The other day I was talking to a friend about Cuylers interest in the move Toy Story 3. I remember telling her “He really likes Toy Story 3”
It was the first time in a very long time that I have not used the term obsessed.
Because he is not.
Not too long ago he would obsess over a certain character or show. It was The Wiggles then Thomas & Friends then Franklin…
He was never interested in movies. They were too long and his attention span was that of a fly.
And around the time that he started showing a real interest in art and drawing he also started showing an interest in movies. And not just one.
(Cuyler took this pic)
(Cuyler drew this “movie poster”)
He has also been enjoying Wall-E, Atlantis, Up and Planet 51 (that’s probably his fave right now).
It has been incredible. For so many years he has been in such a static pattern where he can’t open up and branch out of one thing.
And it would be one thing over and over. And over.
Now? Sean takes him to Rogers video and Cuyler chooses a movie. A different one each time. Another “normal” family thing we can add to our list. Something we recognize and appreciate.
For him to have several interests at one time makes me think we’re doing something right and that he has a had a shift in something neurologically.
It’s like he is very slowly coming out of a part of toddlerhood that he got stuck in.
(Temper tantums – please be next on the list to go. Please.)
Around the art…everyday I find pieces of his art around the house. I’ve blogged about the pigeon. I found this a while ago – I was pretty impressed:

He drew a “Robin in the Rain” and tried putting the lyrics to the song.
Soch of fallow = Such a lovely fellow
RunnG ture your Garrdon = running through your garden
RunnG ture your Garrdon = running through your garden
lonG Ston Beek = long string beak
Not bad for a kid who couldn’t hold a pencil last summer.
It amazes us to see all of these wonderful skills and interests emerging from him.
Here we go again – celebrating the small things.
(But these things ain’t so small!!)
clapping and crying!!!!!!!!! woohoooooooooo