer yet? I thought I was a worrier (how do you spell that!?). I love that Pea asks for the men more….there’s a whole whack of mamamamammamam from most kids! But a. you should lie to your wife so she doesn’t feel bad and b. that picture is ADORABLE! (is it a habs shirt she’s sporting??)