Sometimes women say “it is all about my kids” and they live and breathe for only them.
Here is the thing- while I love my children so much it almost breaks my heart- I have only them right now- ok ok I also have more wonderful friends than I even have time to see, an amazing and supportive and loving extended family, way too many interests, full time work that I love and even a really nice man that I date
I am a little afraid at times- when I let myself go there – that those kids of mine will move on – as they are supposed to– and I will be alone
I can’t imagine ever being desperate or sad – my life will always be good- but what if everyone forgets about me
what if I spend my days and nights with dozens of cats and a room dedicated to a collection of elastic bands and newspaper clippings
I need to deposit into my emotional savings plan now. This is why it can’t only be about my kids all the time
If I don’t put into it now when it counts, there will be no reserve for later.
oh I am so glad. It helps to know you are not alone.
Hi Nancy- How could know and describe EXACTLY what I am feeling?!