My friend Karen and I decided that a trip across the border was in order to pick up the sunscreen we need for our kids (I specifically need it for Eva’s manny, she needs it for her kids uber sensitive skin). Last year it was available in Canada, but they no longer distribute it here. What a great excuse to spend a day at Target and the outlet mall.
We left at 11am expecting to get there around 1pm. Two hours is the usual…and it was until we got closer to the border. Apparently we chose the same bridge as everyone else wrong bridge and ended up sitting in this for 2.5 hours:

Ummm…am I the only one wondering if they hire customs officers based on their arrogance and their ability to be smug? Seriously – I have yet to cross over without a d-bag sending us through.
But we made it through and got to Target around 4pm. Spent a few hours there then went to the outlet until it closed. We finally got home around 11:30pm. Sooo worth it!
Today we spent the morning at the ice rink for Cam’s hockey and the afternoon at the Victoria Day fair.
Three years ago Cuyler would not go on a ride. Had no interest in the fair and was overwhelmed by it all. Wanted nothing to do with it. Now? He can’t get enough and wants to go on all the rides. I think a trip (or several) to Wonderland is in order this year!
Even Eva is turning into a daredevil:
It’s another one of those instances where we felt like a “normal” family. Everybody enjoying the same thing with each other. It was great!

Unfortunately they have changed the way they are running the fair this year. The midway is half the size it usually is. Instead they are putting more money into fireworks. So there will be fireworks THREE NIGHTS IN A ROW. Not good for Cuyler. Does anybody else’s kids hate fireworks this much?? This is how he has spent the last 2 nights (and very likely tomorrow as well):

We couldn’t have had better long weekend weather. That means barbecuing most of our meals. I just have to say how very much I am enjoying these new sliders from Presidents Choice. They even sell matching buns! My kids love them and they are gluten and casein free (not the buns) – good for Cuyler!
Aside from the 6.5 hours spent in the car to and from the States and the fireworks – it’s been a pretty fantastic weekend.
And there’s still one day left!