What is it about summer? The heat? The freedom? The long days? I’m not sure but it always screams romance. Think of the movies that are all based around the summer loves….
- Summer of ’42
- Summer Lovers
- Grease
- The Notebook
- Dirty Dancing
- A Walk to Remember (soooob)
- 500 Days of Summer
- A Walk on the Moon
- Say Anything
And okay…my number one? Stealing Home with Jodie Foster. Haven’t seen it? Go watch it.
[youtube id=”k-DXaFDWof8″]
There’s just something about love in the summer. Today, I read this article in the NY Times. Go on. Read it. I’ll wait. They had met in the summer. 35 years previously. Cue to present day. Early 60’s. He is widowed. She is divorced. Both thought they would never fall in love again but both remembered each other. Cue the tears because yes, they married in early August. It’s never too late for love!
The story reminded me of my own past summer loves. Sweet. Short. Memorable. My first love in high school was a summer one. Seventeen. The best part is, I can only remember the good parts about it now. I also remember a couple of years earlier, the first real kiss I got from someone that I liked. It was on the porch at my best friend’s cottage. I waited forever for that kiss and I thought I’d pass out from that two seconds it lasted. The memories are SO vivid to me! There was summer heartbreak too. Working and living at a resort in the summer will do that to a girl. But heartbreak has to start somewhere awesome and those summer loves absolutely did.
You just don’t get the same fuzzies from muddy Spring love, do you? Are there movies about falling in love in the winter? Nope. Okay, I’ll give you that the Fall brings about it’s share of romantic tales but they’re likely just Indian Summer ones, right?
Tell me about your great summer love!
Tell me about YOUR great summer love. I know you have one and that Times article has me in the mood to hear some more romantic tales.
As for me? This summer, I’m just loving my bitches and my kid. But I still have a month left right?
- Boy love
- Legs…for mom and the boy
- Best hug ever
- Chick love with Susannah
- and Jod
- and the Grumbler
- and the Fink
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