We are all told to not sweat the small stuff. After all, it is meaningless in the grand scheme of things.
I am not very good at this. I seem to sweat all the time.
A month ago I got a speeding ticket with 4 demerit points and another thing related to my stupidity and impatience on the part of the extremely uncharitable officer. A few hundred dollars later, a few afternoons at the courthouse and I subsequently had it reduced to $60
Last week I backed into a car in a parking lot. It was a really nice brand new car. #$%^&. We were there buying Harvey’s burgers. Those burgers did not taste like they were worth $750.
I beat myself up over these mistakes as I do over anything that unnecessarily costs me time and money- neither of which I have in abundance. I keep saying to myself it has been 30 years since I have had a speeding ticket or hit anyone. That is only pennies a day.
I have often thought it would be so great to have enough money that I could laugh about this stuff. Rather than cry.
You know, if I had “so what money”
My friend, two times in a few weeks, backed into a car while she was coming out of her own driveway, had a reaction that was so foreign to me.
She smiled and said as if in quiet meditation ” I think I need a smaller car”
That’s it?
I want to be like that
Maybe this mentality has less to do with how much money you have and more to do with how you forgive yourself?
I am terrible at forgiving myself. You?
did you have to bring up the tax man? ouch
I’m glad to know someone else is living my life. I hit someone the other day then got a $50 parking ticket for being 4 minutes late to the meter. I still have to fight the accident ticket so wish me luck. Just finished paying the tax man off and wonder when will it all end? They say s&”t happens in threes so I hope the worst is over.
I have to admit I handled the accident well. But now live in fear I will do it again and my insurance will cost more then my mortgage.
I keep telling myself not to stress. Enjoy my life and my family. My greatest advise to people is “you can make more money but you can’t make more time”. I wish I could practice what I preach.
yes jules- I wear myself out with the never forgetting my mistakes. boo hoo
Leslie! Hold onto the man that holds his tongue! I am impressed!
yes lesson learned but ouch
i think i one has “so what” money then they become more careless sometimes! i have this great gift for never forgetting anything…which is a crappy gift when one likes to beat oneself up over stoopid stuff. then, maybe i do need “so what” money to take myself out for a gigantic coffee and forgive myself 🙂
Nancy, you are living my life…for starters I too just had a speeding ticket, but no such luck with any reduction…I have spent more money then you want to know for off leash dog tickets (and perhaps the occassional #$%$ word) but the best was my $2200 Christmas present as I backed into my neighbours (yes I said neighbours) car rushing to the boxing day sales!! Merry @#$& Christmas!!! Greg, never said a word!!!!
I used to get very upset but see it as a lesson learned. Whether it’s learning where that cop usually hides or that maybe I should slow down. Lol. Honor the feeling of initial anger and then realize there isn’t much more you can do about it the situation… That’s the way I see it at least!