So you know I have been split for 6 years, right? Well my thoughts on dating have run the gamut from no interest (actually I don’t ever recall that, come to think of it), no time, gotta hide it from my kids, gotta be open with it with my kids, gotta be a bit private, gotta pull back, push forward, stop, start, talk to strangers, go on blind dates, reach out, say hello, and kiss on my couch like a teenager and then go to parent teacher meetings like a mom.
But regardles of my ups and downs, I always think about the wheel.
The wheel looks like this optimally but for goodness sakes we all know that the wheel of life is always off kilter. It can look like either of these or any combination
But to get your life to roll like a wheel with some smoothness and glide we need to have activity in every area
and that balance of activity means – momma’s gotta date
I can’t just be mom, provider, nurturer , small business owner, running partner, friend, daughter, mentor, mentee,
I need the whole enchilada in life. Isn’t everything like a muscle; if we don’t use it we lose it?
Besides, driving like this is terribly unsafe
well said Leslie, you poet!
You go sister!! Keep your eyes, ears and sense of touch open……who knows what will balance that wheel in the end. And I say enjoy the bumps along the way!!!!
that tire looks like my part of the love life circle….:)
Know anyone? oh no wait…