People who are not into technology or who are unfamiliar with it often say to me that it is killing personal relationships. I have heard some say that people are replacing actual real-life interaction with facebook and twitter and blogs and texting. But I say the opposite is true.
When my mom was sick I made some amazing friends on twitter and facebook who had gone through the loss of their own mothers and became one of my most important support systems. Some of them I had never met in real life but it didn’t make that connection, that relationship, any less real. A century ago people often wrote letters to relatives or friends they had not seen in years or, often, had never met. How different is this?
Plus, these online pals have now become real-life pals and the connection is just as strong. Recently UrbanMoms partnered with Microsoft Windows 7 to pull together an evening of food, cocktails, networking and technology. I invited some of my real-life friends, the UrbanMoms bloggers, and some of the twitter and facebook friends too. What a great way to have technology bring us all together!
The evening was a huge hit. We met some fabulous women, drank some wine and shared a meal all while learning about the amazing new Windows 7 platform. This technology is leaps and bounds ahead of where it had been. The ease of use, the parental controls, and the cool new features were all appealing to the mostly mom-based audience.
Check out the first video of the evening to see some familiar mom faces and find out what we learned about Windows 7:
Now, if you thought that was cool wouldn’t you like one of those touchscreen PCs for yourself? Your wish is my command! Microsoft Windows 7 and UrbanMoms are giving away a beautiful Sony VAIO PC with a 24″ wide touch panel screen (pictured above) to one lucky member! This system is valued at $2700 including software. All you need to do is submit a comment below on how technology has brought you closer to someone and you will be entered to win.
Best of luck to all our members! Remember;
only members are eligible to win so don’t forget to sign
in. Not a member yet? Click
to join!
Click here for
contest Rules and Regulations.
i think the computer brings us closer together. i use mine to talk to kids away from home,relatives in other provinces that i do not get to see often. i also spend time doing puzzles and games online with my 12 yr old. she has add so we play memory games to stimulate her to remember better.
i also use it for business,could not run a home based business without it, and then i could not be at home where & when i am needed.
I couldn’t agree much more. But then again it’s 4am where I am so I may perhaps agree to anything. Oh yeah, thank you for making use of the apostrophe properly. π
My friend lives a distance away and with the use of email, or skype I feel like she is my next door neighbour again. Technology has allowed to carry on a friendship that hasn’t faded with time.
I have 9 Children and they all seem to know more about Computers than me. I owe that all to the School, and of course their friends, and how they share information. I am a writer and so all I know is Word, and that’s pretty much it. Put in on paper and that’s it. Every time I need to do something a little more creative, I call my son or daughter, and they are so tired of me. My Daughters says Mom you really need to go take a Computer class, and I say for what when I have you. But she’s right, Since I have spent so much time on the Computer I have plugged into the Face Book and wow! how that has bought me so close to other Authors I had no idea how big the Industry really was. We are like a family, I have learned so much from them, I know Authors and have become so close, with them now is inspires me more each day to finish my book. So it has been truly a blessing. Now with my son off to College I know this is the only way we will stay in touch. I am so happy to have this Technology,
Allison Banks
Well, technology has been helping keep contact with family members in England (who always seem to be on line but never accessible by phone!) and recently I have helped reconnect my 71 year old mother with her 72 year old friend in Australia – they have not seen each other in over 40 years! It’s amazing that even those in their senior years are also using technology such as Facebook and Twitter to reconnect with friends that they have only spoken ‘about’ and not ‘to’ over so many years! Definitely makes the world a whole lot smaller!!
I am a big fan of technology such as Skype and iChat for video calls as it has brought me closer to friends and family. I use it to talk to my mum, and also to friends who live in the UK and Australia. Now that I have a new baby too (our first child), it’s a way for her to “meet” family members who can’t yet meet her in person.
I feel like the computer brings us closer to some people and yet farther away from others. The internet and its uses like facebook ,email, myspace, etc we are able to connect with friends and family we do not see often which is great. But sometimes we spend too much online with those people virtually that we ignore those people who are around us and we waste our time with them. Maybe we are even ruining our social skills in real life conversational situations.
i use it to keep in touch with family and friends
it’s a great way to keep in touch and reconnect with friends and family
I have found so many people on facebook. People who I have wondered about for years. Without technology, we would not have this incredible way to reconnect.
helps to reconnect with old friends
I just love having video chats with my grandson,,we live a province apart but I can still see him everyday,,,gotta love computers,,
Technology has kept me in touch with family and friends I already knew (well I guess I always knew family…but you know what I mean) and have met some some friends with technology that I keep in regular touch with. Since I no longer live in the same town as my mom or my kids, I can keep in touch with them and see how they are doing.
I’ve been able to get in touch with and keep in touch with family that were “distant” until we all got email.
In the last several weeks it has been especially helpful. A family member in the USA has become very ill. Via email, family around the world is kept constantly updated on his condition. This is something our family really appreciates.
Wow, another great example of the computer age working for us in a positive way. I have discovered the life of shopping on line now and love the convenience.
Technology has made it so easy to stay in touch with family and friends that live out of town and Europe. as a result of Technology, we are planning an international reunion, to get to speak in person.
Technology is great! There is always so much to learn about on the internet. Technology changes so fast that it can sometimes be hard to keep up. I would really like a laptop as I do not have one.
Aside from making it so easy to stay in touch with family and friends, the internet also makes it possible to share info and news on any issues or conditions. I’ve been able to immediately share product recall alerts, job info, new medical research, contests :-), news reports they may not receive, and the list goes on. I love it!
I absolutely could not survive without technology. It allows me to keep in contact with family and friends.
Without technology I wouldn’t be able to keep as easily in touch with my husband who goes back and forth between Canada and Europe. Social networking has also put me back in touch with friends and relatives who I’ve lost contact with over the years. It’s been such a pleasure connecting with them again.
If there was no Facebook, or text messaging, I would NEVER be talking to my kids. It is the best way to communicate with them right now. Also, on Facebook, I am able to still keep in touch with the people I used to work with… no matter where we now are…
Technology such as email has made it so easy to stay in touch with family and friends that live out of town.
thanQ for this wonderful opportunity. Technology has brought me closer to people I haven’t even met in person yet through groups such as this. Again, grateful for this.
Technology has allowed me to reconnect with high school friend from all over Canada.
Technology has allowed me to keep in touch when I live over 5000 kms from my nearest family member.
I love email because it is a great way to stay in touch with my family out of town
Technology has been great, we are planning a family reunion as a result of being able to communicate with family in Europe and across Canada. Being able to set up a web page, and email has made the planning very easy.
I use technology to share pictures and email with friends and family.
Technology is great because I can keep in touch with family that you live far away.
Technology has brought me closer to my daughters learning something as basic as texting makes a difference
I am able to keep in touch with friends and family across Canada and the U.S.
Seriously, how did people do this before technology? This way is so much easier!!!
A friend of mine suffered from a degenerative chronic illness but even as she grew weaker and more restricted in her real life, she was still able to make friends and enjoy life through an online video game.
Four generations of family keep in touch online with emails, messages, photos and videos. Great for everyone to keep up with what’s happening with the whole family even though we’re miles apart.
My cousin recently died and a lot of our family lives out west. It has helped me stay connected with them and we were able to see the memorial they had for him out west online.
I meet incredible people on vacation – we keep in touch online regularly because it is so easy and inexpensive
I use facebook to keep in touch with friends and family.
Thanks to technology,I can keep in touch with my family and friends when on vacation or when traveling for work.
Technology allows me to keep in touch with old friends and new friends via the internet. We are all so busy that if it were not for technology,we would easily lose contact.
I use technology to keep in touch with family.
I love technology, especially since I have become a Mom. I love keeping in touch with friends and family on Facebook and I am able to show my kids their cousins that live in other countries.
My son finally got me to join facebook after many years. He is posted in Ontario and it is fun talking to him on line and also looking up old friends from the past. He is in the process of being post overseas and I will be able to keep in touch with him now where ever he goes. I love technology
Technology allowed me to meet my fiance through the Internet. If it wasn’t for the Internet and prgrams like MSN, I would have never met my sole mate or be getting married this November. I don’t know where I would be without him. Technology definitly brings people closer together, wether they are a family member, a friend , or someone new you meet online. You never know what can happen.
The internet lets me leave messages for my kids and grandkids right at the time I think of them and they can pick the messages up at their leisure so we can definately stay in touch 24/7.
I have a wonderful son who was so kind as to purchase a very expensive lap top computer. Had a wonderful time using it until some screws started coming loose…..
Soon, the entire lid of the laptop was a mess – all the wires are shot – and now it’s just WAY too expensive to fix!
I would love to win this computer – and I would take the very best care of it you can be sure!
I was glad for email to connect with my family and friends during university and I have used it ever since.
My niece is in her first year of university away from home. using the internet has been great for keeping in touch without the huge expense that comes with phone calls. The added bonus is we can always make contact!
When I lived with my siblings I spoke with them every day. Now that we’ve all moved out we still stay in touch daily through computers/internet, so it’s not so bad. We always know what’s happening in each others lives and are a part of it.
I talk to relatives regularly through internet social networks that I never would have talked to through normal walks of life. Technology breaks that crisp barrier of making a cold call to someone you don’t speak to regularly.
I love email. It lets me keep in touch with everybody when I travel.
Technology has been great for me to keep in touch with my daughter when she was overseas.
My mom is 65 years old and loves her facebook. She has recently retired and now keeps in touch with everyone via computer. She is more up to speed with it than I am!
I truely believe that technology can bring us closer together- I reconnected with friends from elementary school on Facebook, and now we get together once each month and they have become my closest friends again. It makes it possible in the crazy, busy lives that we lead, to sit down at the computer and send a message when it is too late or too early to call, or if we only have a few seconds- then we arrange the time to sit and relax with each other!
This is great! There are so many ways technology has brought me closer to others. MSN has allowed me to stay in contact with friends and family when I went away to university. Email allows me to stay in touch with friends and Facebook has helped me find friends whose emails may have changed.
Technology changes so fast. I often find it hard to keep up with all the changes. It is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family.
So many ways technology is helpful, although it certainly can cause complications and difficulties if we allow it to be “the boss of us”. All of my family is in another province, so we can stay in touch much more easily in between personal visits and phone calls (although the telephone and long distance is a technology too, isn’t it?) using our internet connections.
I love technology for the ease and speed of keeping up to date with friends and family.
Technology keeps me in touch with family.
I like how you can stay in touch with more people via computer. Plus you can go beyond just hearing their voice. You can see them too if you so choose.
We have relatives cross country and this helps us keep in touch with time zone differences
As family grows they begin their own buys lives in an age of technology. Computers is a quick link through many forums of staying in touch with loved ones on a daily basis if one so wishes.
help me stay in touch with family and friends
Helps me stay in contact with family members- I have at least one on every continent
I must say I love technology. My Aunty has been so so sick, in and out of the hospital constantly lately. They’ve had to put her on oxygen and even had to move in with her daughter so she could check on her every hour. With all this going on with her health she sleeps for approx 18 hours a day (if not even more!) and is often too ill to use the phone, it takes too much energy. She does however, manage to check her email and even joined facebook recently to be able to keep in touch with her kids. If it wasn’t for technology I would hardly get to talk/chat etc. with my aunt and being as she raised me through my teenage years, eveytime anything happens in my life, any problems I’m having she’s always they’re to listen and help. Thank goodness for email!
The majority of my friends live along way from me, facebook lets me keep in close contact with all my long lost freinds i luv this new technology!!!
I was an exchange student while still in highschool and the friends I made, me included, were really bad at writing letters. Now, we have been able to reconnect!
I have much extended family in Europe.. we have been able to connect via the internet. we maintain a family Web page and this allows everyone to submit events that are happening during the year. The technology, we are are arranging a family reunion this summer and the plans are there for all to see. It has made the world a much smaller place
Email lets me keep in touch with my kids who live far away
I love being able to keep in touch with my friends and family so easily.
My best friend moved to Ottawa, 6 hours away from me. I can see her life through her pictures on facebook, talk to her through skype and email her whenever i need a smile.
My other 2 friends moved to California and Florida (yes i’ve been left here alone) so i get to chat with all of them through the wonders of technology. I wouldn’t change it for a thing!
Four generations of family keep in touch by messenger email and sending pictures and videos back and forth. It’s so nice to be a part of things even when they’re miles away
I stay in touch with my mom by e-mail.
I first noticed the huge benefits of technology when my son travelled to Ireland. I emailed him everyday and we had great conversations – more regularly than when he was home!
I can’t imagine life without. Staying in touch with the important people in my life is so much easier now. And having the unlimited knowledge base at your fingertips is priceless.
it’s a way to stay in touch with old friends and my extended family
I was able to re-connect with some old friends that I lost touch with. It’s even more important since we moved out west. Now, aside from the telephone, we’re able to keep in touch with family and friends.
Since both my parents come from large families that means there are hundreds of relatives from coast to coast. Since we tend to be mobile people today it is so easy to keep in contact with relatives regardless where they are. My niece lives in BC and she only has a cell phone. Facebook and e-mail keeps us in contact. Family reunions are great to organize on facebook. There is actually a reunion page to keep us all in touch for my dad’s family. Technology is a truly amazing advancement in making our life easier and it would be sorely missed if for some reason it was taken away from us. Having said that, hugs are also great and that is impossible to acheive through the internet. Love the social networking and game sites where you meet people with like interests and also enjoy getting the opportunity to meet people that I have met through these sites. A balance is needed between technology and real life.
We keep in touch with family members across Canada, that is how I first met my inlaws, through webcams. This way they can stay in touch with our lives and visa versa and it breaks the pain of being so far away when we can still see their faces. Due to the distance we are going to miss nana and papas 65th wedding anniversary, just too expensive to fly so we are going to be there through webcam so we can still wish them happy anniversary face to face! Couldn’t live without technology, it is everywhere!
I keep in touch with family members across Canada using technology.
My granddaughters (and their parents) moved 1500 kms away from us last summer. Having a computer and web cam has allowed us to see how much they have grown and changed in the last year and helped us to miss them just a bit less.
A friend of mine moved to Bermuda to work, and particularly since I received my Quackberry, I’m more readily able to keep in touch, as it’s so much more convenient.
I could not get along without technology. I like to connect with my friends and family.
I use my Blackberry all the time when I’m on the go,to check my e-mails to keep in touch with family,friends,and to keep on top of work issues.
If there was no Facebook, or text messaging, I would NEVER be talking to my kids. It is the best way to communicate with them right now. Also, on Facebook, I am able to still keep in touch with the people I used to work with… no matter where we now are…
I use technology to take digital photos of my family that I upload to the internet and send to my family and friends.
I use email to stay in touch with friends and family.
I have grown children and grandchildren but they live in other provinces. My daughter lives in British Columbia and travelling there is very expensive. I use the internet to keep in touch and to get pictures of the little ones as they grow. She is now expecting her third and I won’t be there for the birth but they will keep me updated with news and photos over the internet if my old laptop stays alive…..not counting on it though.
The same goes for my son and his family in New Brunswick. E-mail, Facebook and pics keep us close.
I lived very far from town with few neighbors and hubby was on the road at work driving semi truck. I had 3 kids at home, the eldest is handicapped and my little ones were 2 and 5. I made wonderful friends through internet groups/social network. They kept me company and supported me through what was otherwise a very lonely and isolated time in my life.
Through Facebook I reconnected with Ali – the girl who’d been my desk mate in Grade 1, champion against a dragonesque grade 2 teacher, best friend, special project partner & co-keener right up until junior high, when she got curvy and cool and popular and I got dumpy and awkward and bookish.
I’ve always missed her – even in those years when we were in the same town but what felt like worlds apart. She was one of 2 people that I most hoped to re-connect with when I first got turned-on to social media.
Now, though she’s in Ottawa and I’m in Victoria, we connect constantly and have as much in common as we did pouring over the flags of the world all those years ago. And the best part is, sharing the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of motherhood and feeling like we’re there for each other over the miles.
email is great to keep in touch with my parents – we are all busy during the day, but a quick note here and there is very easy and keeps us all in the loop. π thanks!
I e-mail my friend of 48 years every day. We catch up on what our kids are doing. I only see her once a year. E-mailing is great technology.
Last year the most amazing thing happened: I found my family. No, I’m not adopted, though I may as well be, since I have so few relatives in Toronto. I had posted a search for long-lost family members on a genealogy site over 10 years ago, but had received few responses. Until last September. A cousin I didn’t know I had somehow thought to look me up on Facebook. We started chatting through FB and e-mail, and I demonstrated how I was related to him (we’re fourth cousins). I was invited to become part of a huge extended family tree. I now have hundreds of new cousins, including a famous Hollywood TV personality I didn’t know I was related to! I also discovered I can trace my family as far back as 1795 to our ancestral village in Europe. I think technology brings people together. It can also bring tears to your eyes — it sure did in my case!
I love Facebook – it keeps me close to my older sister and niece who live on the other side of the country. We don’t often get a chance to regularly visit face to face…so the computer allows us some “facetime”!
The internet has brought me closer to my friend of 48 years who lives up north and sees me only once a year. We e-mail every day and catch up on the news about our children.
Is there any better way to shop? I love how technology today has improved our lives and made communicating with friends and family so much easier. We’ve come so far and I think we’ve just touched the tip of the iceberg. So much more is yet to come.
When I was undergoing fertility treatments to conceive our child(ren) I found the internet invaluable to connect with other women that were feeling the sting of infertility. I also learned tips and tricks for managing my menstrual cycle and conception times as well as immeasurable emotional support while going through treatments. I now have a BFF of 11 years that I’ve never ‘met’ in real life, but couldn’t go a day without her and her virtual hugs and endless support!!
(Nevermind the most obvious of meeting my husband online a dating site!!! We credit the technological era we live in to getting us together and helping to give us our two beautiful daughters, as well as new friends, near and far!!)
Let me count the ways :-). During my more serious episodes of social anxiety when I couldn’t use the phone or go out amongst people, I was able to stay in contact with friends and family, take care of paying bills, etc, in a ‘safe’ way through technology. I’ve re-connected with old school chums after having lost touch for years and decades, and found & connected with family that I knew was ‘out there’ but didn’t know who or where.
My husband has MS and the internet has allowed us to explore a whole new world of alternative treatments and therapies!
My mother left when I was 5 and I am now 39. Over a year ago we started emailing each other. We emailed and got to know each other very well over the next few months. Now we see each other regularly and have a great relationship. She is enjoying being the grandmother of two boys – 3 and 5. My youngest son absolutely loves her to death. He is very shy with everyone except her. It is so nice to see.
I don’t know what I would do without technology to communicate with my family. It would seem strange to go back to snail mail.
I’ve managed to use technology to bring myself closer to family and friends by making and uploading videos on my computer and making some great photo books on-line, among other things. Love, love, love all of the options out there.
I love technology! If it weren’t for the internet, I’d have never have my homebased business. It’s given me the best of both worlds as a mom!
I found old friends online that I lost track of many years ago.
Our family is not much for making phone calls so technology has helped us keep in touch with family via the internet
I stay in touch with family using email.
Used Skype for first time but still prefer the phone !!!
Moved from Quebec to B.C. in 1971 and somehow lost contact with my sister.Tried looking in Montreal Telephone Directory at Library to no avail.Was looking on a genealogy site for info about our family tree and left some inquiries.Some months later i received a email from a address i didn’t know,did a virus check,it was safe so i opened it.Well what a surprise,it was from my cousin who i had not seen for 40 years.He saw my Info for the family tree and asked if his aunt was my mom who had passed away.I told him yes,after chatting i mentioned i lost touch with my sister,he said no problem,he talks with her and has her number if i wanted.After our talk i called her right away,she answered and started to cry when she recognised my voice,she was so happy,she thought i was dead.She said that this was the best birthday present she could get as it was her birthday the next day.We exchanged email addy’s and kept in touch daily until i met her on her trip to B.C.It was great hugging her after 37 years.All this made possible by using a computer on that Internet highways.I am now able to keep in contact with family & people all around the world instantly.WOW how the world has changed in my 63 years,so much has changed in such a short time,can you imagine what the future holds,our kids are in for a treat.
I became disabled after an accident and lost touch with amost everyone in the years it took me to recover. I found most of them onliine on facebook and myspace.. still searching for others -but without technology I never would have been able to reconnect with these valuable people in my life! Also the internet has been an amazing tool for me researching illnesses and cures that I got subsequent to the accident. I would be lost without it.
I can keep in touch with my American cousins on FB
I use technology to stay in touch with love ones.
I am 9th in a family of 10 and what better way to stay in contact but through many of the networking sites or even through skype.
We love seeing new pictures of each others children and events that go on in our different lives.
My mom who is 84 years old just got her own little lap top a couple of months ago and now she can join us on Skype as well.
I don’t know what I did before computers. With my busy schedule, it’s the only way to keep in touch with family and friends that are scattered world-wide. A quick post on your Facebook page and everyone knows how the little one’s birthday party went, complete with a link to YouTube so they can view the blowing out of the candles. I remeber one time my dad asking me how I was and I replied, “Don’t you read my blog?”
I would love this contest. I have a friend who is in dire need for a new computer and it would make their connections to friends and family that much easier.
I have connected with old friends that I went to school with years ago. Couldn’t have done it without IT!
Aside from the benefits of keeping in touch with friends all over the world and having a wealth of information at my fingertips at all times, I have my PC and my internet connection to thank for two major positive changes in my life.
First, I met my current partner online. Yes, that’s a good thing.
Also, I have accomplished one of my dreams of becoming a published author by having my articles published in an online magazine.
I still dream of writing a novel and again, thanks to the internet, I have met other people with the same dream and have even had an editor look over my writing so that I could find out if I have what it takes to write professionally.
hi again yes this is the same Anita just added my middle initial… i believe as well i do have some friends that do not use there phones so email is my only way of communicating with them…. i watched this documentary today PeaceoneDay… there website is the show touched me….
Wow, now that the weather is getting better I find myself on the go more than ever. The fastest way to keep connected to friends, family and all my favourite websites is via my personal computer. I can only dream how fantastic a touch screen computer would be for this purpose!!!
I move a lot and facebook has allowed me to keep in touch with all the friends I have made along the way!
I employ email for most communication with out of town family and friends.
Living in a very rural area, to say technology keeps us in touch, informed and entertained…of course!!!
Technology has made it so much easier to communicate via email rather than mailing a letter.
Technology has allowed me to speak to my daughter who lives across the country in Vancouver. I can talk with her every day via the internet. We email back and forth so I don’t miss out any of the events in her life
This prize would really make that easier
Technology is fabulous. Not only is it how I make my living, it’s how I stay connected to what is going on with my extended family, my friends and what is going on across the world. Without technology, I doubt I would still be in touch with and close to some of my very oldest and dearest friends who have moved to other areas of Canada and overseas.
Technology brings us closer… to learning about everyone else in the world!
Ignorance breeds racism and discrimination. Learning about your neighbor whether they are next door or across the world increases tolerance and understanding.
With a husband who is out on the road alot and a family scattered across western canada, I rely on texting and emails to “talk” to everyone. When my husband first suggested we get blackberrys to text each other I admit I was reluctant. Ok I flat out refused. And now I can’t live without it! Technology has given me the ability to instantly connect with those I love and I’d love a new Sony VAIO to replace my old desktop computer!
With computers I am now in touch with people that i have not talked to in years.
My Godmother and I had not seen each other for years, basically since I was a kid and she was a married woman with a small son. Then we started to write to each other once in a while and she asked me for my email address. Huh??? I didn’t have one of those but at the urging of many other friends, I finally bought a computer. We started E’ing back and forth, which was the start of a great reunion and friendship. We have caught up on all the years we really didn’t know each other and for the last several years now, we have become inseparable.
As a stay at home mom for eleven years I have now shifted into the role, but the mommydom life wasn’t always this comfortable. I turned to the computer and the forums for my socialization. Money was tight and with only one car I relied on these women to keep me sane. They were my sounding board and my buffer for venting since my husband hid in his outside life as a full time engineer and part time dj.
Today I have three boys; 12, 11 and 6 and a half. I enjoy reconnecting on Facebook with schoolmates in Edmonton, and family in Halifax while staying connected with friends who like me have moved throughout the country, even some who have moved abroad.
Twitter has been enlightening, being able to follow peoples thoughts and inspirational insights, many of the connections I have made have given me the strength and tennacity to forge out on my own.
Thank goodness for the inter-web!
Technology has brought closer to my best friend from High School. We kind of lost touch I moved to Alberta from NB. She became a Dentist and work way up North.
Technology has brought closer to my best friend from High School. We kind of lost touch I moved to Alberta from NB. She became a Dentist and work way up North.
Technology has made me be able to keep in touch daily with my family that live in other cities.
Pick me, your next winner! Starving artist here desperately needs a laptop to work and eat. I use blog to help and save the animals. E.g. the tainted pet food period, i blogged products to watch out for, how to mix 50/50 pet food with real food (even food scrap is better ) , with other pet owners. HOw to use pet vet service, good place for pet needs, etc.
I get to see pictures of my granddaughter who lives in another city
I use technology to keep in touch with friends and family
I use technology to keep in touch with friends and family
I use technology to keep in touch with friends and family
It has been a wonderful way to reconnect with old friends that I have lost touch with over the years. Though we may not have the time to meet in person, we can now commiserate, share, and chuckle any time. Distance is no longer a deterrent to our friendship.
You may be right, I have just recently hooked up with old friends who I connected with on Facebook and Twitter, you never know what the social media buzz will bring to you life
We have family in Victoria, BC and we stay connected by the internet.
Modern Technology has brought me closer to my University roommates and my friends from my High School days that I lost touch with over the years. It is so easy to go on-line and hook up with people from my past & present (facebook helped this happen)
I have not opened a facebook account yet, but I will in the near future because it sounds great!
I actually communicate more with friends and family because of technology. I know that I can get a message out quickly, with all the details, and then fill people in later. Kinda like giving a teaser to the Big Story!
I stay in touch with my family and friends (personal and web friends) with technology. I have met some very interesting people and made lasting friendships online. It’s wonderful for four generations of family to be able to share pictures and stories and video to stay close even when seperated by miles and miles.
It is true that many of us spend a lot of time using our cell phones and computers. However, they are a big help to me. I like to use my tech tools to keep in touch with family and friends. I would be lost without them.
One of my sisters lives in B.C. (I am in Ontario) Technology allows us to keep up to date with each others families and still feel like we are close.
She sends pictures almost daily or we connect via facebook or webcam. Without these, I would be waiting on the mail each day.
Facebook has brought me back into contact with long lost friends, and Ravelry has expanded my knitting world.
I could never afford to stay in touch with long distant charges by phone with family & friends away. The internet is a great tool to keep up to date with their lives.
well i am in touch as well with FaceBook and my family and co-workers so yes technology is a big part of my life i find out so much on the internet as well too emails who with out them i would not find out what is going on in the world around us… thank you
Skype is our newest technological “acquisition”, and it has allowed our family to keep in touch with my husband’s family, who all live in Europe. The phone bills before were either ridiculously expensive, or non-existent – an all or nothing type of communication. Now we can all chat on Skype, and we even use a webcam, so that the kids can see their grandma and cousins while chattering on… and on…
I rediscovered all the wonderful friends i made when i lived in london through the “magic” of facebook.
If there was no Facebook, or text messaging, I would NEVER be talking to my kids. It is the best way to communicate with them right now. Also, on Facebook, I am able to still keep in touch with the people I used to work with… no matter where we now are…
I can talk to my friends that live in other countries
Technology helps me keep in contact with family in Scotland
Being a brit working in Canada, Skype allows me to speak and, more importantly see, my elderly parents back on England
We have family in Europe which we haven’t seen in years. Being able to get together through the use of a webcam is really incredible.
I can communicate and send pictures to my family members who live hundreds of miles away with my computer.
My husband works double shifts a few times a week. Sending each other quick text messages is a great way of communicating throughout the day. The when we do talk, we have some idea of what has been happening and we don’t feel like we haven’t spoken in days!
When my son was doing a university exchange in Milan, Italy, we were able to converse and see him on the computer using SKYPE software. This was free service and we didn’t feel that we had to watch our time/expense (like we do with long distance telephone calls)
E-mail has helped me discover family members that I didn’t know and reconnect with others. It makes it so easy to stay connected.
When my best friend moved to Australia we were really worried about the distance and how it would affect our relationship, but with the help of technology through the years we have been able to keep close contact with computer video links that we can have coffee and catch up with each other frequently and be a big part of each other’s lives too. This way she has gotten to know my daughter through goofy dances and songs through the internet . We are so thankful that then experiences are not lost due to the distance.
I like to use my tech tools to keep in touch with family and friends. I would be lost without them.
My wife and I once we married moved from our home town, family and friends to a small town about 1.75 hrs away. Technology has helped us stay close with friends and family by sharing photos and texting via facebook and emails. Without it, actually siting to write a letter and mailing it would be impossible as time is always a contraint; technology has really brought us closer to our friends and family as correspondence is more frequent and even instantanious.
Technology has helped me to contact old friends, make new friends and keeps me close to family & friends that live in other parts of Canada and the rest of the world.
Technology has helped me get in contact with some old friends, make some new ones and keep in closer contact with family & friends that live in other parts of Canada and the rest of the world.
Technology has brought me so much closer to my family. I have since purchased a web cam and have been able to chat with my grandparent that live quite far away. My children have been able to see and talk to their great grandparent!! They have also been able to talk and see family they have never met before. I have also been able to connect with old friends as well as make new one through social networking and blogging.
Technology has given me a wonderful life. My life before, was basically work work work with not too many outside contacts. I work shifts, so its hard to meet new people, so my personal life outside of work was limited. I went out and decided to get with the times and get a computer, and from there, I met a wonderful man who is now my husband and he’s given me a wonderful son and so many friends and such a huge family, its absolutely wonderful. Thank God for technology.
being able to send photos to loved ones overseas instantly is priceless
I love how technology just keeps on going! Just too bad I can’t keep up! It is a great way to keep in touch with our families over seas. In stead of sending pictures and missing out on the real action. We can send videos and have live chats without missing out on milestones!
With Facebook I have reconnected with many friends and former work friends which I would never have been able to do without technology.
rhondastruthers atyahoo dot ca
I met a new best friend online on a pregnancy website, we have the same amount of kids, same ages too! Now we’re best friends and so are our kids!
Recently joined Facebook and have since reconnected with many family members that I have not seen in years! it is great to be able to chat online and get caught up instantly without having to travel miles and miles. Saves on gas and still keeps me in touch! Love it!
Technology! I absolutely love it!I am in Brazil right now on vacation and without the use of a laptop computer I would feel so isolated…..I get to email friends and family each day and know what is happening at home…… is mindboggling how the internet works but it certainly is a wonderful thing!!!!!!
Thank goodness for all the different ways to connect! Technology has allowed me to have far more friends than I could ever have if I only had a phone, or face to face contact. I get a little thrill when I tweet or skype my friends around the world.
My 70-year-old Aunt, my last living relative, lives in Halifax and has taught herself to use a computer (how awesome is that?!?) She has never been a good letter writer, but now by the miracle of the Internet she sends me regular email updates! We have thus grown much, much closer over the last four years this way, and I learned what a loving, caring lady she is when I lost both of my parents a year apart. I love technology!
Since my parents divorced 12 years ago I have not had much contact with my dad’s family (my grandparents, aunt/uncle, cousins, etc.). However over the last few years I have managed to connect with them online – through Facebook (cousin/aunt) and though Email (my 89 year old grandpa!). The internet has allowed me to have somewhat of a relationship with them. It may just be Email forwards or Facebook status/picture comments here and there – but it is better than no contact at all.
Technology has helped me to maintain friendships that otherwise would have fallen to the wayside by now.
After having 2 babies in 16 months sitting and talking on the phone with my girlfriends has become a thing of ancient history. Now its more like me sending emails letting them know whats going on at 2am and then them replying at normal times of the day while I am running around like a crazy person chasing my toddlers.
Technology has let me keep in touch with my mother in law. It is great to be able to chat with her every day about anything.
My best friend since Grade 1 (1959) has been living in Paraguay for the past 27 yrs. Because of new technology, we can speak and see each other via Skype & webcam every week. Life is good!
Technology has been great to help me reconnect with old friends on facebook. Moved to a new town where I know no one and is nice to be able to go online and keep in touch with people. With out my computer wouldn’t have much social interaction with anyone right now. My step-daughters live in Saskatchewan and we are in Ontario the computer is an awesome way for us to keep in touch with them. The best thing is having the web cam so we can see them and watch them grow up.
My best friend since the time I was in 1st Grade (1955) has been living Paraguay for the past 27 years. Because of technology, I can speak to her and see her via Skype & webcam every week! Prior to this new technology, letters were our only means of communication which would take weeks to receive.
Thanks to my computer and web cam I can still see my son every day. He across the country for work and I would miss him even more if I couldn’t see him on webcam.
I like to use my tech tools to keep in touch with family and friends. I would be lost without them.
I would be lost without my technological tools. I use the internet to shop, to research, to keep in touch with my family, and to enter contests. I use the Skype to “visit” with family and friends. I use my Iphone as a telephone and a computer, an IPod and a camera! I love my tech toys.
I use technology to stay in contact with my siblings…we are spread out over Ontario!
It has brought me closer to alot of my old school friends! If it wasnt for technology, I probably wouldnt have ever spoken to some of them again!
I recently moved to a small town and without having my VOIP phone, my long distance bill would be outlandish! I was able to keep my old phone number so it’s still local for my friends to call without having to count minutes when they do. PLUS, a few dear old friends that I hadn’t heard from in awhile came across my “old” number and called up to reconnect – had it changed, I would have never known they were thinking about me if it wasnt for technology π
Technology has allowed me to research new information about my interests and hobbies. I’d be lost without my computer.
My best friend in Ireland and I chat via SKYPE every week! We have a great time and have been friends for over 30 years!
Technology has brought me closer to my extended family. For example, I feel like I never have the time to call my sister-in-law but with email we often send each other quick notes. Sometimes she will send me pictures of my niece and nephew. I find sending a quick email or picture is easier than calling and therefore because of technology we have been more in contact with each other. Thanks for the chance to win:)
Technology has brought me a lot closer with my father who recently moved to another country. My dad was “technologically handicapped” before I talked him in to, and taught him how to use his laptop. Now, I can see, and speak to him on a daily basis. Before he got his laptop, he would write me letters from Cuba and it took three months to receive them. Now my dad is turning in to a total gadget geek, he has purchased a blue-tooth cell, an MP4 player, a digital camera, etc. Now he emails me info about the newest gadgets available.
Despite the complaints that life is moving at too fast a pace, there is no turning back so the more technology that will keep me in touch with my friends, family and colleagues is welcome!
Despite the complaints that life is moving at too fast a pace, there is no turning back so the more technology that will keep me in touch with my friends, family and colleagues is welcome!
Through technology and with our web cams we are able to see our 2 year old and 2 month old grandchildren and interact with them. This is great as we live 6 hours away from them.
My wife and I met through the internet!
I met my husband online over 10 years ago. We met in a chat room (long before the days of Facebook), and after several months of correspondence, he asked me out on a date. No small feat considering he lived in Toronto and I lived in Calgary. When I picked him up at the airport, I KNEW. It was love at first sight and I knew right then & there that I would spend the rest of my life with him. Now we stay in touch with both sets of grandparents via Skype where they can see our little monkey every week and stay up to date with what is happening in our lives.
Despite the complaints that life is moving at too fast a pace, there is no turning back so the more technology that will keep me in touch with my friends, family and colleagues is welcome!
I met my husband online over 10 years ago. We met in a chat room (long before the days of Facebook), and after several months of correspondence, he asked me out on a date. No small feat considering he lived in Toronto and I lived in Calgary. When I picked him up at the airport, I KNEW. It was love at first sight and I knew right then & there that I would spend the rest of my life with him. Now we stay in touch with both sets of grandparents via Skype where they can see our little monkey every week and stay up to date with what is happening in our lives.
Life goes on at what seems like an ever increasing pace. My weekly on line chats with old friends helps slow the pace.A little!
Technology-internet – hello? The only trouble is that the other person has to have an account too! Smile
to keep up with everything that is important to me and my family
Awesome comment, Shane! Absolutely hilarious! Too bad it wasn’t “best comment” that won. Still laughing…
I got in touch with long lost friends using technology.
None of my family lives by me at all. So technology makes it possible for us all to keep in touch without the high costs associated with constant travel. Technology makes it possible to see instantly how they have grown and changed.
Awesome comment, Shane! Absolutely hilarious! Too bad it wasn’t “best comment” that won. Still laughing…
I used thechnology to enter this contest, winning will excite my husband, and bring us closer.
I used thechnology to enter this contest, winning will excite my wife, and bring us closer.
I rekindled an old highschool friendship
I met an old boyfriend that I had had 20 years earlier online, and now we are back together and have a 4 month old son.
Technology has been awesome for me. I am only in my 50’s but I remember days without dial telephones so living in todays world is awesome. I can have a video chat on my computer with a family member that lives thousands of miles away. So for me technology is the most awesome thing ever. Take my computer away and i don’t know if I could survive.
With email, I can keep close to an old friend who lives out of town. We can’t afford the long distance charges but email keeps us in touch daily and sharing the mundane and silly stuff that has keep our friendship alive since we were 4 years old.
We use the webcam to keep our kids in touch (and sight!) of their grandparents, who live across the country.
We;ve been married for 15 years but since we;ve gotten our cell phones no matter what we’re dong we talk about 20 times a day!
I’m able to connect with friends and family from around the world.
Technology has allowed me to stay in touch with friends and family with such ease and at no cost! I can talk daily with a relative across the ocean, now that is cool!
My parents moved to Australia 20 years ago and I spent a fortune on long distance phone calls and could only afford to call a couple times a month. Five years ago I discovered Skype and now I can talk and see my parents everyday for free! It makes bieng apart so much easier to take.
Facebook has brought my whole family closer to a neice, granddaughter that we may otherwise not know.
My brother and his wife split up when my neice was very young. She remained with her mom and we didn’t hear much from her.
Facebook arrived, she is now 18, living in Australia and we have all re-connected with this young lady. It has been a wonderful experience for everyone invoved.
Jen and I met with the help of technology, Facebook specifically in October 2008. From the very beginning Jen and I always had great conversations; although distance was between us. I was in between Miami, Atlanta and New York, while she was in Toronto. Thankfully technology became our very good friend. We spent the early part of our relationship sending countless emails, text messages, and endless hours on Skype. To this day, this is a significant part both of our days.
I’m now happy to share that we are engaged and planning our wedding. While I’m still in the US and she resides in Canada, it’s technology that has brought us together and keeps us together even with the distance between us.
I keep in touch with my family who live in all different parts of the world through the Internet. Through e-mail, Skype, social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Sadly, my “old school” computer is at it’s last fritz…seriously am in need of a new computer and cannot afford a new one! I would LOVE to win this contest. It would mean the world and help me keep in touch by keeping my long distance phone bills low! Thanks!
With Skype I am able to be able to get through those long times away from each other.
Ja! Internet makes it so easy to keep in touch with my overseas friends who are in different time zones. No more phoning and waking up friends in the middle of the night!
Oh, let me count the ways…
With webcams/IM and email I’m able to show and share my growing family to my family in the UK; FB keeps me up to date with family in the US, has reconnected me with many friends from high school and college/university now living all over the world; and has connected me to a long lost branch of the family tree! Good ol’ cell phone/texting keeps the hubby in touch, and cell phone camera has been on hand to capture some important/priceless moments with my kids. E-newsletters, groups, forums, blogs, twitter and other internet-enabled platforms have introduced me to many wonderful mentors in the parenting field…. and the ripples keep spreading outwards………
Technology has brought me closer to my sister and her family in Ontario. Thanks to things like Skype, webcams and the Internet, I’m able to not only see my nieces and nephew but be able to communicate with them! π
Technology has been fantastic for me to reconnect with old friends where we lost our addresses, and moved in the meantime. I have reconnected with dear old friends on Facebook, that I have not heard from in many years. I truly value our friendships and I am so happy that I could reconnect with them by using technology as a convenient tool.
I met my husband online and I am very glad I did! π
Using the computer and facebook I feel that I am more connected with my friends and family as I know what they are up to almost every day – almost as good as being there.
This is what I need. The technology offered in this computer is light years ahead of the old war horse, that I am currently trying to navigate the internet with. I spend more time rebooting, because my browser keeps on locking up. I’m hoping and praying!!
Fcaebook and technology are my lifeline right now due to medical conditions! But on the good side I have made 3 real good friend and met hundreds of great people. Right now it is my banker, shopper and connects me with friends and relatives and for this I am thankful, I have also hooked up with some of my old high school friends and it has been so nice. This would be so great!! Thank You.
I use skype to talk to my son when he is out of the country – then it doesn’t feel like he is so far away.
Technologie allows me to try new products and review them or to connect and meet friends on FB and Twitter. To shop, doing my banking, paying my bills or just reading the newspaper, it’s all thanks to technologie.
Skype is one of the best technology – it keeps me in touch
with many friends and family.
My daughter and Grandchildren live in Queensland Australia so obviously we dont get to see them very often, we quite often talk via a webcam so that we can see how the children are growing up and they at least get to see us, I would hate to think that they have forgotten us!!
Almost 13 years ago I met my best friend and eventually my husband online. We connected and chatted for a while before meeting in person. He changed my life by taking me from an awful life where I was so withdrawn from life and making me realize what a great person I am!!
I find that I have a lot to talk to my teenagers about because we’re all interested in technology and the latest things to do online.
I can chat with my Mom and Dad (and they can see their granddaughter) using a webcam and the internet – MSN messenger. Its more visual and interesting to keep up close than just the phone. Facebook also helps me to keep track of what all of my old university friends are up to. Without it, I would be clueless about their lives.
I live a 16 hour drive from ALL my family and without internet our closeness would stink. It’s great with kids to be able to send photos & videos from the day. It makes it feel like we’re close.
I was a single mom because my first husband died of a heart attack. It was due to the connection of “unknown” moms on a website called “cafemom” who were able to help me get past the hurt and move forward to raise my children to the best of my ability and eventually meet my new husband and a wonderful father figure for our children! Now my father in law lives in Denmark and we use Skype to have great talks and everyone can see each other!
Facebook and Skype have definitely made the world “smaller” in the sense that I can now talk to and even see friends and family who live overseas. Technology is great!!!
Facebook keeps me in touch with extended family across the country, and daughters living in the big city. Our aging workhorse laptop has become a vital link with family and friends.
Technology is making it easier to get into my 3 daughters lives. I can check up on them but also have some fun, looking at their world through the pictures, blogs and facebook stuff. I have learned alot, yet not been over their shoulder trying to get in!!
I can communicate with my family and friends across Canada. It is easy and I can write notes at any hour of the day.
Technology has connected my to several old friends whom I have not heard from in such a long time. Without – I would not know what they have all been up to, and even arranged some visits to catch up…….
My sister lives in Vancouver and techniology has definitely made it easier to talk to her.
I would be lost without my technological tools. I use the internet to shop, to research, to keep in touch with my family, and to enter contests. I use the Skype to “visit” with family and friends. I use my Iphone as a telephone and a computer, an IPod and a camera! I love my tech toys.
I love to keep up on all the news from people I see occasionally. It gives me a chance to offer help, hugs, congrats and to pray for them.
I keep in touch with my family who live on the other side of the country! fb lets all sets of grandparents see our kids grow up!
helps me talk to my parents and brothers who live far far away. Also that’s how i met a very close friend, though her blog.
I am a fan of technology and facebook – due to that invention, I was able to raise a lot more money for my Easter Seals Walk-a-thon – and have also met people from around the world.
Helps me keep in contact when I’m traveling!
I can share pics and update extended family about my family in a blink of an eye.
Love using technology to keep in touch with my friends in other provinces and even other countries!
Me and my family are half way around the world apart. Internet brought us so much closer
Technology has made it easier, quicker, and inexpensive for me to communicate with my family and friends overseas.
I love that I can get valuable information on health issues, as well as coupon offers and forum advice from real people!
I am able to share pictures of my daughter and family with relatives and friends who we don’t get to see very often. It’s a great way for them to see how big she’s getting.
Now I call your question an excellent one because advanced Technology
has brought me closer to my son, Derek. Imagine I live in British Columbia
and he lives in the province of Quebec. Technology has brought us closer.
Both of us are communicating online from our own Laptops. In addition
to using this form of communication we have made use of Scanners to send
each other our recent pictures. We have not seen each other in person for
several years but because of advanced Technology we keep in touch and actually see each other.
Finally, advanced Technology is a great tool which includes laptops, and scanners.
Because of this it is possible to communicate from a long distance at a small cost to the users like us. What a remarkable way to get closer!
I like keeping in touch with my family on MSN.
Technology has brought me closer to my family and friends who live in different provinces and Territory’s.
Have been able to keep in touch with family spread accross Canada from coast to coast!!
Technology has kept me sane!!!
Having survived a near fatal heart attack I was rendered unable to do alot that I used to do. I was physically and emotionally taxed and I took to surfing, the healthiest activity the body could stand at the time. I am totally thrilled with the things l have discovered to improve my health and well being via the internet.
www thanks!!!
I Love technology , My parents passed away 19 years ago and the only relatives I had were in Europe and the United States , last year after not seeing them in twenty eight years I went to Germany and reconnected with them This year I going again but to meet with my fathers brother and cousins who I have never met in Hungary . I now keep in touch with my Uncle and cousins in Germany,Hungary Colorado regularly, and my Husbands Cousin in Spain , and Holland and My friends across Canada If it was not for modern technology, the internet, reconnecting and keeping in touch with family and friends is as if they were just across the street . would not be possible .
I feel blessed .
Is there any better way to shop? I love how technology today has improved our lives and made communicating with friends and family so much easier. We’ve come so far and I think we’ve just touched the tip of the iceberg. So much more is yet to come.
I am able to keep in constant contact with my friends at any hour of the day or night! Isn’t technology great?
Not sure what I can add that hasn’t already been said. The internet is an amazing connector – it has provided us with such effective and low cost tools to stay connected to friends who’ve moved away, and I completely agree that it has allowed us to create new connections with people we never would have met in the pre-internet days.
Technology definitely makes me more productive. I can’t imaging a time when I couldn’t connect with colleagues around the world.
Technology has let me keep in touch with old friends and my family. I love that I can Skype or email my Mom or sister even when they are hours away. This way I feel like I am a part of their life, even at a distance.
When my sister moved from Ontario to BC we knew staying in touch would be a challenge. When she had her first baby, we made it a priority to find a way. Thanks to technology, we use Skype to video chat. I first met my niece over Skype. When I finally met her in person, over a year later, the bond was already established. Technology made it all possible.
Technology has brought me closer to my Husband who had an accident 3 years ago that left him paralysed. While he was in rehab for months and months it was a great way to keep in contact with him when I could not be there in person. It kept his spirits up that he could still talk to myself and our daughter who was 5 at the time. And also gave me the ability to research different things that was going on with him and give me some kind of understanding of things he was and would be going through in the months and years to come. It also gave him ways to find and talk to other people that are going and went through what he has gone through.
It also is a great way for us to keep in contact with his whole family in England, so they can all know that he’s doing okay now. And getting to see and speak with them all on Skype and facebook it’s great!!
I love to stay in touch with family & friends by email or Facebook. It is so convenient & technology makes it easier.
I love being able to communicate either by email or Skype with my family that is far away. It allows my Mom to chat with her grand kids even though we live hours apart. Technology definitely makes communication easier.
I met my husband on the internet and I now have him and 2 wonderful kids. Plus on top of that I have been in contact with friends I have not seen or spoken to in years. Even get to show my kids old pictures of me in school thanks to facebook. The internet has added so much to my life through people plus all me and my kids can find out about through this great resource. I can’t imagine my world without it.
without e-mail i wouldn’t have been able to see my new helps me keep in touch wit my children.
Without email and facebook, I would have never known about my public and junior high school reunion. It was unbelievable and memories to last a life time.
My husband and I live in Canada, his family lives in holland. I met many of them on the internet, a friendly face is so much nicer than just a name or a voice.
Having a webcam makes loves ones seem closer even though they live far away.
it keeps me in contact with my married daughter and old friends who live across Canada
i love the ability to post updated pictures
Email lets me keep in touch with my family when I am out of town without racking up my cell phone bill!
It definitely helps me keep in touch with family and friends. I live in rural NS (so when highspeed finally reached us it was a blessing!). my mom lives in NS, but it is a 2 1/2 hour drive so we dont see each other as often as we would like. I am able to post pics of the kids and share them with her and the rest of my friends and family that i am not able to see as often. it also really helps me stay in touch with my brother who is living down in the States and my best friend who recently moved to Fort Mac.
I have also become involved in online friendships, there is a couponing website that I just love and have made some great online friends through it! it has helped me saving money and keep my sanity some days.
I have also discovered the pleasure of online shopping, great stuff delivered right to your door, the kids really like it to as we don’t have too many stores in the local area besides the ‘big box stores’ like walmart.
thanks for the great contests!!
Sorry, I forgot to sign in before posting this one.
Technology has brought me closer to my family because now I can communicate with them through email.
My sister met her husband online and he’s a nice guy! They’ve been been married for 9 years in August. As well, I found the guy that took me to my high school graduation when my so-called boyfriend bailed on me the day before. We lost touch shortly after that, but I always wondered how he was doing. He found me on Facebook and we’ve been good friends ever since.
My sister met her husband online and he’s a nice guy! They’ve been been married for 9 years in August. As well, I found the guy that took me to my high school graduation when my so-called boyfriend bailed on me the day before. We lost touch shortly after that, but I always wondered how he was doing. He found me on Facebook and we’ve been good friends ever since.
Technology has brought me closer to my family because now I can communicate with them through email.
I’ve been on the net for about 16 years, and chatted via computers with Fidonet and BBS’s before that. I have found the net to be the most amazing thing in that it has bridged the gap between countries and people. The news can’t just say what they want us to hear anymore. I have made so many friends online, and met lots of them too. I try to think back to the time before I started chatting via computers and well – life was boring then. lol Making friends all over the world, and learning about different cultures and people and places is such a good thing. π
Technology has brought me closer together with my 4 year old son. He was recently diagnosed with autism and using applications on my iPhone have been an amazing reward and bridge to communication.
Now that we are all grown up and only see each other once a year, I can keep up with my cousins and what is going on in their lives through out the year!
A quick text from my son after school on his way to baseball practice helps me keep in touch but not feel like I’m smothering him too much!
We Skype with my inlaws that live in Europe. It is amazing to me that my twin daughters, at age 2, were immediately at ease with their grandparents who they had not seen in person since they were 5 months old. I am so happy that they can have a familiar relationship with family overseas because of the amazing technology we have today.
When I left the paid workforce to stay home with my two children email allowed me to stay involved with all the friendships I had developed through my workplace. Then I got involved in my children’s school council and technology let me contact companies to help fundraise for their school. In the last few years I have reconnected with many of my childhood friends via the internet and we decided to have a joint 50th birthday party and junior high school reunion. Because of facebook, and good old google we “found” about 60 of our fellow grade 9 graduates of 1974. We had a fantastic party and reunion and now have rekindled friendships from over 35 years ago! Some came back to North York from L.A., Calgary, Vancouver and Montreal and now we keep in touch regularly. Another technology advantage is a photo sharing site one friend developed so everyone who took pictures on reunion day could download them to share with the rest of us. Even the few classmates who could not join us that day got to see all the happy faces and share the event through the photos posted. In a couple of years we will start to plan our next shin-dig via the internet, a freedom 55 party!!
I use Skype to keep my kids connected with their grandparents who they rarely get to see!
I used the internet to skype my son when he was in another country. I don’t use text messaging on my phone, so it was easy & cheap to text him through skype whenever I had a message to send him or just to tell him to phone home soon.
I also love being able to email people for social events instead of phoning.
A long time ago, before there was Facebook or Twitter or Skype or even broadband internet, there was Usenet. I used it to join communities far and wide. (And before that there were BBS bulletin boards, but if I admitted to using them I would look old.)
Technology has helped me to stay in touch with my family & friends overseas much faster. It is very convenient & I don’t have to buy postage stamps.
I am able to keep an eye on 12 year old via email while I am at work and she is at home after school. With my blackberry on-hand and the laptop at home, I feel more confident that if she needs me I will be know right away.
A friend of mine moved to Australia so internet, MSN allows us to communicate daily.
The 12 hour time difference is convenient too. I’ve finished supper after she’s had breakfast, and visa versa.
Technology is wonderful!!!
Technology has helped me renew past frienships and also stay connected with my children in this new world of communication.
I had completely lost track of a cousin with whom I used to have a close friendship. Through technology and the magic of email, I found her address online and was able to contact her. Since then, we have stayed in touch, and we even met up for an Alaskan cruise to celebrate our birthdays! I have also been able to reconnect with long lost friends from school days. In my life, technology is a good thing!
I find myself keeping in better touch with my family and friends, and have met some wonderful cyberfriends becaue of technology as well. I have also reconnected with a few friends (and family) because of technology – a win win for all of us.
I am constantly Skype-ing with my parents who live 8 hours away and I connect with my students when they are absent or I am on Facebook and Twitter!
I keep in touch with family and friends… way more than I did before technology took off.
my son has autism and i have been able to communicate with other moms that are struggiling with similar issues. computers have made my life easier knowing if i am having a bad day no matter what time i have a friend only a click away
my son has autism and i have been able to communicate with other moms that are struggiling with similar issues. computers have made my life easier knowing if i am having a bad day no matter what time i have a friend only a click away
I met my husband online π
I’m not so big on technology. I use the internet occassionally to find information fast and some general surfing. I do not facebook, tweet, twitter or whatever. I carry a beat up cell phone that would be capable of making an emergency call – if I kept it charged. If all this stuff disappeared tomorrow, my day would continue on as usual.
I use the internet to keep in touch with my friends and family when we are at the cottage.
That touch screen blows my mind.
I met my husband while he was still living in Europe and I live in Canada. The first 6-months of our relationship we spent most of our time communicating via Internet Relay Chat. That was until we couldn’t take the distance anymore and he moved here. Now we just chat online when we’re not at home π
I cannot imagine my life without technology / computer! Computer is able connect me with everybody and helps in everyday routine.
I reconnected with my Fiance after 34 years apart ~ all thanks to the internet!
I have used my computer and mainly Facebook to catch up with friends in high school and college that I lost touch with. I also love emailing my family, staying connected to them even when we can’t be together.
I met my girlfriend though the internet, and without the technology advances it would have never been possible. I get to communicate with her miles away with ease through the technological advances of webcams.
I re-connected with my fiance after 34 years apart thanks to the internet
Email has been great for me to keep in touch with friends and family who do not live in the same city as I do. Long distance calls add up and letter writing just seem to last for too long. Email is great because we can send them back and forth numerus times in the same evening.
I cannot imagine my life without a computer! It connects me with everybody and everything.
Well I have friends and family living all over canada, technology has made it so easy to keep in touch.
I can communicate with them multiple times throughout the week & it’s great to be able to be so close even when we are so far away from each other.
Wow! Amazing giveaway!
Thank you so much for even having a giveaway like this! How has technology brought me closer to someone?
Well, I have friends and family near (and far) and using something like email or Facebook to keep in touch is amazing. You get to see pictures and chat with them and all that! It’s way better than chatting on the phone (sometimes) because you get a chance to see everything!
My computer has been a godsend! When my daughter was born, she was my first child and even though I was an older mom, I was so nervous! Was I feeding her enough, was she healthy, was everything on track??? I signed up on a few parenting websites and got into chats with other new moms and so many of my questions were answered and my worries turned out to be nothing! And I wasn’t the only one who was a new, nervous mom!!! Knowing I wasn’t alone was such a relief! Technology such as webcams, instant messaging, Facebook, etc has allowed me to keep in touch with relatives and friends that don’t live close by. This Easter, we spent time at my parents house in Nipigon and my sister who lives in Toronto was not able to come up so we turned the webcam on so we were all able to have Easter dinner together. It was so nice! I don’t know how I ever got along without my computer!!
I have friends and family across the country and around the globe. It has allowed us to stay in touch and share photos and videos. It’s the next best thing to being together.
My whole family is in Germany and we just love facebook for getting together.
I too met my hubby online…I also think that facebook is great for hooking up with long lost friends…
I don’t know what I did before to stay in touch with loved ones.
Technology certainly has faciliated keeping in touch with family & friends that are far away – making it economical through skype or messenger.
It also has made it easier to get a group of friends together without having to make 10 phone calls and reaching 9 voicemails.
If it wasn’t for facebook, I don’t know how I would have stayed in touched with so many friends the first few weeks after my son was born, cause there’s no way I had time for phone calls… ok maybe at 3am, but who beside me was up at that crazy hour!
From northern Alberta to Northern BC, Terrace, Vancouver , Victoria and into the states…friends, family, my kids. I may be far away in distance but seconds away to see and hear whats new!
Technology has helped me keep in touch with my son on a daily basis when he moved away to the ‘big city’. He is not one for talking on the phone and I even get to keep in touch with his new girlfriend too. I use technology to find new recipes for me to try with my mom or dad when they visit and to send them daily messages too….I have found old friends from high school and college who have moved away and old boyfriends who remained friends….looove technology!!
I found a dear friend from high school through Facebook. We discovered we live only 20 minutes from each other! It was one of the best things I’ve done!!
When I first tried Skpe or Messenger. I was hooked. I am now able to talk and see my far away cousins, aunts, uncles and grandmother, and other family relatives from Milano, Itay. I am amazed how far technology has improved and makes our lives easier.
It allows me to live chat with my friends in Asia. Now I can see my nephew, the cat, etc. in person in real time.
It has enabled me to get reconnet with some family members that I have lost touch with the use of facebook.
It helps me to keep up with family members lives and activties threw facebook.
Face book keeps me in touch with people.
I love new technology – I have made many new friends on facebook and look forward to meeting them one day
Technology helped me keep in touch with my kids via Skype, webcam & email when I was deployed in Afghanistan. We still had our chats about how their day went. These days I keep in touch with all my friends across the county & my sister on the other side of the country.
It has helped to reconnet with some of my family members, with the use of facebook and twitter.
Technology helps me keep in contact with my kids. A new computer would be great. The old one is a bit of a dinosaur. Wish me luck.
Technology has allowed me to post on this website and enter this great contest. Hope I win.
Technology has brought the world to my fingertips- with instant contact with friends and information about anything on the web.
Technology has been great. I don’t know how i would live without. We constantly e-mail and send photos to family and friends. Not to mention how many times i google something. I guess thats why they call it the information highway.
I have the chance to keep in touch with Auzzie family.
Technology helped me catch up with some long lost friends and family members .. and I was even able to find my half-sister!!
Technology has allowed me to keep up to date on whats happening with my niece, I love it.
Absolutely, the technology is going like hundreds of miles per hour, is just amazing what can be done nowadays in a short period of time and this power is available to any one of us. that is just way cool. see you out there people.
I love having email and facebook – it keeps me in touch with friends and family who live overseas – or even those who live close, but lead busy lives. I don’t enjoy talking on the phone, but sometimes I’ll play a game with a cousin from Scotland online, it’s fantastic!
Technology has brought me closer to my friend of 48 years. We e-mail once a day. She lives up north and we only see each other once a year.
Thanks to the internet I have ‘rediscovered’ friends in Europe who I hadn’t spoken to in over 25 years.
Technology has allowed my family to be closer over the years. Initially only through long distance voice calls, then emails with pictures, now VOIP with skype!
What will be next?
When I had a long distance relationship with my then boyfriend we could keep touch with email and regular mail. NOw he’s my husband!
The only way I have time to talk with my husband is through email, we don’t have time once he comes home to talk, the kids and dog are all over him.
Technology has changed my life…I am on facebook alot and I met my soul mate there.
We hit it off right away and have been together now for 2 years…He is exactly what I was looking for in a man and thanks to technology,I found him.
I am able to keep in touch with family members far and wide. Thus, bringing them closer in spirit.
I use computer to read news, sending emails and keep in touch with family and friends. Actually, I’m not a techkie.
My family and I have found a ton of relatives from all over the world!!
I was able to have video chats with my daughter and grandson while they were living California.
Technology has helped me out a lot. I love being able to speak and see my family over the internet. I have family who about 5 hours away. So it`s a great way to keep in touch and makes you feel like you are still part of your family`s daily life.
I have moved far from my family and friends and using the computer I’m able to stay in touch and also by using my web cam.Life is great with this kind of technology.
I don’t think I can single out any one person as technology allows you to create and maintain literally a web of people around you (pun intended I guess…).
My favourite part is how quickly you can arrange an event or a get-together with a group of friends that normally would have taken weeks the old fashioned paper invitation way.
Technology brought me closer to my family as I can chat with them daily without incurring long distance charges!
My computer is not the best or fastest. Yet everyday having a computer has made my life more convient – online recipes, sharing stories and photos with family and friends near and far, to be able to edit and print my photos on my computer anytime of the day and in any format I may wish, scan and protect the memories of the photos and letters of my childhood, of my parents and grandparents as well. Protecting and sharing the memories are one of my favourite things to do!
I have used technology to get back in touch with my family that live in Poland. I haven’t seen in almost 18 years I have talked on the phone but its just not the same and cost a lot. Now with having the internet I can not only talk to them but I can see them too. Not only just my family but I have found my dad’s cousin’s and some of my mom old friends. its really nice to know my kids can see my family even if I can’t take them there or they can’t come here.
I have found many of my old friends, who I had lost track of years ago, via the internet. We’ve caught up and reminisced about old times. I think that’s pretty wonderful!
I find I can keep in touch with my family thousands of miles away with a computer, whereas snail mail would be more of a problem for me to regularly keep in touch.
I am not the only one to be sure, but when I moved to Ontario nearly three years ago I felt segregated and alone… until I went on-line and met the woman who I eventually married, and who is the mother of my children, one of whom I am adopting… so I got really close to TWO people (and created another!) on-line!!!
i have made a lot of good friends by using different forms of technology
New technology awsome
With Facebook, you’re never alone…it’s been like that for a couple of years now…whether you want to share happy moments, or when you’re down and need a pick me up, that’s where I turn to…I never share down times, though…if you have nothing nice to say, it’s best not to say anything…wouldn’t wanna bring anyone else down. Wouldn’t wanna be one of the whiners! That should be a point in Facebook etiquette! π THOUGHT I LOGGED IN ABOVE, BUT I DIDN’T π
AS a mom of 4 I really do not have much “social” time for myself…plus we have moved all over this beautiful country of ours. I find email has helped me in keeping in touch with loved ones and friends. And also forums, facebook and twitter have helped me discover people all across the country with similar u=interest to mine and we support each other. Just as you think “am I the only one?” You go online and know you are not alone π I also use the internet to keep in touch with family in England, who I never would have talked to b4
technology has kept me in touch with my family and friends, especially when im travelling. it makes everything accessible and thus easier.
I keep in touch with my 2 sons who live in ON with their father, and I live in AB this is the best way to keep in touch, we chat send messages to each other and we keep each other up dated on what is going on in our lives, Conner is 16 and Kristopher 12 so I love it.
I am able to keep in touch with friends from far away and from a time that we lived overseas.
I would be lost without my technological tools. I use the internet to shop, to research, to keep in touch with my family, and to enter contests. I use the Skype to “visit” with family and friends. I use my Iphone as a telephone and a computer, an IPod and a camera! I love my tech toys.
I too met my spouse online. It was a great way for me to meet people when I was having some health issues and was unable to go out to socialize. I also have family that lives in BC and I live in Ontario. I had cousins I had never met and we would email eachother back and forth. Technology allowed me to get to know my family, that I otherwise wouldn’t have and I eventually made a trip out there to meet them.
i met my current spouse on the computer ahha i met a lot of new friends with the same interests online too! it lets me keep in touch with past friends too,it just makes things soo much easier! i love the computer and technology!
Technology is great! I love the internet. My sisters on the other hand do not own a computer. Whenever they see a website mentioned on television or in a magazine that interests them they phone me and we check it out together. Some great conversations have stemmed from that. Technology helps me stay connected with my sisters and the whole world π
As a mom with two teenagers who are dealing with Mental Illness and depression, the Internet has been a lifesaver for them. As they do not go out often, this is their means of communication with friends and sometimes a lifeline to contact someone in an emergency.
I thank heavens that I am able to use the technology available today and am computer literate as many in my age group and older do not own computers or are afraid to use them. Technology has made my life easier in many ways from home to work and I LOVE learning new things. I am also able to keep in touch with many out of town friends and family who do not have long distance telephone plans. I find new gadgets interesting and new programs usually pretty easy to learn.
I’m not a fan of talking on the phone, so I use my computer to communicate with my family and friends. I like being able to send and receive pictures, particularly from my sister.
love the hi tec stuff life’s easy
I keep in touch with my daughter and grandchildren via computer. I live in BC and they live in Northern Alberta Don’t see each other too often.
It lets me talk to my friends even when I’m busy or our schedules conflict!
Oh I also met my husband online, also with so many family members living overseas and even further away here in Canada, we use technology to bring us closer by chatting and using online phone calls! Lots of $$ saved!
I love technology! At first I wasa little intimidated by it but once you catch on its great! Facebook has allowed to reconnect with old friends that have moved away over the years.
I keep in touch with family and friends all over the world with todays technology
My Dad and my other close relatives live in another country. Thus, with the help of today’s technology, they are able to see my baby through webcam when we chat online and able to see my baby frequently! It certainly brings us closer!
It lets me talk to my friends even when I’m busy or our schedules conflict!
My Dad and my other close relatives live in another country. Thus, with the help of today’s technology, they are able to see my baby through webcam when we chat online and able to see my baby frequently!
I love the internet you can find anything you want to know and even stuff you don’t want to know.
The most obvious way technology has brought me closer is that it allows me to regularly communicate with my brothers who live in other cities, and on another continent! This wouldn’t be possible without technology. It goes further though. With Facebook, I can regularly interact with my friends from school, people in my life, and even strangers who have become friends because of the technology. The most surprising way it has brought me closer to someone is that I can communicate with my kids and my husband more effectively with cell phone, texting, and computer. We sync our calendars together so I know where everyone is at all times, we share things we find on the internet, and we have fun communicating with our technology! It definitely brings us closer!
A friend introduced me to facebook last summer. One day I decided to search my last name, just to see if any relatives were on the site. I found a guy with the name of my cousin in Oman, so I sent him a note. It turned out that it was him and so we have kept in touch ever since. At Christmas, I was able to see the aunt and other cousins that I’d lost touch with since her divorce over 30 years earlier, and also meet my cousin’s kids for the first time! Pretty cool, eh?
Coming from a very large, very “spread out” family, the computer is THE medium of choice when we need to communicate, share pictures etc. No need to worry about “what time is it THERE”, or how long it will take for mail to be delivered. All of the info, all of the time = INTERNET =)
I stay in touch with family using email.
My husband left his family to move last year to Canada with me and although they reside on the other side of the world (literally), we still feel connected with them through the use of voice chatting through a webcam. The little changes whether it’s home renovation or family get togethers are captured through video and we are able to see them as if we are right there with them. The world definitely seems small with technology.
15 years ago if you told me that e-mail would be my main way of keeping in contact with all the various people in my life, I’d say you were nuts! Now, I can’t live without it.
My Mom and me weren’t always very close. Now because of e-mail and Facebook, we communicate far more than we ever did, even when we were living in the same house. We have found that we share the same dry sense of humour (joke forwards are great!). Now we are both on Facebook too along with most of our immediate and extended family & we share so much more than we ever did (news, pictures, jokes,… everything!). I hear from cousins I haven’t seen in years.
As for old friends, Classmates, e-mail and Facebook has allowed me to keep in touch with old friends from High School and Elementary school that I would never communicate with otherwise. I had my 20th High School reunion a few years back and I made sure to collect as many e-mails of old friends as I could. I have found that as we age, we didn’t change all that much — we are just becoming a more concentrated versions of who we were all along.
In regards to business contacts, if it weren’t for e-mail, LinkedIn and facebook I would be lost. My professional association is based in the US, and our Membership is scattered in every State in the US, and every Province in Canada. We even have some members in Europe and Asia. If I couldn’t e-mail everyone, the only time we would communicate would be at our Annual Convention, if we all made it there.
I am an Athletic Equipment Manager, so I also do a lot of purchasing from suppliers all over the US and Canada. If it weren’t for e-mail my company would be paying a fortune in phone bills! It is so much easier to build relationships with suppliers and check up on orders or make changes to orders online than it is to always be on the phone. No “phone tag” to deal with, and you can put so much more detail in an e-mail than you can on the phone because it creates a visual record that can be referred back to. Less misunderstandings!
Of course I still phone and see everyone on occasion, but when we actually do see eachother, we have lots to talk about.
Majority of my family are in Australia, technology has kept us close and we are able to utilize web cams to chat and show off our children!! Its amazing to be able to “see” the personality of the kids and watch them grow and change.
With everyone’s busy lives, I’m still able to stay in touch with family and friends via email and social media.
Technology has brought me closer to my husband while he was deployed over-sea’s with the Navy. We goth closer via computer emails, video conference (when permited) and by satelite phone from his ship ounce a week! My kids also love receiving emails from him. Whitout these technology it would of been a pretty long sad six months!!
I also use msn messenger to keep in-touch with familly members and friends on a regular basis!
Technology is great freedom of speech anyone? With forums and blogs you can speak freely and not be shy about it.
I also like the fact I can keep in touch with my friends who have moved all over the map and get a peak into their lives via facebook.
After moving over two hours away from my bff’s, technology has made it easier to stay in touch with them through facebook and skype…I couldn’t imagine my life without a computer now!
I grew up in a place and time where even a long-distance phone call was considered to be a huge deal. In such a situation, it was almost impossible to keep in touch with family, much less friends, unless they happened to be right around me. These days, though, I think nothing of exchanging messages, video, or music with almost anyone on the planet. It is particularly easy to communicate with my son, who lives in the US. Since we’re both on our computers a lot, it’s almost like he’s always here. I really don’t know how I lived without this method of communication. Without it, I may as well be living in the Middle Ages.
I use technology to keep in touch with friends and family. its also a great way to share photos
My computer has brought me closer to myself. After the birth of my first son, I was feeling down, alone, fat and tired. I was my worst critic. I thought that I need something to do that is for me and just for me, so I started a blog as a personal way of reflecting the challenges I faced in my new roll as a mom. It turns out that what I thought was life ending and horrifying, is actually pretty funny to people. What? Funny? Really?
I began to stop resenting the fact that my life as a young socialite was gone and started to fall in love with being a mom. The more I blog, the more “me too” feed back I get. Im not alone….Im never alone and I love it.
I use technology to keep in touch with my siblings who live in different provinces. It used to be MSN, but now we mostly use email and Skype. We really like communicating so easily and for free. Ain’t technology grand?!
I have a friend that used to occupy the cubicle next to me. She got another job and if it weren’t for technology we would have drifted apart. After 2 years we still email each other every day…. all day. It’s like she’s still here.
Met my hubby online back in 1999. I really cannot imagine if we had not taken the chance and gotten to know each other. And we were very far away …me in the US and him here in Canada. Without technology we would not be celebrating our 10th year and have had our little girl (now 6)!
Thanks to Facebook, LinkIn and other social networking sites, I’ve been able to reconnect with old friends and colleagues that I otherwise never would’ve heard from again!
Technology brings people closer together! We may physically be apart sometimes but with the touch of a button, we are connected.
It allows me to keep up with family and friend who I would not otherwise get a chance to. It makes life easier π
we stay in touch with our parents via webcam for the kids – and any relatives overseas – I wouldn’t even know some of my cousins in England without the Internet!
Technology has certainly brought me closer to All of my extended family.We used to exchange birthday and christmas wishes ,but now with the use of a computer I can see waht everybody is up to on a daily basis and vice versa.We are now able to share in each others lives in an enriched way.I love it!!!!
Technology?? I love it!! My sister lives a 5 hour plane trip away so emails and IMs and FB updates are critical to our constant communication. We were 5 years apart growing up but our kids are very close in age, so after years of not being at the same point in our lives we can trade ideas and concerns and successes and confusion about being moms, wives and daughters.
It has also allowed me to connect with people that I knew years ago and are now neighbours and friends. Who knew a camp cabin mate from 1977 could become such a close confidante and friend now?
And it helped me meet, fall in love with, and marry my husband.
What more could you want?
We use an internet phone line to keep in touch with family and friends. We also use video chat to talk to family far away.
I stay in touch with my cousin in Europe.
Technology has certainly brought me closer to All of my extended family.We used to exchange birthday and christmas wishes ,but now with the use of a computer I can see waht everybody is up to on a daily basis and vice versa.We are now able to share in each others lives in an enriched way.I love it!!!!
With family and friends scattered all over the world, technology has helped us keep in touch, introduce our children and have them be able to see them change and grow
When I had my first daughter, I didn’t have any friends on mat leave. Then I joined Wee Welcome and another mother (now friend) contacted me to see if I wanted to join a Moms group that she was starting. I agreed to meet her and then the group blossomed and I met most of my close Mom friends through her group. I am still very good friends with about a dozen or so friends from that group and our oldest children are now 4.5 years old. It also helps me connect with family and friends spread all across the country.
Reading about other moms’ experiences through message boards helped me get over the overwhelming feelings for the first few months as a new mother.
Its the only way I keep in contact with my relatives on the other side of the country!!
My sisters are accross the country. E-mail helps us stay in touch.
Ack – I forgot the tech part! I posted the infamous proposal (see above comment) on a huge LED screen for all to see, so when my Johnny ran by, the computer recognized his race timing chip and the message “1125 John L – I love you, marry me!” popped up for him and everyone else to see! He had to wait a whole hour to try to catch me to accept!
Cheers, Kathie
Ironman Finisher: 2008, 2009
Mom-to-be: 2010
I met my husband online. It was the best thing ever. We talked for a long time before we actually met so we got to know each other really well.
I stay in touch with my 4 year old grandson through video conferencing so I don’t miss his growing up.
I live in Alberta and all my husbands family lives in Vancouver. We use Skype to communicate because it is cheaper than the phone, and we can not afford a plane ride to go there to see everyone. I recently just had my second child, and that is the only way that they could say hi to their new granddaughter! I also use facebook to upload pictures so that my friends from school and work can keep updated on our family. I think technology is so great!!
Email has helped me stay in touch with my sister.
E-Mail has been a God-send since so many of our relatives are on the other coast. Phone calls are difficult through four time zones, so e-mail makes it possible to communicate across those time zones.
Facebook too has been truly helpful keeping in touch with the family network, including the posting of video! We are all hooked on the internet which gets too much bad press.
Its a fantastic resourse. Anyone doing research prior to the internet knows just how handy it is! We are strong supporters of the new tech!
The Sony would be a fantastic prize for my daughter who is starting highschool next school year (grade 10)!. Keeping my fingers crossed!
Both my daughters and their families live in Alberta and I am in Ontario and I can’t afford to go out and visit with them. Having internet helps us keep close. My girls post new pictures of their children and update their Facebook pages often so I can share with my family that live here.
I’m currently using programs like Skype, Facebook, MSN and Twitter to stay in touch with one of my best friends who has moved to England. My daughter misses her so much but she’s so excited that “Aunt Nikki lives inside the TV” now.
With Skype and MSN, not only can we talk to my friend and hear her voice, we can see how well she’s doing. It’s amazing.
technology make me and my family closer. my dad is in hk and we talk to each other everyday using yahoo YM. and i can find my old friends in facebook!
I love technology for staying in touch with childhood friends – though we may be separated by oceans, we can still share lots of laughs over a facebook chat!
I love the internet…. sometimes it’s a bit much but it lets people stay in touch with just about anyone.
I’m not super crazy about facebook but I’m so glad it exists as it lets me stay in touch with my nieces who are growing up way too fast and it seems everything about them is posted on facebook… what they’re up too, pictures, etc…. love it!
Thanks for this amazing contest!
I use technology to stay in touch with my daughters as they grow and mature in this wild world we live in.
my two oldest daughters live in Alberta and we are in BC,,so computer technology helps us keep in touch with them and our grandson. Webcams make it easy for us to keep up on our grandsons growing progress..
I need a computer so bad. And I am always on the internet, so much to do online.
I’ve been able to contact relatives overseas and find out more about my ancestors.
My spouse travelled 3 months of the year, at 5-7 day intervals. It was very difficult for our relationship and even more distressing for our daughter, who was 3 at the time. When he was away, we would webcam bedtime stories and kisses with our notebooks in bed. It made life much easier. Now my notebook has screws constantly falling out of the bottom, and my spouse is starting to resume a career requiring travel soon. It would be so nice for both our girls to see dad when he is at work, it would be even greater not to have to clip a webcam on my old notebook and have one built in and keep replacing screws.
The Vaio would nicely replace my old pen-based touch screen Toshiba.
My husband has a Sony and he says it is nicest notebook he has ever owned and he spares no expense buying a new notebook a year for work.
I had a good friend who moved back home to India. If I didn’t have technology available to me I would not be able to keep in contact with him
With family members spread throughout canada, web cam allows me to see and talk to them on a regular basis.
I proposed to my husband in 2008 in the middle of the Ironman USA triathlon in Lake Placid, NY. We were both racing it… he said yes, and I finished first – in the race (sorry Johnny) and of course by marrying my soul mate and race partner! Thank goodness he doesn’t have an ego! Now we’re pregnant and expecting our first in mid-August. The Sony VAIO would sure help make researching strollers and baby seats a cinch!
Cheers, Kathie
Ironman Finisher: 2008, 2009
Mom-to-be: 2010
Keeps my in touch with my family who is spread out all over. Most importantly it keeps my in touch with my cousin who is currently serving in Afghanistan. I get updates from him and know that he is safe. We started a count down together until he comes home and it is all thanks to technology.
I had been searching for my son who I lost to adoption I had been searching 29 years ,then I got a really horrible old computer with Windows ME in it, by fluke I got hooked up with an adoption reunion group and started searching I had emailed all my info to the lady that runs the site,
I had only been on line less tha 6 months and was totally computer ignorant, I got a email from my son dislosing his personal info and email address I was totally leary I thought someone was playing a nasty joke on me as a few people knew I was searching and they had computers,
The phone rang and I answered it,
It was the most wonderful day in my life it as my long lost son!
If I had never gotten a computer I would be STILL searching! I wish I had a better computer because it would make it alot quicker for the adoption reunion searches that I help with so others can be brought back together with there loved ones (:
I believe that tech is amazing today because when my Husband is on a military duty out of country is it the only means of communicating with him and the children and I. On his last tour to afghanistan we spoke on the internet every other night and the children could see him. They were too young to be able to write him letters or talk on the phone so seeing him on the computer and hearing his voice helped us all get by. So I thank god for todays’ technology. Also being a military family you are always being posted somewhere different, always leaving your friends and family behind so it is really nice to keep in contact with emails chattting and forums to put pictures… Thank you.
I had been searching for my son who I lost to adoption I had been searching 29 years ,then I got a really horrible old computer with Windows ME in it, by fluke I got hooked up with an adoption reunion group and started searching I had emailed all my info to the lady that runs the site,
I had only been on line less tha 6 months and was totally computer ignorant, I got a email from my son dislosing his personal info and email address I was totally leary I thought someone was playing a nasty joke on me as a few people knew I was searching and they had computers,
The phone rang and I answered it,
It was the most wonderful day in my life it as my long lost son!
If I had never gotten a computer I would be STILL searching! I wish I had a better computer because it would make it alot quicker for the adoption reunion searches that I help with so others can be brought back together with there loved ones (:
With my husband in the military we use our computer alot to keep in touch when he is away. He’s not always able to get to a phone but receiving emails is great. We love chatting with him online as well and seeing his picture via webcam. It really helps the kids and I to know he is safe!!
As a formally computer illiterate person I find windows was Extremely easy to learn on, I was even able to teach my 63 yr old mother and my Father and even bits and pieces to my 87 yr old Grandmother , now that’s something!
over 6 years ago I was just getting used to the internet and computers. I’d used them before but didn’t have a way to have access to one regularly. I started taking some university classes and used the computer lab there and began to spend my free time there. I was curious about different things such as online chatting and dating. The dating thing, I don’t even remember signing up for or how I found that website. It was just for fun since I just wanted to be single. Every day I logged in it was from older, creepy men that I got messages from. One day I did a search of what I was looking for.
I found a profile that sounded like it was interesting. But to meet these people or contact them besides a poke or wink or whatever was to pay for a membership. So I expressed interest in this guy and then the next time I logged in he expressed it back. I was disappointed that I would not be able to contact this guy but said oh well. I chatted online and someone I chatted with gave me a website of a new dating website that was free. So I signed up just for fun. Reading week came and I didn’t go to the university.
When I got back I checked my email and saw I had two messages. It was the guy from the paid dating website! He also signed up for the new website and recognized my picture and sent me a message telling me it was him. So we began emailing regularly and getting to be friends. It turned out his parents knew my family and my uncle had even MCed at their wedding years ago. From there for months we talked on the phone and then eventually he came to live with me. Over 6 years later we are happier than ever. I never finished university but if it wasn’t for me going at the time I would have never met my soul mate and best friend.
Now I can talk to my uncles in Israel anytime I want and I don’t have to worry that I will wake them up cause I can see them online and message them. I hated calling them to find out they were sleeping and I woke them up!
I love technology because it has brought me closer to my cousins overseas and even my cousins here that I don’t get to see very often.
Technology has brought me closer to my brother
Technology makes it easier to stay in touch with my extended family and hear about some of the little things that happen day to day.
Facebook has brought my daughter and I on the same level of communication. We have learned about it together and because of her I have been forced to tune my skills in the networking world. I feel back in touch!!
Technology has brought me closer to my brother
we chat a lot via facebook
I have moved to a city to be with my husband, then have lost my parents and now my husband has left me and our two children. I have reconnected with many old friends and family to help support us.
Not knowing if we’ll have enough money to keep our home, my children need a computer and screen for their school work. Mine is extremely old and we are not sure how long it will hold out.
I am also a huge fan of FB. It has allowed me to reconnect with many friends I had in high school – over 20 years ago. Its great seeing how their lives have evolved and viewing pics of their children.
But the biggest and best way technology has brought people closer is that a social site made it possible for my daughter to connect and meet her half brother. I raised her as a single mom and we always knew she had a younger half brother ‘out there’. She was able to search for him through Nexopia, make contact and now they have an on going relationship. That would never have happened years ago. Technology rulz! π
( I am a member but a server error wont allow me to sign in)
My mom passed away a few months ago, after her older brother and sister in law passed as well; all in 2009.
I realized, after attending memorials for everyone that my family was large but didn’t stay in touch at all (it had been about 20yrs since I saw most of them)…….so I went on a Facebook Family Finding quest!
I’ve managed to find cousins, from both sides of my family……those cousin’s children (most of whom had different last names, but were on their parent’s friend list) and even children of my cousin’s children lol My mom’s brother’s were both over 20 years older than she was so my cousins on her side are all many years older than I.
Its such a wonderful way to be able to keep in touch with family that you rarely see and in some instances don’t even know at all.
My eldest daughter went to school and moved to the big city of Vancouver and having her as a friend on Facebook has enabled me to follow her life vicariously through social media. I always know how she’s doing just from her status!
Believe it or not, I also have my first husband’s other 2 ex wives as friends on Facebook and that way I can keep up with them and their children’s lives lol …its fabulous!
What a wonderful prize! Good luck to all!
I use it to keep in touch with our family in London, England, no long distance phone bills.
Once upon a time – a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, when I was young and beautiful, and weighed all of 102 pounds, I went to South America with a girlfriend for March Break. One night, at the Cartegena Hilton, while Michelle and I were enjoying Rum-Coca’s at the hotel bar, in walked three (count them: one-two-three) tall, dark, and handsome sailors dressed (Hello!) in their dashing (navy with gold buttons) sailor uniforms. (Cue music.) Although I can’t tell you (this was over 20 years ago now) what I was wearing at the time, I still remember how he tilted his head and took off his hat, like a question mark, when his eyes met mine. (C’est fromage! I know. But it’s true, nevertheless.) Is it possible to fall in love with someone in an instant? To think about someone you only spent but a few days with for the rest of your life? And even wonder sometimes what might have been? I would argue it is. If only because all that handsome sailor and I ever did was kiss. Still, for almost two years, three times a week, we exchanged long, intimate letters (his in Spanish, mine in English). My mother, although circumspect, was impressed by his devotion, and also by the fact that his father was a Dr, and by his perfect handwriting. And so, after discussing the matter with my father, agreed to let me go back to Colombia to spend three weeks with him and his family at Christmastime. I still shudder sometimes when I think about all of them waiting there for me to get off that American Airlines flight I never boarded. For years, I kept the empty package of cigarettes I smoked the night we met, and the ticket I never took. (I was supposed to fly from TO to NY at 4:35 PM on December, 21st 1987, and then from Laguardia to Bogota, and return to TO on January 14th, 1988). Luckily, however, there are no hard feelings on my sailor’s part. How do I know this? Because we found each other last year – on Facebook, of course! He’s married now, and has a young daughter. And I have two of my own. But what would have happened if the Internet, if Skype existed all those years ago? Who knows. All I do know is that I still have all of his letters, and that everytime he messages me, I still smile, and he still has that same question mark in his eyes.
Skype has been amazing for my family. My sister-in-law has been living in various countries for the last 10 years, and this technology has kept us close when visiting is difficult. We have both been fighting cancer, and to be able to actually see each other has been importrant. Saying you’re ok is no substitution for being able to show someone (even on camera) that you are. It really does help put worries to rest, and makes you feel less helpless being so far away.
When my mom is away for work we can video chat over the computer. It’s a great way to stay connected and help with us missing her!
techology skype helps me keep in touch with my father in Russia
Technology aids in keep in touch with the family.
I also find that it is important at my age being a senior, that I keep my mind active and tecnology does that for me.
Technology has brought me closer to many people. I have family in many places around the world and technology has allowed me to get to know them, talk with them, and get closer to them.
I absolutely love this aspect of technology!
Technology has helped me keep in contact with my family. Also being a great grandmother where alot of people my age don’t want to lean new technology, I find it important to keep my mind active.
I use iChat to keep in touch with my daughter and twenty month old grand daughter who live two hours away.
Email, facebook and other technologies have allowed me to keep in touch with friends and distant relatives that I normally would not speak with! It has really strengthened some of my relationships.
I met my hubby 9 years ago online we are now married with a family π Technology has allowed me to keep in touch with the people closest to me while traveling, being able to see and talk to my mom right there infront of my no matter where I was ….. priceless
I met my hubby 9 years ago online! We now are married with a family π The internet has been nothing short of a incredible way for me to keep in touch with family while living abroad, seeing my mom right there and being able to talk to her anywhere I was ….. priceless π
Keeps myself and my kids connected to the Granparents. Thumbs up to Grandparents who use a computer…….and it keeps me connected to online shopping…..for me……therapy.
And, it keeps me connected to the kid’s school and homework. Love this feature.
Being a mom I look for easy, easy, easy ways to stay the loop with friends and work. Without current technology that would not be possible!
I have found and am friends again with my old school mates
A friend I had in elementary school had moved away to another province. For years we had snail mailed. My son had become ill and snail mailing became less and less. I was on facebook one day and decided to search for her and low and behold the first one I contacted was her. I was so happy and so was she to have re-connected after all these years. All thanks to technology.
I met my husband who lived on the west coast on ICQ. A friend of mine met her husband online and he lived only around the block.
It would be hard to give up technology for more than a two week beach vacation (which of course we also booked online).
i have an old desk top pc,the cords in the back are loose so i have to hold them while i type which takes 4 times longer to do anything. i would love a new computer.
most of my family lives back east and it has been invaluable to be able to email and facebook with them especially for my kids who dont see their cousins very often, even their 97 year old great grandpa is on the computer doing emails ,he would never have even met his great grandkids if it were not for technology , i myself have made great online friends who i keep in touch with daily , it would be hard to not have it in ourlives now
From the very first message boards I took part in as a new mom in the mid-90’s, to the texting and instant access to the Web that we have now, I feel fortunate to be alive in this amazing era of communication. Not only has technology brought me closer to far-flung friends, but it’s given me work and expertise which I otherwise wouldn’t have. Most importantly, technology is bringing us tools to improve people’s lives all around the world. My favourite site is, which wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for technology. Think about it: with a small loan to a woman in the developing world, I can make an enormous difference to the quality of her life and her family’s lives. It’s absolutely miraculous, and sometimes it’s easy to forget that when we kvetch about our always-online lives.
I met my husband online and without todays technology I wouldn’t be happily married!!! We met online and he moved to Canada to be with me!!!…and some of my closest friends I have met online and not yet in person! I have friends from all over that I would not even know if it wasn’t for the internet….
It’s how I keep in touch with my sister who works internationally for a relief organization.
My family and I are very close – cousins, nephews and nieces, sisters – but we live far apart, so we use facebook to stay connected to each other. When we can share pictures and stories it makes me a little less homesick! I even keep in touch with my best friend who now lives in Mexico.
We have family in nepal, without the internet, we would be completly cut off from them. Instead my kids can write them whenever they want.
My husband and I dated long distance for two years; I don’t know what we would have done without modern technology. The phone, the internet…helped us grow closer to each other even when we were apart!
Keeping in touch with family and freinds…………
My parents spend the winters in Florida. It’s nice when we can do online chats with the webcams and my parents and my kids can see each other and show them things that they want them to see like this winter having grammy and poppy watch my son tie his shoes when he was so excited to have just learned and wanted them to see.
I have 10 brothers and sisters and my husband has 9 so it’s very difficult to get together often but Facebook keeps us in touch so it’s great.
My family is scattered over the world. Technology helps us communicate every week. My daughter is going to school in Japan, we chat just before she goes to bed and I go to work. Without the internet and chat etc. I would be fretting about my children. With this technology I feel safe and secure that my children are well.
my mom has retired to Spain but I communicate with her still by phone and online
Technology keeps our families together. Both daughters live in another province. Our nieces and nephews can also keep tabs on us, and we can talk to them, using Facebook, emails, and webcam. Our brothers and sisters also use the computer, as its always available. If we are not around, the computer and internet take their messages for us and relay them back.
Keeping in touch with family and friends!!
If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em! I text my kids to ask them questions because I know they won’t respond as quickly to voicemail or email.
Just keeping in touch!
I love technology – it has brought our family very much together. My husband and I both immigrated from Ireland many years ago but through the wonders of technology, the family members and our children have always felt connected and not isolated one way or the other.
Also, now that my children are away at school – it is just great to be able to text, email or skype to just touch base. A great comfort for us as parents (okay, me as Mum!)
Besides bringing myself and family (from aunts/uncles to friends to even family members I’ve never met in person.) members together I also wouldn’t have met some of the friends I have met online. I’ve shared experiences, gone through the good and bad with a group of ladies I met when I was/we were pregnant. It is 9yrs later and we’re still in touch taling about our 8.5yr olds! If it weren’t for the technology of today I wouldn’t have the possibilty of making these lifelong friendships. I have no idea how my mom did it. (parent w/out todays tech) My computer has opened so many doors for me. From hours editing pics to chatting, the things I can do is pretty much endless. I am very thankful for todays technology. It just keeps getting better and better.
I think technology is just great! I have met so many other wonderful Mom’s through Facebook, and other Parent/Mom sites. As well our webcam has proven very useful when the kids are sick, because they can still visit with their cousin. My sister and I live 10 minutes from one another, but when kids are sick we keep them apart. They love to play and talk to one another, and with the webcam they can. Also thanks to technology of computers I have been able to extend my education.
I miss my parents terribly, who have moved to Florida…and they miss seeing their grandkids growing up. Skype has enabled us to chat, see each other and connect in live time. It’s the next best thing to having them actually here.
Both of our daughters are on Facebook. We share stories, photos, comments about the cats, and play Wordscraper together! I also keep connections to our nephews and nieces, and keep tabs about them and their lives, and they can visit with their aunt and uncle any time, any where. All we need is a great computer and connection to the internet.
I joined an online group when pregnant with my first child almost 7 years ago! To this day, most of us are still in contact and can’t imagine not “chatting” at least once a day! We are literally all in the same phases at the same time – I don’t know what I’d do without their support!
I think that what technology brings us today is wonderful. I can email friends from far away or I can write a long letter and it will be there in seconds. I can also confirm appointments, dates, check the library, find information on just about anything I want to know. I learn about new technology from microsoft and other leaders. It brings me near to people that are far away.
Technology has brought me closer to friends and family around the world through email, webcam, social networking sites, photos and videos sharing site, as well as using the phones. Through technological innovations, I have been able to communicate and share with close ones about my life and they with me, almost instantaneously, without the cost and time of traveling. I look forward to new technological wonders that will further improve in sharing life’s experiences.
It’s no wonder Sony developed this amazing new technology. I don’t think computer technology can get any easier. I am dying to get Windows 7…it seems to practical and user friendly…no more headaches and frustration while trying to consildate info. Touch screen makes everything so much simpler as well. I think it would be great for the kids as they can just touch what they want to do. Using the mouse can not only be frustrating for them but for us adults as well. i think having a touch screen desktop will make everything so much easier for the entire family and will open up a whole new window of learning and exploring.
What am amazing opportunity! Thank you! The internet has enabled my family to stay in touch with family throughout Canada and the US, as well as, find and stay in contact with old family friends in Australia. As a first time grandmom, it is also great to be able to send immediate photos as the baby grows. I currently am using a computer that is in the range of 12-15 years old. The baby is growing faster than the time it takes to load the internet which is suppose to be high speed!
Thanks again!
[I’m a member but I keep getting an error message. Think my user name is evilkitten or evil.kitten]
I love technology! I’m able to connect with other gamers, writer, book lovers and all round nerds. But lately it’s given me the chance to connect with my sister and other family members I almost NEVER see [some I haven’t seen in years]. We keep in touch, exchange photos. Even posting links to product samples and contests. It’s the one thing my sister and I are constantly using to keep in touch. Taking pictures of things we win or sometimes even sending the item we won [and can’t use] to the other person.
To maintain contact with a lot of my friends, I find myself reaching for the computer rather than the phone…it’s the handiest way to connect with several people at once and having to type only a few sentences. Thank goodness for email!
I would be lost without a computer connection to my only daughter, away at University. I am able to keep up to date on everything in her life, well everything she tells me via email anyway!! Technology is wonderful π
Technology has brought me closer to my family that lives in Europe. If I did not have a webcam and Skype it would be so hard to continue on and not see then years at a time.
Technology is fantastic. Most of my friends live far from me, some even overseas and the internet and email is how we stay connected. Its a great way to stay in touch!!
Social media has helped me stay connected with family members overseas. It has allowed me to share and see others’ family pics through sites such as Facebook. I’ve connected online with a great group of women pursuing similar weight loss goals which has been inspiring π
Technology has helped enormously in my genealogy research. Without it, my husband would have never found five “lost” first cousins in England. and I would not have been able to complete my family tree.
Technology has kept my husband and I closer to our kids while they are away at university. MSN and Skype are a great way for the kids to say Hi whenever they get a chance and, of course, ask for money!
The kids can talk to my parents online with their webcam, they just love it! They don’t get to see them often as we live far away, so it helps them stay connected.
I started blogging when I first found out I was pregnant. I never knew what a source of inspiration & support this would become as I started to connect with other moms in the blog world. I now take my hour at the end of the day, over a cup of tea, and connect with moms all over the world about ideas & share stories!
I am not a big phone talker so I use facebook to keep tabs on how all my old friends, that I don’t get to see, are doing.
It’s definitely kept me in contact with my family via email; my brother honestly only responds to texts and emails
In grade 8 I went on a trip to Japan and stayed with a host family for two weeks. We stayed in touch for a few years via mail, but then eventually lost touch. A couple of years ago we were reconnected via Facebook and the boy I stayed with all those years ago actually came to Toronto to visit my family as part of his honeymoon!
I come up with a server error when I try to log in!
Technology has brought me closer to my family that live in British Columbia (I live in Ontario), Canada. My brother moved out there, with his wife, in the early 90’s…over the years, they have had 3 kids. Unfortunately I don’t get to see them or be with them often. The distance is great, and so is the cost of travel! My daughter would love to spend time with their cousins; and I have nieces and a nephew that I’d like to get to know. Hence the gratefulness for technology!
The internet, email, and webcams/instant messaging, have allowed this family to keep in touch on a regular basis. I get to see pictures instantly of my (all too quickly) growing nieces and nephew, and I get to check in regularly on how they are getting along. Of course, busy lives sometimes get in the way….I can only imagine how much worse it would be without technology! If it weren’t for technology, I’d have a family that I wouldn’t know anything about!
My brother, in the Navy, is often unreachable…..but technology makes it possible to get in contact (if only to make sure he’s alive!) π
Thank God for all the blessings we have; without them we’d feel more alone.
In 2008 I had my 3rd child, Matthew who was born with Down Syndrome and a heart defect. My laptop was priceless to me when we were in the NICU for 14 days and 5 months later when he had his open heart surgery — I found people thru online support groups that mean as much to me or more as any close friend I can reach out and hug. We share a common bond and had it not been for the internet I would have been so alone during those times — sure I had family but they didn’t understand like my online friends. To this day, I still keep in touch with several of those online friends — mostly on Facebook now so we can see our children grow up and share that special time.
I think technology makes friendships stronger…you don’t have to see someone, make quick judgements about them because of their appearance, ethnic background or social standing you just share life experiences.
I use facebook to stay in contact with friends and family. What did i do with out it oh ya those white flat things and the tubes with ink in them.. so much faster and easier to stay in contact. I would be lost with out my computer
I am in awe of the way the world has become smaller and a big reason for that is electronic age we are living in. Not only do I use the interest to keep in touch with my family; which is spread across Canada; but to connect and re-connect with Military friends.
Thank God for social networks like facebook!
Technology has brought you closer to my Mom as i can talk to her easier online than face to face.
Technology has enabled me to stay in contact with friends (near and far!) and family. I think it’s amazing that we can send a quick note to someone and they get to read it immediately via e-mail. Although, letter writing may be on a downsurge, with the technology of e-mail we’re able to stay in contact more often. π
Technology has brought me closer to lots of people. I moved to a different province from the rest of my family about 12 years ago, and it’s been easy to keep in contact with them through many different methods. I also have been able to keep in contact with people I have met while travelling in other countries. Cell phones, email, Instant Messaging, Facebook and now Skype. It’s quite amazing how much technology has changed even in the past 12 years.
Technology has brought me closer to my sister, and my sisters & brothers in law and their children that live far away, by allowing us to share pictures and stories over email, facebook, and blogs! It’s great! π
Love technology! Love social media! I signed up for Facebook 9 days after my daughter was born, 3 years ago. I was blown away at how easily and with very little effort, I became reacquainted with old school and college friends. Many of them were also young mothers going through similar things as me. My daughter is my fourth (and final!) child and I sure wish I had Facebook/social networking during my previous postpartum days. Technology is truly invaluable! Oh, and did I mention I need a new laptop? π
Technology equals ME. I work in the technology field so I get to be in the know with what is happening. On a personal level, technology has helped me organize my life and re-connect with people that I had lost touch with. It has been such a great tool for me. It has also helped my 5 year old son with some reading issues he had. We joined an online reading program and he is excelling and learning so much. We owe a lot to technology.
I found a long lost childhood friend on facebook, her family moved to the UK when we were about 11 or 12, I haven’t seen or spoken to her in 15 yrs. Now we can keep in touch and see pictures of eachothers kids etc., that would not have happened without technology.
Many, many moons ago… when I was only 16, I saw my first love for the last time. He vanished. I thought about him for 10 years or more. When the internet became more or less a necessity in our lives I knew I could use it to my advantage! I began searching for him. I needed questions answered.
I wasn’t having any luck for years, that is, until Facebook became one of the biggest social networking sites in the world. I figured it would only be a matter of time before he signed up. I searched and waited then I searched and waited some more. I’m sure most people think about their first true love every once in a while, but most didn’t obsess about trying to find them. The way we lost touch and at the point in our relationship didn’t add up to him leaving without ever trying to contact me again. I felt a lot of my relationships in my life had failed because of my “first” one still needing answers, so I searched once again.
Then, there he was, on Facebook! What do I do?? Should I send a friend request? Should I “poke” him? Or send him a full out message? I did ALL three! We got back in touch again; we talked for a few months and hung out a few times. Until I got my answers.
He was not the guy I remembered; the guy I held up on that pedestal for all those years or the guy I compared all my boyfriends to.
Technology, through the internet, has brought me closer to someone, myself. I got the answers I needed about my first relationship and many unexpected answers about myself in the process. I’m free of the past and have allowed my current relationship to blossom into something beautiful! All it took was persistence and a little bit of “Facebooking” π
When I started trying to economize by using coupons etc, I searched for tips online. Doing that I met some great, friendly people who share tips, links and advice. Getting to know them has been a joy and some of them are true friends now. If not for the Internet I would never have met any of them since we are spread out across Canada.
My parents are over 2000 miles away and because of technology we are able to talk through emails, live internet chatting and share our lives without actually being local to them. Being that far away would be hard to actually share so many things with out technology
I appreciate the use of technology to communicate with friends in a different time zone since our time difference is several hours so emails are perfect
The internet has allowed me to stay in touch with a lifelong friend even though we live miles apart and only see each other once or twice a month. This way we are in touch several times a week.
iI have a desk top computer and the cords have come loosse so now it takes me 4 times as long to do anything on it because i need to hold the cord in place while i type or look at anything on the internet. i would like a laptop because i travel around with my husband for business at times and that would be handy.
I am older so this is all amazing to me and I luv it !!Via facebook I have hooked up with all my junior high and high school friends and with the live chat I can keep in touch with my friends from the past and the ones I have now!! I have also made so many new online friends with twitter, blogs and facebook and I have made 2 really good new friends that I will have for life!! Also it makes it so much easier to give to charities and help the causes close to my heart. Oh I forgot to mention with webcams I have seen what the people I went to JR. and Sr. high look like now and some I would never reconize if I passed by them on the street it’s cool see I said cool told you I’m old !!
I am agoraphobic, therefore I do not have a lot of outside social contact. Some of my dearest friends have been made through the internet via common interest forums. I have never met them face to face, but I have taken my morning coffee with them regularly. It is strange – it is though there is safety in anonymity, and yet we tell each other EVERYTHING.
Thanks to the internet, I also have a lovely art collection, and some of the most beautiful artisan jewelry. I would never be able to afford such things in a boutique, but I have been able to trade MY art with other artists with the age-old barter system.
My online relationships have only enriched my otherwise socially quiet life.
With my husband being in the Canadian Air Force we have been all over the place, from Europe to the USA, and it makes it difficult to see family & friends regularly, but with digital cameras, digital video, and web cams, keeping in touch with real-time picture calling, it has been awesome! Being able to share baby giggles to teenagers ‘new do’ – it’s all awesome!
Whenever we travel, we use Skype to stay in touch. It is incredible. If we are away with the kids, we Skype with the grandparents. If my husband or I travel, we Skype with the kids. Amazing technology! Imagine Skyping on a new laptop! HEAVEN!
I met my husband on a fishing forum and we conversed over MSN for weeks before meeting at a fishing lodge.
Without Facebook, my phone bill would be sky-high! I’ve joined some great groups that meet monthly to attend River and Lake Cleanups, and keep in touch with my family who lives 1000 miles away. There isn’t a day that goes by that I thank todays technology as it makes my life easier and its easy to keep in touch!
Well, I live in Toronto with my husband and son and the rest of the family lives in Spain, so yes, technology makes a great difference in our life! And I’m a career and life coach for scientists and talk to my clients via Skype too. And I’m a technology lover myself.
I have reconnected with so many old friends from my childhood, I would never have been able to be in touch with them without technology. It also lets my sister and I stay much closer, being that she lives so far away from me. We are involved in each other’s day to day lives.
Well, I live in Toronto with my husband and son and the rest of the family lives in Spain, so yes, technology makes a great difference in our life! And I’m a career and life coach for scientists and talk to my clients via Skype too. And I’m a technology lover myself.
O couldnt possibly live without my iPhone my email, my family , my friends! O gosh I love technology!
With Facebook, you’re never alone…it’s been like that for a couple of years now…whether you want to share happy moments, or when you’re down and need a pick me up, that’s where I turn to…I never share down times, though…if you have nothing nice to say, it’s best not to say anything…wouldn’t wanna bring anyone else down. Wouldn’t wanna be one of the whiners! That should be a point in Facebook etiquette! π
Technology has allowed me to stay in touch with all my friends at any time of the day or night…no matter where they live! How great is that?
I am not living in the same country as my parents so I always talk to them on msn. Also I made lots of friends online and got to know different people who come from different countries which is a very awarding experience.
With the help of skype and a wireless headset, I can chat in comfort (and without incurring long distance phone charges) with my sister in the UK!
When I started trying to economize by using coupons etc, I searched for tips online. Doing that I met some great, friendly people who share tips, links and advice. Getting to know them has been a joy and some of them are true friends now. If not for the Internet I would never have met any of them since we are spread out across Canada.
I’m slowly being dragged into the 21st century!I always thought that Facebook was lame–everybody I wanted to keep in touch with , I did the old-fashioned way–met them in person or phoned them. I’ve done a complete about-face now that I have loved ones scattered all over Canada. We connect on Facebook and I’m able to see them thru the many photos posted on their respective FB pages. I’m a techno-convert!
When I started trying to economize by using coupons etc, I searched for tips online. Doing that I met some great, friendly people who share tips, links and advice. Getting to know them has been a joy and some of them are true friends now. If not for the Internet I would never have met any of them since we are spread out across Canada.
coming to Canada 5 years ago with my husband and kids, I never realized how much I was going to miss my mom. I used to fight with her ignore her wise comments and sometimes think she is being crazy but as my kids grow up, I find myself giving them same advice as my mom.and of course miss her more and more but thanks to online chatting nowadays i can talk to mom when ever i want and how ever long I want without worrying about high phone bills .Technology has reduced the gap between continents for me.
My husband is from England and since Facebook, it’s been so easy to stay in touch with his family – even his mom has a profile!!! It’s the best way to share pictures of our kids and to be involved with everyone’s day to day life, even though they are so far away!
Facebook and Messenger were the only connection I had to my husband’s family, who were all in Quebec while we were in Saskatchewan. If it wasn’t for technology, I wouldn’t have known anything about them and they wouldn’t have been able to see their grandbaby!
I met my fiance online, and couldn’t be happier with someone that loves me for me.
I use Facebook to keep in touch with Family scattered to the 4-winds as well.
I also have a son who has a severe written expression disorder, so we use the computer together to do homework and train on voice recognition software, it’s meant the world to him (and me!)
There are several ways that technology enhances my relationships…
1. With my kids – since teenagers are so into the facebook, texting etc. I use it to keep in touch with them throughout the day, send an I love you (ilu) message throughout the day, wish them luck on a test or say – hey want me to pick you up for lunch today? I also keep loose tabs on what they are up to and the things they are experiencing through their facebook posts. I can start conversations with them about topics that I may not otherwise be aware of and show them with real life examples of how certain things are perceived such as facebook fights or public cursing making someone look trashy versus classy or how a kind comment can brighten someone’s day.
2. With my family – I have a very large extended family of aunts, uncles, cousins, and their children. Since we typically only get to see each other a few times a year as a group, it’s nice to be able to see photos of them and share in their special events throughout the year and send them congrats or hellos once in a while.
3. With my fiancee – First off, we met online. He lives only 20 min away, but I am in Canada and he is in the US and our situation is such that neither one of us can move right now (my kids, his elderly mom), so we see each other once or twice a week and weekends and keep in touch outside of that through video chat.
Keeping in touch with family and friends for sure!!
Love to send photo’s and keeping in touch!
I love technology, it helps me keep in touch with my parents who live in Asia and my brother who lives in Europe and helps us get in touch with all the long lost friends and family – makes life easier to look for advise and other information. Keep in touch when on the move from anywhere and anytime.
All is safe and appreciated when we learn we are crossing to the dark side of technology. Technology is a fantasy land for kids and they need to be educated about the dangers of overdoing technology. This scares me – what’s next.
The internet has been great for me . It has saved my family several hours of research when buying products. We even send each other birthday cards,anniversary cards, or just messages.
coming to Canada 5 years ago with my husband and kids, I never realized how much I was going to miss my mom. I used to fight with her ignore her wise comments and sometimes think she is being crazy but as my kids grow up, I find myself giving them same advice as my mom.and of course miss her more and more but thanks to online chatting nowadays i can talk to mom when ever i want and how ever long I want without worrying about high phone bills .Technology has reduced the gap between continents for me.
Being a stay at home mom running my own business as well as taking care of 2 kids can be hectic. I don’t have a lot of extra time to socialize with my friends and family so having my pc hooked up to wireless internet and using my email and internet access allows me to stay connected as well as making my business successful. I couldn’t do it without technology!
I was always close to my family as a child, but someting happened when I became a teenager….oh those hormonal teenage years!!
I suddenly became somewhat estranged from my dad and we did not speak for over 15 years…no big problems…just too proud to make up!
As I aged and became engaged to be married I realized that family is very important and that it would be a shame not to have grandparents around for future grandchildren. As it was very hard to reach out verbally to my dad, it was fairly easy to use the computer and technology to create a presentation/slideshow of my early years with my dad and our good times together.
It turned out great and it was definitely a walk down memory lane for myself and when I sent it to my dad it was a bridge that was re-built and it opened the lines of communication once again.
Now that I am the mother of 3 girls…I can already see that kids often seek independence and may rebel at their parents. I will work hard to not let history repeat itself.
I love using technology to make videos and photo memories of my kids and I hope that when they get older they will appreciate the memories too.
I would love a chance to win the Sony VAIO PC with a 24″ wide touch panel screen.
Living more than five hours and a ferry ride away from my grandchildren, technology allows me to see and talk with them using Windows MSN and Skype. Seeing them face to face allows them to see me and remember me so I am familiar to them when I do get a chance to visit. I also get to see accomplishments such as drawings from school and losing their first tooth.
Living more than five hours and a ferry ride away from my grandchildren, technology allows me to see and talk with them using Windows MSN and Skype. Seeing them face to face allows them to see me and remember me so I am familiar to them when I do get a chance to visit. I also get to see accomplishments such as drawings from school and losing their first tooth.
I’m from Nova Scotia but am now living in Ontario. I grew up in a loving, tight-knit family, sure we fought but we were always there for each other. When we had our daughter, it broke my heart that she wouldn’t be able to have that close connection with my parents and family that I shared so we started video chatting. I can also edit home videos of her and send them along with lots of photos to them. It makes me feel a bit better that she sees them and isn’t shy when they visit.
Oh, and my husband and I met on LavaLife in 2001. lol.
coming to Canada 5 years ago with my husband and kids, I never realized how much I was going to miss my mom. I used to fight with her ignore her wise comments and sometimes think she is being crazy but as my kids grow up, I find myself giving them same advice as my mom.and of course miss her more and more but thanks to online chatting nowadays i can talk to mom when ever i want and how ever long I want without worrying about high phone bills .Technology has reduced the gap between continents for me.
My in-laws live in Japan and they miss seeing their grandchildren grow up. My husband has set up Skype so that we can see each other on our computer screens and have a conversation. The long-distance fees are negligible so we don’t need to shorten our chats. Before this we used to time ourself on the phone and keep everything brief!
Technology has been my saviour for keeping in touch with my closest friends. One who lives in Belgium and has a 1year old. I’ve been able to watch her grow from birth and feel like I’m not missing it all. I also have a very close friend who is now in Europe and we are constantly e-mailing and Skyping to keep in touch. E-mail is fine but there is still nothing that replaces seeing someone’s face and expressions and technology has been able to give everyone that. Just being able to hear someone’s voice and see their smile makes the distance melt away and nothing can replace that!!
Our 12 year old son has a chromosome makeup that is unique to him. He is globally developmentally delayed and is also non-verbal. Technology has opened up a whole world of communication tools for him! We are so grateful to be able to communicate with our son, to watch him grow and thrive in a world that can finally understand what he is trying to say.
Technology has brought my teenage son & I closer together. Technology is how he & his friends communicate. They can make plans for getting together without the phone in my house ringing once. So connecting with him by text, e-mail or facebook helps keep us close and in touch. And, every once in awhile, some goofy thing he shows me on YouTube or some other site can lead to some quality time together, or some great discussions about choices, relationships, risk-taking, etc. Technology doesn’t replace our day to day relationship, but it certainly helps in bringing us & keeping us together.
The internet allowed my mother who was 84 when she died to keep in contact with me she in BC and I in QC. For years we wrote weekly but mail was another week before arriving. We bought mom a computer when she was 75 and then could talk to her daily or many times each day leaving messages. She became adapt at the computer and enjoyed it very much. Even being able to write to friends and family in other continents.
My husband works away from home, so he’s home half the time and away half the time. When he’s away, we text back and forth several times a day. It’s easier than calling, especially if it’s for something little like, “do you remember where ds left her glasses?” or “can you set a dentist appt for me?” My ten-year-old is teaching me some of the shorthand, so I can tell my husband I
Technology has allowed me to stay in touch with all my friends at any time of the day or night….no matter where they live! How great is that?
Technology brought my parents back home to me! My parents had moved two provinces away and were now of the verge of retiring. I really wanted them to move back to Sask. and be closer to family and friends. I told them about some really nice houses that I had gone to see and had taken pictures of. My dad who had a laptop but had barely turned it on, booted it up and via the telephone I managed to talk him ihru how to access his email account, how to open the email I sent, how to click on the pictures and how to view them in a slideshop. Well all the pictures enticed him to coming to see the house and within that week it, the house was purchased and now my parents live in the same small city as we do! Oh and now my dad ~ one year later has even shown me a few tricks on the computer! It has definately brought me alot closer to my parents and them alot closer to their grandchildren! Still waiting for that email dad! lol
Using technology such as email and facebook has allowed our family to easily get in contact with close family members overseas.
Technology has brought me closer to my cousins. We were close when we were younger but they moved away and we lost touch, until email, then facebook. Now we get to share pictures and things that are happening in our lives. We talk more often than if they lived close.
Well, I live in Toronto with my husband and son and the rest of the family lives in Spain, so yes, technology makes a great difference in our life! And I’m a career and life coach for scientists and talk to my clients via Skype too. And I’m a technology lover myself.
I met my partner online, we found our dream fixer-upper home online, I order perennials online, keep in touch with family and friends online, and so much more. I am a much rounded person because of modern technology.
Good Morning, thank you for modern technology. I, myself was fortunate to be able to have a computer in my home, older model mind you, but since being hurt on my job, and now on a disability, its hard to get around, so being able to sit in the comfort of my home, and talking to friends and family and being able to email them back and forth, its been a blessing. I can’t get to visit them since they live out of town, and I cant travel that far with my injury, I love receiving emails from them and keep in touch in our everyday lives so would love to be able to win this awesome prize your are giving away to one lucky URBANMOM:) thank you again for giving us an opportunity and luv the site. keep up the good work…barbara from cambridge, ontario
With technology I am able to keep in touch with my best friend from high school who lives in Florida. It has been over 30 years since we actually got together but technology has helped us stay in touch.
Technology is what keeps my existing relationships alive and allowed me to create new ones that never would have happened otherwise.
I have a one year old, a two year old, a full time career and a part time business. Without email and facebook many of my friendships would have fallen by the wayside by now. I just don’t have much time to sit and gab on the phone for 30-60minutes in the evening anymore and once my kids are sleeping and I have some time to myself, all i want to do is veg out and have some quiet. Technology has alowed me to keep in touch with lots of my friends in times when I just wouldn’t have picked up the phone to let them know what is going on.
Through Facebook I have been able to create relationships with family members in PEI that I have only met 2-3 times. I was also able to find an aunt that I’ve never met in person. My grandmother had a baby in her early teens that was given up for adoption, my dad had met her once when he was little but didn’t know much other than her first name and the province she lives in. She found one of my dad’s sisters online and we were all conected through Facebook. It has been amazing to learn things about my family members who I never get to see.
Technology is bringing me closer to my hubby right now. He is working in London (for 3 weeks now), and to beat the high cost of long distance land lines, and cell phones, he has a special number he can use through his computer and a headphone set to call me as though it were a local call. Usually, when he’s travelling on business, we limit our phone calls, but this new technology has allowed us to have chats every day. This is particularly nice for him, as he had hoped to fly home for a few days last weekend, and the Iceland volcano kyboshed that plan. He’s been feeling lonely, so the calls make it easier for him.
Technology has brought me closer to very distant family. Being in Canada most of my life with much of my family in South Africa makes it hard to keep in touch. Facebook has allowed me to ‘meet’ and keep in touch with distant relatives that I otherwise would not have the time or opportunity to interact with.
When my daughter was only four months old, my husband had to work out of town far away for four months, until we found a place where we could all be together. I also have two boys, so very busy. We used Skype on the computer, as not only is it free, but you also get to see the person on the computer. Well this was wonderful for our baby as she never “forgot” who her father was, and he could also see everyone. We talked every day and I would recommend it for anyone (but hopefully not being away for so long). It was a trying time, but Skype got us through it.
My family is spread out across the globe, and technology has brought us closer together. Before the days of the internet and Skype, facebook, e-mail, and webcams, I would go years without speaking to some of my relatives or friends because the long-distance phone bills were outrageous. Now with all the new technology, I can not only speak to all of my far-away family and friends, but see who I am speaking to via webcam, which makes them seem a lot closer to me, and for a fraction of the price.
My twin sister and I live 3000 miles apart. She lives on the west coast while I’m in the Maritimes. We keep in touch with email, photos and I often send her videos. With the help of computers, camera, webcams, and camcorders we try to bridge the distance that keeps us apart.
I had a four-month assignment overseas when I was pregnant with my son. My husband stayed behind, and we only saw each other three times over those months. Technology was essential! First, email was our primary form of communications – especially with a 12 hour time difference. Second, I followed a number of parent blogs (they were pretty new back then), and felt so connected to others going through the same changes as I was. And finally, I’ll never forget seeing the image of my son on an ultrasound in Tokyo — fortunately during one of my husband’s visits — and being able to share our news immediately with family via email and mobile phone.
Well, I live in Toronto with my husband and son and the rest of the family lives in Spain, so yes, technology makes a great difference in our life! And I’m a career and life coach for scientists and talk to my clients via Skype too. And I’m a technology lover myself.
My Aunts and Uncles – all in their late seventies or early eighties are on the net. We keep in touch on a weekly basis. Which simply wouldn’t happen otherwise. We are spread across Canada, so the net really helps everyone feel connected! Great contest – I would love to replace my dinosaur…I think it’s running on DOS…
My family and I don’t share the same city and my parents are old school when it comes to using the phone(it has to be after 6:00 and only for a short period of time!). Therefore my brother and I chipped in and got them a computer. They now email like crazy so I feel more connected. It’s too soon to introduce them to social networking sites, skype, or webcams but I’m sure, in time, they’ll be able to do that too. The possibilities for connecting via the internet continue to astound us all. I’m also in contact regularly with my friend who now lives in Amsterdam. We probably connect more now due to the internet than we did by phone when she lived closer.
For me, technology has brought with it an ease for connecting with others that I relish and enjoy.
Technology is bringing me closer to my hubby right now. He is working in London (for 3 weeks now), and to beat the high cost of long distance land lines, and cell phones, he has a special number he can use through his computer and a headphone set to call me as though it were a local call. Usually, when he’s travelling on business, we limit our phone calls, but this new technology has allowed us to have chats every day. This is particularly nice for him, as he had hoped to fly home for a few days last weekend, and the Iceland volcano kyboshed that plan. He’s been feeling lonely, so the calls make it easier for him.
There are several ways that technology enhances my relationships…
1. With my kids – since teenagers are so into the facebook, texting etc. I use it to keep in touch with them throughout the day, send an I love you (ilu) message throughout the day, wish them luck on a test or say – hey want me to pick you up for lunch today? I also keep loose tabs on what they are up to and the things they are experiencing through their facebook posts. I can start conversations with them about topics that I may not otherwise be aware of and show them with real life examples of how certain things are perceived such as facebook fights or public cursing making someone look trashy versus classy or how a kind comment can brighten someone’s day.
2. With my family – I have a very large extended family of aunts, uncles, cousins, and their children. Since we typically only get to see each other a few times a year as a group, it’s nice to be able to see photos of them and share in their special events throughout the year and send them congrats or hellos once in a while.
3. With my fiancee – First off, we met online. He lives only 20 min away, but I am in Canada and he is in the US and our situation is such that neither one of us can move right now (my kids, his elderly mom), so we see each other once or twice a week and weekends and keep in touch outside of that through video chat.
I keep up with the majority of my friend throughout the province on a weekly basis through little facebook & e-mail messages. It’s so much fun & a big part of my life.
My Aunts and Uncles – all in their late seventies or early eighties are on the net. We keep in touch on a weekly basis. Which simply wouldn’t happen otherwise. We are spread across Canada, so the net really helps everyone feel connected! Great contest – I would love to replace my dinosaur…I think it’s running on DOS…
My twin sister and I are 3,000 miles apart. I’m on the east coast and she’s on the west coast. We connect by email and photos and I often send her videos. With our computers, cameras, webcams and camcorders we try to bridge the distance.
Technology has brought me closer to friends that I have lost touch with over the years and those that I would not be able to see because of distance. More importantly, technology is the reason I have the job that I have today. I work for a well known computer company in North Carolina but I live in Virginia. I work remotely. If it werent for technology I wouldnt have this job and being a single mother of 2 kids (14 months/boy and 10 years old/girl) this job allows me to be able to be home for my kids when they need me and I dont have to take off work like I would have to with a traditional job. I can still care for my kids and get paid too. I LOVE technology!!
I have been sick for 7 years now and bedridden for most of that time, and thank goodness for technology as it is the way I contact my care giver and best friend.We both use text and picture messages to contact each other and some days when I am to sick to go to the nearest internet cafe for a computer ,I have a smart phone that lets me do everything from the comfort of my bed while I am uncomfortable with this sickness.So thank goodness for technology it is truly a lifesaver.
I probably wouldn’t have ended up with my husband if it wasn’t for technology! We met many years ago, but ended up getting back in touch over Msn Messenger. We hadn’t spoken in about 8 years and we had no idea where the other one was. We started chatting online and eventually ended up together! We’ve been together 6 years now π
My best friend lives in Atlanta, Georgia. She and I have been best friends since grade 11. Since we graduated highschool (which was a REALLY long time ago), we have both moved around a lot. I got married and moved to Nova Scotia (she and I were both located in Ontario). When I live in NS, I had a really rotten marriage. I had a husband that treated me like garbage and was not the most faithful of people. She and I were both busy, but because we were able to communicate with each other via email or msn, it made life much more pleasant. While I was in NS, she moved to Georgia, got married and had a child. I didn’t get to see her or her family because she would visit her parents who lived in ON once a year and neither of us were able to get together. we shared all kinds of emails, photo’s, videos online for us to keep in touch. I’ve since moved back to ON and it makes things much easier. However, we still communicate via technology. I also talk with her family to keep in touch. We’re all on each other’s Facebook pages and we share everything. We use technology to plan events, usually at my house so all of our friends can get together once a year so we can all see her. If it wasn’t for technology, we would not have been able to talk and share our lives nearly as much as we do now.
When I started trying to economize, use coupons etc. I searched online for tips. I met a wonderful, friendly group of people who give each other tips, links and advice. It’s blossomed into true friendships and considering we are spread out across Canada, without the Internet I would never have met any of them.
My best friend lives in Atlanta, Georgia. She and I have been best friends since grade 11. Since we graduated highschool (which was a REALLY long time ago), we have both moved around a lot. I got married and moved to Nova Scotia (she and I were both located in Ontario). When I live in NS, I had a really rotten marriage. I had a husband that treated me like garbage and was not the most faithful of people. She and I were both busy, but because we were able to communicate with each other via email or msn, it made life much more pleasant. While I was in NS, she moved to Georgia, got married and had a child. I didn’t get to see her or her family because she would visit her parents who lived in ON once a year and neither of us were able to get together. we shared all kinds of emails, photo’s, videos online for us to keep in touch. I’ve since moved back to ON and it makes things much easier. However, we still communicate via technology. I also talk with her family to keep in touch. We’re all on each other’s Facebook pages and we share everything. We use technology to plan events, usually at my house so all of our friends can get together once a year so we can all see her. If it wasn’t for technology, we would not have been able to talk and share our lives nearly as much as we do now.
My best friend moved to the west coast and we use email and IM to talk everyday. Also allows me to stay in touch with relatives that live in the US. And youtube has opened a whole other way to almost be there by being able to share videos
I am constantly amazed at how easy it has become to interact with people all over the world. I use many social networking sites to keep in contact with friends who have moved out of the provence and country.
It is so nice to know that even though they are far from home we can still talk, laugh and support each other.
I keep in touch with family members all across this vast country of ours through the internet.
Sharing funny emails and videos with the girls at work has given us something in common and created friendships for this normally shy girl (me:)
I’ve reconnected with an old childhood friend that I hadn’t seen in 15+ years and now our kids play together and my daughter goes to her sister-in-laws for daycare where she and I used to play as kids ourselves (her brother lives on their family farm now). I owe this entirely to the internet and facebook! I agree that it can suck us in for hours but I think as much or more good comes from it than harm.
I’m homeschooling my son and online support groups and blogs have helped me to meet so many great homeschoolers from all over the world. We’ve met friends online who have since become great real-life friends, and the information and support I get from the online community is amazing. I can’t imagine following this path without technology.
With technology I am able to stay connected with my relatives all over the world, including Ireland, PEI, USA, etc, as well as my nieces and nephews who are in University. It is a great way to stay in touch and feel connected with family and friends. I would be lost without it! Thanks
Learning to use the computer has really enriched my life
Just last night I spoke for an hour with my old friend Tracy that I haven’t spoken to in 15 years. I searched for and found her on Facebook and now I am thinking about going to visit her. She is now a teacher in Florida – how cool!
Ten years ago I worked overseas on cruise ships around the world and it wasn’t easy to call home due to time differences. Finding internet cafes in countries around the world was challenging but allowed me to keep in touch with family members. It was an extra bonus when I was able to get online when they were on and we could chat on MSN. The technology today is so much better but I loved what was available then to keep me in touch with my family.
With technology I was able to reconnect with friend from gradeschool that I haven’t seen or heard from in years. It’s also a great way to stay in touch with extended family more than the 3 times a year we get together.
The internet has literally changed my life in so many ways. I met my husband online back in 1999…we found our home online, we’ve found our jobs online, we stay in touch with family and friends who are spread out around the world and it has allowed me to connect to people I’d never otherwise be able to meet just because of our differences in geographic location. The internet has literally opened the world to everyone.
My daughter moved to London England in the last year and after the first month the long distance bills began to rack up! We discovered skype and now we chat every couple of days on this this and see each other with our web cams. We are so grateful for this technology that keeps us connected.
I am an avid facebook user and love how I was able to locate old school friends and now we can help each other with parenting and grandparenting skills, what did I ever do before ………………….
My husband and son are on the road quite a bit. Thanks to cell phones and iPod Touch we are able to keep in touch. So even though the miles between us can be considerable, we can still talk as if we are in the next room.
Facebook helps keep in touch with friends and family who live far away. All those pictures posted on Facebook are a wonderful way of keeping us close.
I am finding family and friends who I haven’t talked to in years.
I think Facebook had definitely brought our family closer, especially to family members who live far away. It’s great to be able to keep up with far-flung aunts, uncles and cousins.
Technology has brought me closer to so many people recently. Just last week I made contact with some long lost family from my husband’s side of the family in Spain. Sometimes it takes the new generation to make these wonderful connections!
My Mom and Dad are in their 70’s and have never had a computer. I think my Mom would like to work on one, even if it was just to play games. Technology is awesome, how one can connect with family and friends.
Have caught up with all of my old high school friends and am planning a big reunion together, all through email!
I have lived away from family for over 18 years. Technology has allowed me to experience all the special moments- births, graduations,weddings by viewing photos in real time. next best thing to being there.
While I haven’t yet convinced my parents to get a computer & get online, I am able to send my digital photos to their local photo lab, prepay for them, and then all they have to do is pick them up!
I use it to keep in touch with my family. We’re often too busy for phone calls, but a quick message helps us stay close and involved in each others lives.
I use it to keep in touch with our family in England. It is great to stay in touch and keep up to date on everyone.
I use technology to keep in touch with my family throughout Canada. It’s wonderful to have contact with them with just a few clicks of a mouse.
I use technology to keep in touch with my Sister in B.C. With the 3 hour time difference, it is difficult to time phone calls. Email and Webcams are terrific.
I got to know YOU online and share our grief in losing parents. I depend on it for organizing playdates and the busy life that comes with four boys.
Our family is fairly spread out. My father in in Rhode Island, my sister in lower New York State, my brother in Scottsdale Arizona. Technology lets us email, share photos, video chat and even share gift wish lists for birthdays.
On Facebook I have connected with old high school and college friends who I had not seen or heard from in decades. So lovely to be able to see how gracefully we have all aged and how wonderful the younguns are doing!
I do think it has been a positive in our lives, but you do have to be mindful not to get too addicted to games like “Bejeweled”!
We have family in Europe that we haven’t seen in years. Its so nice to be able to keep in touch with them over the internet.
Wow! Amazing giveaway! Thank you so much for even having a giveaway like this! How has technology brought me closer to someone? Well, I have friends and family near (and far) and using something like email or Facebook to keep in touch is amazing. You get to see pictures and chat with them and all that! It’s way better than chatting on the phone (sometimes) because you get a chance to see everything! Along with the occasional use of a webcam, technology has allowed me to communicate with family and friends and keep in touch. Yay!
I keep in touch with friends and family who are far away through facebook. We would never write each other letters, so this bit of technology helps us keep in touch. And also I get to see their family pics when I feel like it, don’t have to sit through a slide show!
Without technology I would certainly not be able to keep in touch wih my grandchildren and children as often as I do now. When anything happens in their lives I now “hear” about it immediately! Wonderful!
Technology had let me reach out and speak with others about my daughters illness. It has been a godsend. Without it I still be would be asking the questions and now I can move forward and help her get better
Technology has brought me closer to not just someone but to so many as friends and family and even people i did not know before that i might kind of know now as it is either from facebook to twitter to blogs and other types of groups on the internet.
How technology has changed our lives. In someways it is easier to contact people with email and so on.
From a quick hello or to a long letter we have the choice to do so with the technology that is out there.
I am sure there will be more changes in the future to better our technology lives or confuse us. π π
Thank you for such a great giveaway
Technology lets me keep in touch with my son who spends a lot of time travelling in hard to contact places.
I have to travel quite often. The technological age has made it possible to stay in touch with family and friends as I travel. I am able to talk to them via email, chat and can even see them when we use Skype. I would really be lost without my laptop!
OMG, I love technology, especially since I have become a Mom. Any parent knows how crazy life becomes when you get one of those creatures (sorry my little one kept me up all night, sort of grouchy towards him) thanks to technology I can still keep in touch with those that I may have otherwise lost contact with. I work Full Time and am a Wife and Mother to 2 beautiful boys (3 if you count the hubby), It’s hard to make time for one and one interaction with friends and family but thanks to email, twitter, facebook, etc I can keep up to date with those I care about. Plus I can bitch at 2am in the morning with another mom half way across the world about those “little buggers” who have woken us up and now we cannot get back to sleep.
I have also found some incredible friends thanks to social networks, blogs and twitter. They are all over the world and I think it really fosters good relations between different countries. I used to make tons of jokes about Americans, but now that I have so many american pals, I just cannot do it. We may not have met in person but we still have an emotional connection. Also one of my closest friends I have actually never met. She lives in England and we met — sorry a little embarrassed about this one – through a Due South Fan Club ( I know can you say geek). That was about 12 years ago and we are still close (and btw, Due South, rarely comes up into conversation) and have many wonderful conversation through “evil technology”
And finally I men Jen Maier through Technology, so it cannot be all bad ; )
My best friend is across the country so we stay in touch through email and the computer. Don’t know what I’d do without it.
When I found myself in a rocky marriage with a brand new baby in a province where I didn’t know anyone, it was the i-net that kept me connected to the outside world. If it wasn’t for my online friends I don’t know if I would have survived! 11 years later we are still very close….. Thanks now to Facebook! π
After my dad passed away about a year ago, I started to connect and find new family members. Via FB and the internet.I found many, many cousins I never ever met. Now I keep in touch everyday and hopefully some day go and visit them. I am on the east coast and they on the west coast. Technology is wonderful.
I’m with you, Jen. I love social media and rely on my online friends a lot. I also rely on technology to keep me in touch with loved ones who live far away.
New innovations always bring some fear to a certain kind of person. Back in the days of Henry VIII people were burned at the stake for reading the Bible in English. Even today in some countries, women are not allowed to read. Why? Communication and the written word are POWERFUL tools. Finding new ways to wield that tool is frightening to some people.
There’s a story there, Natalie π
Technology has brought me closer to my family. With relatives in the United States and in various places in Ontario, getting together in person might be sporadic, but with the help of things like Facebook, Twitter, IMs with webcams all help to keep us connected.
I have made some incredible friend through FB and my daughter can video talk to my inlaws overseas!
I met my husband online! True story π