I have been married for 13+ years and, in total, my husband and I have been together for over 17. That is a long time. Plus, of those 13 years we have been parents for 10 of them. With two busy kids, running my own business, and the past year caring for my mom, we have had barely a moment alone together.
Last week we were lucky enough to be invited to stay for 5 days at Sandals in Montego Bay, Jamaica. Just the two of us for five whole days at a couples only resort and I have to say I was more than curious to see whether we would still feel connected after all this time.
Well let me tell you, it was a dream. Five glorious days of sun, fun, and relaxation. We were pampered in the Bay Roc Honeymoon suites, napped by the ocean on a double lounge chair and arrived back in our room each afternoon to the big soaker tub drawn with a bubble bath, decorated with flower petals and a bottle of champagne cooling at its side. We dined by candle light sipping wine and danced on the beach.
But truly the best part was uninterrupted conversation. We talked about tons of stuff or nothing at all. However, carpooling, bill payments, and hockey logistics never entered our minds. No one demanded our attention and we could take a break from being “Mommy and Daddy” for a few days and just be us. It was truly a gift.
Check out my review of Sandals Montego Bay here.
jen, it sounds divine. i’m so happy for you that you had this time with your husband.
Can you see how green I am turning???!!
I’m happy for your time away with your hubby, I’ll have to get what ever conversations I can in on the drive to Ottawa with 2 (hopefully sleeping) kids in the back….the beach and that hot tub would be so much better!!! Did I say I’m jealous???
You are SO right, Julie. I totally felt that way and I didn’t even realize how badly I needed it. I would LOVE to give one away…you never know!
i actually started tearing up looking at your picture. you look utterly relaxed, free (of stress, of kids) in the moment. no cares, just hanging out with the love of your life. when i look at pictures of me i see that glint in my eye like i have to do something “over there” “get that” “i forgot…”
i want that look! that look of “i have nothing spinning in my head”. i wish you had one of those to give away! 🙂
Sounds wonderful Jen.