“having a chat with dad, fishing” art studio for children
As many of you know, I turned 50 in January. To tell you that it is surreal is an understatement. To tell you that it sucks the big one is to surrender more power to it than I am willing to, and, really if I am honest- I feel great, my life is both a privilege and a challenge, and apart from that frumpy little number, I am still me. To tell you that it is so much better than the alternative is BANG ON.
Around this time in life, a few friends will get sick, several parents who are friends and friends’ parents will die, you will go to funerals, you will see marriages die (and maybe your own) and you will find yourelf pushing harder maybe than you ever have to push yourself up to where life remains hopeful. I am visual and it reminds me (those of you who remember the 70’s need only apply) of Maxwell Smart in the phonebooth, it filling with water, only his nostrils above the waterline gasping for breath.
One thing that gives you your life back and takes that water in the phonebooth and spills it out onto the sidewalk and down the street and fills it with the best stuff, is telling people how you feel about them. It is a goal of mine now that I understand finally that we are not as immortal as I thought we once were. I am trying to do this every day and most especially on my blogs and on birthdays. This brings me good things- peace for sure.
How do you tell people what they mean to you? Are you good at it? If something happened to that person tomorrow would you be at peace that you said everything to them you needed to?
I think I’m pretty good at it – probably better since my mom died. I may not be the best at it with my siblings but I do think they know how I feel. With friends I always tell constantly. For example – Nanc – you rock and I love you!
how did I miss this comment? I love you too Sara and wish you lived right next door. You are so unique. So amazingly unique xoxox