1. Thou shalt not post photos thinner or younger than thou art
2. Thou shalt not believe everything thou seeth or readeth
3. Thou shalt not include pictures with large stuffed animals, lizards, thine mother, thou wearing clown’s nose or posing with life size Disney characters.
4. When thou seeth nice piece of delicious meat, thou shalt not engage overly in online conversation before meeting. This canst lead to great expections and greater disappointments (due to reasons listed here) .
5. Thou shalt not overshare at the start. This appeareth needy, spooky and creates false intimacy.
6. Thou shalt not give out personal details
8. Thou shalt not invent degrees, lifestyles, measurements or hobbies that don’t really exist
9. Thou shalt push for face time if there is interest as much is evident in the real world and the light of day
10 If someone says thou art pretty, sexy, hot or fabulous or someone says ‘no thanks’ thou wast you before and after either of these scenarios and thou shalt not be in any way brought down or up by the kindness (or cruelty) of people you have never laid eyes on.
(I know I said 10 but really there is so much material here)
11. Thou shalt approach said activity with humour, humility and kindness remembering what it is and what it will not replace but how it might serve you if the planets align.
12. Go forth slow, easy, remembering thine head whilst opening thine heart.
need details, please
thou shall note converse with someone under half your age plus seven. Unless he’s really hot?
thou, of all people, hast nothing to share?
so so so funny